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I was looking through the app that Alphys had made for me. It's interesting, but also headache inducing. Quantum mechanics, worm holes, portals, dimensions, time lines, etc. it's is pretty hard to put it down though. I was reading the first chapter, yes, she divided it to chapters, while I was waiting. I was waiting for Gaster to get back home. And speak of the devil. He just entered the room. I put down my phone, rose up from the couch and went over to him. "Gaster, I have something important to ask of you" I said. "Yes, dear?" he asked. I beckoned him to follow to the kitchen, I prepared some tea. "You know about my two siblings, right? And the fact that Chara in my body killed Frisk, and then you killed Chara. But, I've been hearing their voice lately. I first didn't think of it much, but then they started to make visuals with my magic" I said, placing the cups of tea on the table. "So, you can use your magic?" he asked. "Yes" I said, and he quickly took out a piece of paper and a pen. "So, Chara, used my magic to show me, when "I" killed Papyrus" I said, making Gaster choke on his tea. "What did you say? Chara showed you a time when you killed Papyrus?" He asked, and I only nodded. He sunk down in his seat, clearly thinking. "So, if Chara is back, that must mean... but who could?" he mumbled to himself. "(Y/N) if you ever see a button, like the Fight, Act, Item, Mercy, buttons that says reset, do not touch it. Unless you're told to by either me or Sans" he said. "And if Chara gets you again, just reset as soon as possible. I don't want to witness that again" he added. "What are resets?" I asked. "It's like going back in time, without the memory of it. And you can change your actions. You have been through some. But you probably don't remember" he said. ((I first wrote Rememember)) "Oh?" I asked(?) "This timeline now, started genocide, as you know. But there's another one that was exactly like this, where I fell into the core" he said. "Uh-huh?" I was trying to comprehend all this, I did read from the app, but I didn't get to the part about timelines "But if you want to know more on timelines, you should talk with Error, or better yet, Ink" he said. "Ink? wasn't he playing Kallighan in the musical way back when?" I asked. "You remember that. But not your murder spree" he said. "...Shut up. It wasn't me" I said, pouting, while Gaster chuckled. "Anyway, I never really met the guy in person. Where can I find him?" I asked. "He's not here that often, in this AU that is. But he does visit at least twice a year, and he was just here too" he said. "You know the time Error was frozen?" He asked. "Yeah" I answered. "That was Ink defeating him. And he won't be here until Easter" he said. "Awe. I want to meet him" I said, putting my chin on the table. "So, you excited for Halloween tomorrow night?" He asked. "It's October 31th tomorrow, already?" I asked, taking my head off the table and sitting straight. He nodded. "Well, I'll be damned. I need to get my costume ready" I said. I saw Gaster's face light up slightly. "Get your mind outa the gutter. This was me a year before I fell down here" I said. showing him a picture on my phone, of me in a full body shark costume. "Good thing that I've got what I need" I said, raising from my seat. I went up to my room. "Oh, great, It's pitch-black-dark" I said to myself. I seductively graced the wall, in search of the light switch, finding it. "What a turn on" I commented to myself and made an "I just made a really bad pun" face. I went over to the box I have my cosplays in. I've decided to go as Marionette from FNaF, but human ((Deal with it)) I got the cosplay, and put it on the dresser. Shirt and pants neatly folded, with the gloves on top, with some makeup, and the mask over the gloves and makeup. "Prepared for tomorrow" I said, and went back downstairs. "You seem excited to dress up" Gaster said. "I never miss a chance to dress up or cosplay. Although the last few Halloweens, I've had other things to do, but now that I'm finally free. It's showtime" I said. I heard the song "It's showtime" by Mettaton started playing. And I looked back, seeing him laying across the couch. "When did you get here?" I asked. "(Y/N) darling, I've been here almost all day" He answered, approaching me. "Why?" I asked. "Waiting for your son, Papyrus, of course" he said. I could see Sans glaring at the robot, from the top of the stairs. "We have an audition this evening, you see. I just need someone to help me to get a new script, perfect" He said towering over me. I hand to bend backwards, 'cause he kept getting closer. "Really? What will this play be about?" I asked. "A sad story, about two star crossed lovers, separated from conflict between the families" He said, acting a bit like Tamaki Suoh. "So... Romeo and Juliet?" I asked. "You're a smart one, aren't you?" He said. "Shakespeare is pretty popular, you know?" I said. "But, there are so many stories that have the same theme" he said. "Wild guess" I said, pushing him off me, because my back is starting to hurt. "And if you're doing Shakespeare. Something I'd like to see, is Hamlet" I said. "That one? With the king brothers who fight for the throne, and the king who's there is killed by his brother, who's then killed by his brother's son? I don't know, darling" He said. "Isn't your slogan like "The show's must go on, even if a few people have to die"?" I asked. "True, true..." He said, clicking his heel against the wooden boards. "Should we install a carpet, here?" I asked Gaster. "That would be nice, yes" he answered.

---time skip---

It's now been a week since Halloween, and I'm preparing for work. The burns I have still sting when you touch them, but not by that much. I put on my coat and boots, said goodbye to the others, and went to work.

I arrived at the daycare, and went to the office to put down my bag, and take off my coat and boots. I started my normal morning routine, heading to the kitchen. "Morning, (Y/N)" I heard a light voice. I turned back, seeing the little gray skeleton. "Morning Chrome" I answered. "Can you crochet?" he asked. "I have known, maybe I still do. Do you need help with anything?" I asked. "I need to make some kind of, "popcorn-stich" I haven't seen one before" He said. "I think I remember, let me see" I said, crouching down to his level, and started showing how to make one. He tried to make one himself, making the first one a little wrong. But he removed it, and tried again. "Thank you, (Y/N)" he said, and went to wherever he usually sits. I turned to continue with what I was doing. "Good morning, miss" I heard PJ say. "Morning PJ" I answered. And went to put the sandwiches on the table. "I just want to ask about Chrome" I said. "He can already talk, walk, and even crochet" I started. "Yes?" PJ said, wanting me to continue. "The first two aren't that weird, but the crocheting. Considering that he would, at most, be 3 years old" I said. "Yes. He is a monster, and we do grow faster than humans. Even so, he is growing pretty fast. But he is a demi-god too" PJ answered. I finished with the breakfast, and now to wait for the kids. Chrome got back to the room we were in. "(Y/N)! I did it!" he said, showing me a perfect popcorn-stitch. "Impressive, you learn fast I see" I said, patting his head. And then he ran off to the same place. "I see that he likes you" PJ said. "I guess he does" I said. "I told you, you would be great at this, didn't I?" he asked. "I guess you were right" I said. "He is pretty adorable though" I mentioned. "His mom-dad is Blue, so" PJ answered. "True" I said. "Should probably go and get the kids, shouldn't we?" I asked. "Yeah, the first few should be here in a few" He said, and we went to the front. 

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now