End 1

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((Chu, chu, all aboard the feel train. If you've played/watched Genocide. You'll know.))

We continued walking, and we reached the sentry station. Papyrus was there on patrol. "Mother? What are you doing here?" he asked, walking up to my/Chara. "Oh, you know. Just taking a walk, that's all. You don't have to worry about me" Chara said. I was trying to tell Papyrus to go away from them. But being connected to my body, and just a soul, I'm not seen by anyone except for Chara. "But why don't you give me a hug?" Chara asked. Don't do it Papy! He went up to, and wrapped his arms around them, lifting them up. Chara took out the paper cutter, and lifted their arms up to Papyrus's back. I tried to pull their arms away, but only phasing through. They laughed. "What's so funny moth-" Papyrus was cut off, when Chara stabbed him in the back. Bleeding, he dropped them, with the paper cutter still in his back. Chara just stood there, waiting for him to bleed out. "Who...Are you?" Papyrus asked, shakily. "Oh... you really don't remember me... do you?" Chara said, took out the paper cutter, and stabbed him again. Whimpering from the pain, he tried to stand back up, but Chara kicked him down to the ground again. I couldn't bear to see, my own body, torturing one of 'my' sons. But if I kept my eyes closed, I would see all that Chara sees. Making blinking really disorienting. After a minute, Chara started to become inpatient. "You bleed to slowly" They said with a demonic voice. Stabbing Papyrus's back, until it turned to dust, and only his head was left. I was crying, unable to take this in. "That's better... I could spare you, but I won't" They put a foot on his head, pressing lightly. "Goodbye, my little nephew" They said, and crushed it. And their soul gained L.O.V.E. I was in tears. "Cut it out, sis! He's just another monster" Chara said to me, telling me to stop crying. "They... they're not... just monsters. They're living beings... and Papyrus was family..." I said, shakily. "Whatever!" they said, and continued through Snowdin, killing everything in their way. I can't stop them... it's useless. I was losing Hope. And it's now at 15. We reached Snowdin Town. Sans standing in the center, while the rest of the town is empty. "So, we meet again... Chara" he said. Everyone seems to know who this is, but not that it's THE Chara, my sibling. "Hello, Sansy... How have you been?" They entered a battle. Everything went black around us, while their bodies turned white. "You already know what I'm going to say, so let's just get to the point" He said. And they started to fight.

---time skip---

Sans was getting tired. "I know you will just kill once it's your turn. So, I've decided, It's never going to be your turn. Even if we have, to stand here, till the end of time" Sans said. he started to fall asleep. "So, *yawn* you should just... give up" he said, and fell asleep shortly after. Chara took this opportunity to attack. Bending the rules of the fight. Sans dodged it. "What, did you really think-" Chara sliced again hitting him. He fell to the ground, holding his left hand above the scar. "So... that is it, huh?... whelp, I'm going to Grillby's" Sans started to walk away. "Papyrus, do you want anything?" I didn't want to see, but I could hear him turning to dust. My two sons, are now gone, along with Frisk, and Toriel. The only family I have now, is Chara, and Gaster. But I won't consider Chara a true sibling from what they've done. We continued through waterfall. Killing everything in their way. My hope decreasing down to 10. "You know, if you keep losing hope, I will too. Since your soul is still connected to your body, I have your HP instead of mine" They said. I didn't answer. So, if I keep losing hope, they will too. So, it might be making it easier to kill them, but that would mean that I have to go down with them. If I get my HP low enough, maybe even I can kill ourselves. "Are you just going to ignore me, or?" They asked, I stayed silent. They shrugged, and continued. Once we got to the end, they fought Undyne the Undying. But she had too much determination in her, and started melting. Like the experiments with the Amalgamates. Determination melts monsters. My hope now down to 7. We got to Hotland, and they killed Hapsta. He hadn't even gotten a chance to see his new body he's been talking about. We got to the castle. And to the hallway right before the Judgement hall. "See, Chara? You're doing great. Now no one is standing in our way. And we won't give up now are we?!" That flower, he keeps following us. "Well, there's actually three more standing in my way..." Chara said, smiling creepily. "Wait... but there's only the king, and that scientist left..." He said, and started shaking. "Wha-What is this feeling? Why am I shaking? You know what Chara! I don't think this is a good idea anymore! I think we could.... I-I... Please... Don't kill me!" He said, and Chara went up to him. "heh... since when were you the one in control?" they said and killed him. "And now there's two left" They said, smiling that creepy smile. They entered the judgement hall, and I saw him standing there. "Gaster!" I said. "Oh, so now you decide to talk!?" Chara said, clearly annoyed. I tried to quickly floating to him, but being tugged back. Being connected to my body, means that I can't move too far away from it. But I stayed determined and continued trying to reach the other side. "JESUS CHRIST (Y/N)! CALM DOWN" I didn't listen. And I stopped tugging, but kept on pulling away. The bond between me and my body starting to break. And soon enough I was free. I floated up to Gaster, and my soul took the form of my image. It was me, but green and ghost like. "Gaster" I said, and he turned around. So, they can see me now? Why didn't I do this in the first place? "(Y/N)?" he asked himself. I tried to hug him but only phased through. "You're just a soul now, it's useless to try making physical contact with others. I heard Chara laugh maniacally, we both looked at them. My body was changing to look like Chara. My (Y/N) turned to their hair color, and their eyes turned red, their cheeks pink. "HAHAHA It's so great to be back! Oh, and look at that, my HP is at 92 again" They said. Maybe I shouldn't have disconnected us. But I wonder... will I still die, if my body does? I probably will. It might look like Chara, but it is still me, it's still my body. Chara approached us, and entered a fight with Gaster. "(Y/N)... I'm sorry I have to harm you" Gaster said to me. Closing his eyes and summoning Gaster blasters beside him. "...I love you, so much" He said quietly, and blasted Chara. They were unable to dodge the blasters and their soul shattered, in front of my chest. I quickly returned to my body, that was heavily bleeding, from Chara stabbing my body right before dying. Human souls can survive after death, but only for a moment. Gaster sprinted up to me, when he saw me trying to get up. Sitting on his knees, holding my head up. "(Y/N)! Hold on there, I'll get you to the lab and-" he said quickly. I put my hand on his cheek. "...Is it really worth it? No one else is here. Everyone's gone... Humans don't accept us... and there's no place else to go..." I said, my voice raspy. "I am not letting you leave" He said quietly. "Sometimes... you just gotta see... what the world really is made of..." I said. His tears dripping onto my face. I could feel myself getting tired. "I "Is it worth it... when you only have one person caring... left with you?" I said. "Please... stay with me. Let me help you" Gaster said. My green soul appeared above my chest. "I..." My soul started to break. "uoy evol I" I said, as my soul shattered. My hand dropped from his face, and my eyes closed.

"(Y/N)?... oot uoy evol I"

((That was a feel-trip))

And if any of you are having a hard time, please, don't end it. You are strong. This will get better. And I believe in you, I believe that you can do it. The friends you have love you, your family loves you, there are other people out there who love you, for who you are. So, don't let the pressure get to you. And even if we don't know each other, I can be your friend. So please, do me a favor, and don't bring your life to an end. It will get better. I promise.

((You'd think that Ink would save everyone, since the AUs share the same Underground. But that didn't really go along with the plot))

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