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The next morning, I woke up early. Earlier than Papyrus even. So, it's quiet in the house. I went to get my clothes from the dryer, only wearing my undergarment. I got them, still warm and snuggly, put on my (2nd/F/C) pants and went back to my room. Still being shirtless, I realized I should have put the shirt on. Cause of course, Gaster just had to be in the living room, doing science. And me being the Baka I am, tried sneaking past, for him to not see me, instead of putting on my shirt. I got up the stairs, the boards squeaking, making me stop. He seems to be caught up with his project. I sighed in relief, and continued up the stairs. I managed to make it to my room unnoticed. I put the shirt on my dresser, and stretched. I heard a knock on my door, and it opened. "(Y/N)? You're up earl-" Gaster cut himself off when he saw me, shirtless, and blushed. My back facing him, looking over my shoulder. Please don't notice the marks. "I could ask you the same. And how long did you plan to stand there?" He snapped out of his trance, apologizing, but was cut off again by himself. "What? You look like you've seen a ghost" I saw him getting closer, and touch my back. "What are these from?" Of course he had to notice. "I-uh, told you about that my parents disowned me, Frisk, and Chara. Well... They weren't our biological parents, and me, Frisk, and Chara, aren't biological siblings. We were put up for adoption. But... my real parents, were abusive with me, and left these scars on me from... whipping me, to teach me a lesson when I did the slightest mistake" I let the tears I was holding in, run down my cheeks, and my eyes turn blue. "I was taken away from them, once our neighbor noticed... but these scars will not heal... But I should be proud of them, not mourn over them, since it is proof that I survived" I reached for my shirt on the dresser, and put it on. "I'm not one to really be given pity for something that's happened... I usually pull through by myself... I'm just... not used for people to care, to be sorry for me. Or even showing me mercy, except for Frisk... and Chara when they were still alive" I could feel him pull me into a tight hug, and I wrapped my arms around him with the same force ((Wat?... Use the force (Y/N). Sorry not sorry)) "Everyone deserves to be spared. Everyone deserves Mercy, even if they are the worst person you know. But you shouldn't stoop to their level for not giving them Mercy, when they need it" He said. "Yeah, but some people just don't know how to show, even the smallest amount. Humans today are just power hungry. They would do anything, to have the upper hand... even if it meant scarring others for life" I said. "But I'm not like that, I know how to be kind. I know what people want. They want you to be nice to them, but they just don't know how to be nice back" I continued. "The Surface is a cruel place... no one is loved, and no one knows how to show it either. They're afraid to be seen weak. When monsters were still there, the world was a better place. As Asriel once said, before he disappeared, Monsters are made to love, and Humans to receive that love. And without monsters, no one knows true love, only true L.O.V.E... where I am going with this is... the world has only gotten worse, ever since you monsters were trapped underground. In the past, it was already bad... it is worse now, and everyone is offended, by everything. Say, or do, the wrong thing, and it might get you killed" I finished. Gaster stayed silent. "We should get ready for the evening. Even if it is 6.30AM" I said, pulling away from the hug. "I don't really talk about my past that much" I said, going to get my phone on my bed side table. I saw that I've got messages from (BF/N), and turned off the screen again. I went past Gaster, giving him a kiss on the cheek and heading down to the kitchen. I was making some breakfast, since Papyrus would be waking up soon. And Sans would most likely wake up around 1-2PM.

---TEM SKIP---

It is soon time for the musical. Ok, it's still 3 hours until then, but I want to think it as soon. I'm in the true lab, with Gaster doing tests on the white glowing scar on my arm. ((It is close to your shoulder, BTW)) Until this is solved, I've only wore long sleeved shirts, or hoodies, even in Hotland, to avoid questions, even if the scar is high enough that I could have a T-shirt to cover it. I don't get questions about the scar, but I instead get questions on why I wear hoodies in the hottest place in Underground. It is called Hotland for a reason. They said they had a suspect on who might have attacked me, but won't do anything until they are certain. He asked me to check my stats. Hope((HP)) 20/20. LOVE 1. EXP 0. DEF 10. I don't have a weapon on me. And that's about it. When it was about 30 minutes left until the musical would start, we went back up to the lab, and got Papyrus, Frisk and Alphys. We took the elevator from L1 to L3. Walking past Muffet's, getting a few Doughnuts and croissants. Before entering the lobby of the theatre, I fell to my knees, my eyes glowing white. I saw two people, one struggling to keep themselves on, what seems to be the end of a broken bridge, the other trying to help them up again. Everything is blurry, but when the person hanging off the edge seemed to lose grip and fall, I was back in reality. "Are you ok?" Gaster asked, with concern kneeling in front of me. "Yeah, I had another vision, but I was unable to make it out properly" I said, getting help to stand back up. We went into the lobby and I got the tickets from my purse. This time, I actually have it organized, and it's not just a black hole. 15 minutes until the musical starts, seeing a lot of monsters around. I spotted a dark skeleton. I quickly waddled over, while saying "Minor imposition, Minor imposition" really, fast. They turned around to face me, and I surprised them with a hug. "(Y/N)! Hi, it's been so long!" He said, joyfully "It has, PJ! How have you been?" I said, with the same tone. "It's been good, me and Fresh have moved in together. But I have not seen you here in underground. So, when did you get here?" He asked. "It feels like I've been here for like a year, but it's closer to only a couple months. I'm not sure, to be honest. Everything have just gone so quickly" I said, crossing my arms. "Well, I'm glad I got to see you again. And I see you cut your hair" He said, with a sweet smile. "Yeah, I kind of had to, but I like it, don't know if I'll keep it though" I said dragging my hand through my short (H/C) locks "(Y/N)?" I heard Gaster, searching for me in the crowd. "ereh m'I" I said in the direction of the voice. "Don't run away like that. And the show's about to start" he put a hand on my shoulder. "I'll be there in a minute. You can go to the seats" I said, giving him a kiss in the cheek. And he left to search for our seats with the others. "Wait... You're with the royal scientist" PJ asked. "Uh, yeah... what about it?" I asked. "How cool ain't that? No one has been able to be close friends with him, let alone together with him" He said. "Really? I guess I'm something else then..." I said. "You don't say!" "You know, you start acting similar to Fresh when you're excited" I said, snickering. He laughed with me. "Well, I should find my seat, before it gets too crowded, I'll see ya!" I said waving to PJ, and jogging into the theatre. I found my seat and sat down. On the left side, close to the middle, and US Papyrus only 1 seat in between us. Perfect. Keeping an eye on him might be easier than I thought. Blue said that, ever since their father disappeared, his brother has only become overprotective over him.

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