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((This takes place after Ch.12))


Your POV.

I was floating beside my body, unable to do anything. I tried to reason with them but they kept ignoring me. I floated in front of them. "Why are you doing this?!" I screamed in their face, they continued to walk right through me. But for once they answered me. "Oh, sis... don't you know? Monsters have killed countless of humans. It's them who killed me in the first place. But I guess you wouldn't understand, with your green soul" They said. We just got out from the ruins, and Chara is covered in the dust of Toriel, and countless of other innocent monsters. "Chara, you used to be so happy... please don't do this. You're not who you used to be" I said. "Pchy, whatever!"


"Chara Please!... don't do this, you don't know how much I've wanted to see you again. But not like this" They ignored me, and we reached the sentry station. "Mother? What are you doing here?" Papyrus asked. "Oh, you know. Just taking a walk, that's all. You don't have to worry about me" Chara said. I was trying to tell Papyrus to go away from them. "But why don't you give me a hug?" Chara asked. Before anything could happen, I heard someone shout Papyrus's name. "GET AWAY FROM HER, THAT'S NOT (Y/N)!" The one screaming ran up to us. It was Sans and Gaster. "Oh, how sweet of you, Sansy. I guess nothing escapes your head" Chara said, with that demonic voice. "But I guess I should get rid of you, so I won't have to worry about you" they entered a battle. Chara quickly slicing at Sans.

---Time skip---

Sans and Chara are starting to get tired. "I don't want to do this, but you give me with no choice..." Gaster said. Sans was summoning a half circle of Gaster blasters, that were chasing Chara. And he then used his magic to slam them into trees, the roof of the cave, the ground, everywhere. Once he dropped Chara, Gaster summoned one GB. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)" and he blasted Chara. Even when their soul shattered he didn't stop. I quickly returned to my body. Getting my hope back to 20. It decreased fast, but when it reached one, I didn't die. My HP was decreasing in decimals. 0.01, 0.0001, 0.00000001. Once he stopped the blasting, I fell to my knees, and fell to my side. My body glowing white. I heard fast footsteps approaching me. "Chara... if you don't leave-" I heard Sans start to say. "There's no Chara any more in this body. Just (Y/N)" I looked up at them, my eyes were no longer devoid of emotion. "Mom?" "Yes, Sans?" I asked, Sans stayed silent for a minute. "Chara. You better not be screwing with me" he said, his eye flashing between blue and gold. "Why would you think that?" I asked. "Then to make sure it's (Y/N), I'll ask a question, I'm sure only she knows" He said, with a serious tone. "When, was the first time, you kissed my dad, accidentally or genuine, does not matter" He asked. "When we were trapped in the lab, on the surface, and it was accidental" I answered. "The date?" He asked. "How should I know? I don't really keep track on dates. Besides, there was no Wi-Fi, and my phone died after the first day. So, I kinda lost track" I said, and he hugged me shortly after. "Welcome back" he said. And the other two joined in on the hug.

---Tem skip---

I was sitting on the blue dirt, in the bioluminescent room, of waterfall. Just, kicking my feet in the water, making a flower crown, of small Echo-flowers. I heard that they repeat everything you say. And they glow in the dark, with a blue color. They're pretty amazing. Anyways, why I'm here, is to calm down after being possessed by my demon sibling. I don't know if they'll ever come back, and what they'll do if they come back. I don't want anyone else to be hurt. We've already lost Toriel, Toby... and Frisk. Now the only family I have, are the skeletons. They're not technically family, but I took care of the brothers for a few years, watching them grow. Except for Papyrus, was a little late with his height. Which I now can see has caught up with him. But his mind sure has developed. Have you seen how fast he solves a Rubix-cube? He's also gotten a lot more talkative.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now