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I was in a white void. Everything, as far as I could see was white. But when I saw the ceiling, fear struck me like a brick. There were blue stings filling it, and puppets hanging from them. They looked real, too real. I looked down again, to come face to face with a black glitching skeleton. I jolted up from the surprise of his appearance. "E-Error?" "That's me" He shrugged with a grin, that quickly turned back to a glare "Why are you here? To help Ink take back Blue?" "I... I don't know how I got here, I just..." I stopped talking, trying to back away from the skeleton. He's a friend of Sans, but I know his power. He is strong, and one should really, not get on his bad side. I was caught, by strings wrapping around my wrists and ankles, unable to breathe properly when I was lifted in the air. "I'm sorry" I said quietly "ERRY!" I heard the sweet voice of a small skeleton scream. And stomping getting louder. Error dropped me, hitting the floor with a thud, and I could breathe again. But with the strings still around my green soul, I blacked out. "Is that (Y/N)?!" Blue yelled. (Y/N)??


I was awoken, by someone saying my name, shaking me. I opened my eyes to see that I'm on a soft bed, with a pink blanket. And Gaster standing at the side. "Thank god, you're still alive" he said with relief. "What happened?" I asked. "You blacked out from the fall, and the roof of the elevator collapsed on top of you. Luckily, I've installed some safety measures, to ensure one does not die from malfunction. And I tried healing you as much as I could" he said. I tried sitting up, but was struck with pain in my chest, quickly putting my hand over it, noticing I only had my sports bra on, and some bandages wrapped around my chest, with a blue and orange glow to it. "Ugh... might have broken a rib or two" Gaster looked at me like a question mark. "All mammals have skeletons, you know. We're not just piles of flesh" I told him. "Then, tell me more about the anatomy, while we try to get out of here" I tried sitting up again, holding back the pain, and stood up from the bed. "You should probably rest up" Gaster said, worryingly, trying to get me to sit back on the bed. "NAH! Don't mind me, I'm a tough girl. Besides, I think it's only a crack. I'll be fine, but if I fall over again, carry me to the closest hospitals emergency when we get out... if we get out" I said. I checked my phone, and tried to reach Frisk. But there's no reception here, and my screen is cracked. I sighed. "Great. How are Frisk and the others supposed to know now?" I mumbled to myself. "Is, everything ok?" "Yeah, there's just no Wi-Fi down here, is there?" "Unfortunately, no" I started walking around, with Gaster following "So, how do we get out?" I asked. "We can either take the elevator, that's connected to the castle, or we can wait for the crew to remove the broken one" he answered me. "The elevator to the castle. Should be the easiest, right?" I asked, turning to face him "Uhhhhh..." "It might be harder to get to that one, than the broke one, huh?" I asked, sighing. "Yeeaaaah" he said "Why, though?" "Well, to get to it we need keys. And they lay around here in the lab. But what makes this difficult, are the amalgamates" he said, leaning against a counter, facing the wall. "The what?" I asked. "And how big is the lab, if it's connected to the castle?" I finished. "The Lab is not that big, it's just how we've built the elevators. And the Amalgamates, they were dying monsters. A human soul can exist even after they die, but monster souls don't. But only for a moment, if they are what's called a boss monster. And why the human soul can exist even after death, is because their DETERMINATION" He said. "I'm listening" I wanted to hear more of this, sitting Indian style on the cold hard floor. "I was experimenting on dying monsters, trying to give them doses of determination, from a human soul. But something went wrong, and the Amalgamates are the results of it" he told me. Me still on the floor, my chin on my hands. I am caught up in this, anything about science can get me like this, really. "I learned, that monsters are unable to take that amount of Determination. Their bodies washed out of all their color, and started melting, getting stuck to each other. And if we search for the keys, they can be difficult to get past, depending on what monsters are in one. And some have even decided to guard the keys. Even I can barely get past them" He turned to face me. "But we still, can try" he finished. "Yes, it's better than nothing" I said, and smiled. He smiled back. "How are your ribs?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice. "It stings a little, but I'll be fine" I lied, it feels like I'm getting stabbed 37 times in the chest. ((.....Caaaaaaarll, that kills people)) "If you say so, just don't hesitate to tell me, if it worsens" he said. "Of course" I reassured him. "So, should we try to get the keys?" I continued. "We could do that. It is worth a try" he said. He helped me up from the floor, and we went to find the keys. He warned me that the amalgamates can be anywhere, and to not wander off alone. So, I kept close to him, and didn't leave the room we were in alone.

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now