Ch.19-Is this the end?

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Sans POV.

It's been two days since I last saw (Y/N). I've been going around town, Waterfall, Hotland, pretty much all of Underground, asking if anyone's seen anything. But what's more surprising, I've seen Ink in town too. Something is going on here, I just want to know what.

I was at Grillby's trying to put everything together. Sitting at the counter, stirring my glass of ketchup. I went to the daycare to see if she was there. But PJ said she was off on a field trip with a couple of the children. Why wouldn't everyone go? And why would she go on a field-trip for 48 hours? So, he's hiding something. I also asked Alphys and Sci if they've seen something, and they asked if she was at work, and by the way they asked is a bit questioning. And then dad is gone too, after the incident in the Core. And the fact that Ink is here. So something is definitely going on, even some other monsters are starting to catch up on it. And the only place mom could be in, considering on what happened, and IF dad is still alive, then... oh god.

I came to realization, I put down the glass, told Grillby to put it on my tab, and went outside. I NEED to find Ink and ask him about this.

Your POV.

I was still walking through, well, nothing. This is the void. It is a bit freaky, and I think I'm starting to go insane. What's funny is that I don't feel hungry, or soreness in my legs, and I don't know how long it's been. I looked up from my feet, those being the most interesting thing in this place, and saw something in the "distance" the thing being a bright blue, really stands out in the black. I sprinted towards it, the echoing of my footsteps seemed to have woken whatever it was. Since it stood up, it looks like to have melted, just a blob of color. Once close enough, I came to a halt. "...Gaster?" I asked. "(Y/N)? How?" he asked. He got closer. "Wait, you're not the (Y/N) from my AU, are you?" he asked. "I don't think so?" I questioned. "You don't happen to be from the multiverse?" he asked. "The multiverse, as in all AUs exist in one? Then yes" I answered. "Oh, that's great. Tell me, you don't happen to know my sons?" He asked, with a more happier tone. Now changing for and looking more like actual Gaster. "Could you tell me what AU you're from?" I asked. "Of course, child. I'm from Underswap" He answered. "I once lived where you live too. And now that I know my AU, you don't happen to know my sons?" he asked, with a somewhat cute face. "Yeah, I know them. Paps is just a little overprotective, especially now that Blue's married. But-" I started. "Wait! You're saying that my little Sans is now with someone?!" he asked. "Uh... yes" I answered. "I had a feeling that he did. I wish I could have been there though" he said. "Anyway, thank you for the little update, but... why are you here?" he asked. So many questions. "I'm here to find my husband. And bring him back home" I said. "Awe, feel bad for you. Then again, you are a different version of my wife at home. So, I can only imagine what she's feeling. And how did you get here, in the first place" He asked. "I had a bit of help from Ink" I answered. "That explains it, he rarely goes to Underswap anymore, and there is no other way to get here, from there. But I wish you luck on finding him" he said. "Thanks, and could you like, help me out a bit? I just need a direction to go" I said. "I would, if I could" He answered. "Well, that's just great. Anyway, nice talking to you, bye" I said, and walked in a random direction. "I believe in you!" I heard him shout. "Thank you for your encouragement!" I shouted back.

Sans POV.

I kicked in the door, to where I know Ink would be. With his brother, Error. I saw Error on a recliner, reading, with his glasses on. While Chrome was on the floor with some yarn. I walked through the living room, up to Ink who was painting. Picked him up and went back outside.

Error POV.

Classic had kicked opened the door. While he was stomping his way towards Ink, I followed him with my eyes. I was going to say something when he left, but shrugged it off and continued reading.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now