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---Time skip---

I've been living in the underground for almost 3 years now. Being happily married, and Sans and Papyrus now being my real sons. (BF/N) have sent me letters, and small gifts. Dropping them down the hole, where I fell. Too bad that I can't reply to anything. A human soul, isn't strong enough to pass on its own. It takes a human soul, and a monster soul, meaning I would have to kill someone, just for me to be able to get back to the surface. I wouldn't be able to. I get back to the surface, yes, but is it really worth it? I was walking down the stairs, with some documents. PJ has gotten a new daycare, and I am an employee there. Even if I don't have that much experience with kids, except for Frisk, and with Sans and Papyrus, he still thought I'd do a great job. So, I decided to give it a go. There is something that I've been concerned for. The cracks on Gasters skull, have been expanding recently.

I packed the necessary things I need, put on my boots and coat, then headed into town. It's soon time for the sugar skull festival, or the day of the dead. People are decorating the town for it, and for Halloween. I reached the daycare, and went into the office to put away my things. I went to the main room, to be greeted by PJ. "Morning (Y/N)" he said. "Morning" I answered. And went to prepare some breakfast before the early kids arrive. While in the kitchen I felt a light tug on my pant leg. I looked down, seeing a small, light-gray skeleton. With blue irises, with red rings around them. They had white streaks from their eyes. And was wearing a white, knitted turtle-neck, that looks a little too big for them. With black pants. They were looking up at me, with absolutely adorable eyes, holding the collar of the turtle neck up to their face. "Hello, little one" I said, crouching down to their level. Seeing it's a little boy, now that I'm closer. "You must be new here" I said, and the small one nodded. "I-I got here a couple days ago. But I haven't s-seen you here" they said, with the most adorable voice possible. "I had a little break. I hope that you like it here" I said, raising from my crouched position. "C-could I have something to eat? I haven't had anything yet. And I got here a couple hours ago" He asked. "Of course, as long as you eat a proper breakfast" I said, rummaging through the cupboards. Getting a chocolate chip cookie. "Here, you go" I said, handing it to him. "Thank you miss" he said. "You can call me (Y/N), and what's your name?" I asked. "I'm Chrome" he answered. He took a step backwards, and jumped up to sit on the counter. How he managed with that, I have no idea. I turned back to prepare for breakfast, and then got the things to the dining table, Chrome helping me when he finished his cookie. We finished, and I was about to go and tell PJ, when he entered the room. "I see that you've met Chrome" He said, carrying a box. "Yeah" I went up to him looking back at Chrome, who's sitting on the fluffy carpet... crocheting? "He's pretty smart for his age, isn't he?" I asked. "Yeah, his father is a god after all" PJ answered. "So, who are the parents?" I asked. "It's Error and Blue" PJ answered. "Error being the father, and Blue the mother" He continued. "Wait, but I thought Blue was a dude" I said. "He is" PJ answered. My mind is melting. "Wah..." was what I could say at the moment. "Monsters are different from humans, you know? If we don't have any, physical, genetalia, it doesn't really matter if both are of the same gender. I thought you knew that already" he stated. "Whelp. Even two guys can get a child. While I still can't" I sighed.

Soon enough, the early kids arrived. I helped them get to their places, and served them their sandwiches. "Hey, PJ? Where's Goth? He's supposed to be here, right?" I asked. He hummed, and turned to me. "He's not here?" He asked back. "No" I answered, shaking my head. "He should be here by now... why don't you go see if he's on his way? If not I'll contact Geno" PJ said. I nodded, put on my boots, leaving my coat. I went outside into the freezing air of Snowdin. I've been getting used to the cold, and don't shutter as much. I walked up to the gate, looking around. Hearing the crashing sound of the river, that runs a few meters away. I didn't see any one. I was about to head back inside when I heard a scream. I whipped my head towards it. Towards the river. I saw a white speck, holding onto a branch. I took off my boots, sweater. Sprinting to the river, and diving into the ice-cold water.


It's been some time since (Y/N) went outside. The kids are going outside to play, so I could check on her then. I have called Geno about Goth, he said Goth would be here soon.

We all got outside, and I saw her belongings by the gate. I went up to the gate, to see if she was anywhere. "What happened here?" I heard someone say. I looked to my side, seeing the royal scientist. "Good morning, sir. And I don't know-" I was cut off. "PJ!" I heard (Y/N) scream my name. I looked to where I heard it, seeing her in the river. Swimming against the current. The ledges being too high to reach for her. Me and Gaster ran to the river, and onto the bridge. She was close, but yet so far. I reached into my pocket and called Geno, again. He answered shortly after the first beep. "Yeah, we found Goth..."

Your POV

I kept fighting against the current, while still holding the small child above the surface. I couldn't feel my body, from being in the icy water, but I kept on fighting. Once I got close enough, I told Goth to take a deep breath. I dove into the water, reaching the bottom of the river, pressing with my legs, to jump out of the water, to reach the edge of the bridge. I landed on it, with my legs still in the water, and the kid in front of me. He crawled a bit forward, giving me space to climb up. I was panting from the work out. Feeling something soft being put over me. Seeing PJ, putting a blanket over me, and helping me up. He let go of me, and I felt someone crashing into me, for a hug. Gaster. I snuggled into the warmth, of his lab coat, which he had put around me. I heard fast footsteps. "Where is he??" someone asked, short of breath. I heard them running up on the bridge. I looked to my side seeing Geno, with Reaper floating beside him, both with concerned looks. Geno stopping by the Goth, hugging him. "Thank god, you're okay!" he said, relieved, kissing the top of the child's head. Geno stood up again, carrying Goth. Reaper floated to them, landing beside them, with the bottom his scythe resting on the wooden planks. I walked up to them, Gaster hugging me from behind when I stopped moving. "Thank you (Y/N). We really owe you one" Reaper said, seeing me soaked from the icy water from the river. "Don't worry about it guys, I-" I started. "No, really. You were on the verge of freezing to death in there. The least we could do, is to repay you" Reaper cut me off. "(Y/N)... why don't you stay home for today, you deserve it, for your heroic act" PJ said, approaching from behind the small family. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Don't worry about me, I'll be able to handle it. Besides, I now have another story to tell the children" he said with a smile. I smiled back at him. "Alright, I'll see you soon" I said. Gaster picked me up, carrying me bridal style. Using his magic to carry my belongings. PJ getting my coat from inside, and putting it over me. And we went back home.

Once home, I was put onto the couch, with a fluffy (F/C) blanket. I decided to take a nap, while Gaster went to work in his lab.

Another branching of the story.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now