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((The AUs exist in the same Underground, so the areas are bigger. But your dreams are in separate AUs))

Gaster POV.

(Y/N) just collapsed. I hurried to her side and checked for a pulse. Unable to find one, I went into the freezer and got a small, palm sized, metal plate, and rushed back. Holding the plate close, in front of her face, carefully looking for condensation. Small water droplets started forming on the plate. She's still breathing. I picked her up and put her on the couch. Crouching beside it. Taking some tests after any illness. Unable to find any, except for her being pale. I heard the door open, and Papyrus stepped inside. I put a warm towel on (Y/N) forehead, along with blankets over her small form, hoping to warm her up a little. "What happened to mother?" I heard Papyrus ask from beside me, not with his usual loud voice. "She collapsed for some reason. We're not sure why yet" Sans replied. "Oh... Will she be ok?" Papyrus asked. "We don't know, it happened so suddenly" Sans replied, concern in his voice. Hopefully her conditions won't worsen, I can't afford to lose her.


((between these lines will be your dreams, so it is Your POV. Otherwise it's Gaster POV))

I was in a building, made by blue metal. Walking alone, with a bouquet of gorse flowers. I took a right turn at the entrance, to a burning pit, seeing the lava from Hotland bellow. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" I said to myself. I sat down on my knees, putting the flowers beside me. The heart shaped locket, hanging of a railing. I took out the polaroid from my pocket. "I... thought you'd want to have this" looking at the polaroid, I put it in the bouquet, and moved them to be beside the locket. "I won't be able to be here for much longer, I really wish I could" Tears pricking the corners of my eyes. "Sans, and Papyrus have been doing fine... the one who took the hit more was Sans, he still locks himself in his room, ever since you left us..." letting the tears flow down my cheeks. I stood up. "I will see you again, next week, if I've got time" I started walking away. For some reason, it feels like he's still beside me. Every day, this feeling grows stronger. I can't separate it from reality anymore.


It's been 2 days, and she still hasn't woken up. I've brought her to the lab, and attached cannulas to her, to give her the nutrition needed. I was afraid this would happen. Even if she's there for the rest of her life, I'd never unplug her life support. I'd do anything to keep her. Right now, I'm in the lab, sitting beside her bed, at midnight. Just thinking. Staring. Trying to figure out what might have caused this. I noticed a small scar on her arm. I wish I could see her health, without entering a battle. But what can you do? I can only hope that her HOPE isn't too low. I inspected the scar, it looks to be fresh. It is emitting a weak glow, which I can tell form, that she's been attacked by a monster. But who? Could this be the cause of her sleep? I need to know how strong the monster who attacked her is, for me to determine when she might wake up, if that's the case.


I was unable to control myself. I was just watching myself from a distance, killing everything in my way. I was following my body, only floating around like a green spirit. My soul was ripped from my body, when I was star gazing. I killed everyone in the ruins, including Toriel, and even Frisk. My body was close to Snowdin town. I would warn my family about it, but no one's able to see me. I was still following my body, when it stopped in the middle of Snowdin town. On the bridge behind, lies the dust from Blue. In front of my body, stands Sans, fire in his eye, wearing his brother's scarf. "You're not our mother" He said. "Sansy! It's been a while, hasn't it?" The voice from my body, sounding demonic. And before anything else could happen, the scene faded away. Became completely white. I was back in my body. I looked around, and saw a yellow spot, further away. "I hope you can hear me (Y/N)" the figure said. "Yes, I do" I simply responded. "Good" The figure said, walking towards me. "I am Dream, and am here to tell you, that you are in a coma. And the dreams you have are visuals of the future. Not all will be true, and you should be careful what you do, cause if you die in a dream. You won't wake up in the real world" He said. I am a little terrified over this. "But, why am I in this state? And how can I get out?" I asked. "Sadly, I cannot tell you why. But if you want to wake up, there are some things you need. And I will give you this scroll. This will help you greatly" he said, handing me a golden scroll. I took, and opened it. All kinds of different scenarios, and items is written on it. "In every one of these coma dreams, there is a crystal. When you have 50, you need to follow the instructions on the bottom of the scroll if nothing happens. And some crystals need a certain tool to obtain. And just remember, that time in a dream, is much faster than real life. So, don't hurry and get yourself killed. And you in real life, will also be affected by certain things, and they may stay for the rest of your life" he said, and started to fade. I thanked him and started to read the scroll. I will experience different AUs and Timelines. And I can't choose which one to go to. Once I get a crystal, I will be transported to the next dream. When I closed it, I noticed I had a necklace around my neck. And a bag over my shoulder. I touched the necklace, and was transported. First up, seems to be in Horrortale. I guess it won't show mercy, the first thing it does. Time to do this. Survive past the monsters, and find the crystal.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now