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We had our little warm up, and it's now 8:30PM. Gaster's been at the lab all day. He promised to not go to the Core, and to be at the festival of the dead. I didn't have much to do, so I went to my shared room, to see if I needed to fix my hair, or something. "Hey, (Y/N)?" I heard Melon call me. I stepped out of my room, looking over the railing. "Yes?" I asked. "You ready? We'll be going in about 5 minutes" he said. I nodded, and went downstairs. I chatted with him and Sugar until we had to go. Sans was at Grillby's, and Papyrus is who knows where. The five minutes felt more like five seconds, and we are now in the towns center. "All you really need to do, is walk around town, and wait for someone to talk to you" Sugar said. "So, you're saying that I'd get... friends?" if I was an anime character, my eyes would sparkle. "In some way, I guess you could say" He chuckled. "Alright, let's go" he said. "We'll meet back here at 1:30AM. I'm sure you'll do a great job" He added. "Then I'll see you guys in a few hours, unless we bump into each other" I said, and we separated.

I was walking for a few minutes. "Hey, miss" I turned to see Monster kid, running up to me. "Hey there kid. How's your evening?" I asked. "It's great, and I have to say, you're dress looks awesome" he said. "Thank you. It's not every day you see something like this" I said. We talked for a while. He was talking about how awesome Undyne is. "But, I'll guess you'd like to have a little gift, no?" I asked. "Yes, thank you" He said. I took out a red sugar-skull. Noticing his lack of arms, I also took out a small scarf I had with me, and tied it around his neck, like a little pouch, and put the skull in it. He thanked me again, wished me a nice evening, and then ran to a group of friends. I continued walking, talking to people, giving them skulls.

---later that night (After the festival)---

I went into the bathroom, to wash off the paint on my face. It's 2:15AM, and I'm exhausted. I got the paint off, and changed from the dress to more comfortable clothing. I stepped out of the bathroom, and went into my room, to get some sleep. I hopped onto the bed, and buried myself under the blankets.

I woke up to a bright light. I squinted my eyes, and sat up. The light dimmed, and I went outside to see what's happening. I went downstairs, seeing the other three. "What's happening? What was that light?" I asked. The three of them pointed out the window. I went up to it, seeing Error right outside, frozen, with a bar saying "Error.exe has stopped working" and "Rebooting" above him. I turned back with a confused look. "It's nothing to worry about. This happens occasionally" Sans said. "And the light?" I asked. "That was Ink. blasting him" he shrugged. I turned back to the window, now seeing Blue and Chrome there. I decided to leave it, and go into the kitchen to make a sandwich. "Hun?" I heard Gaster. "Yes, honey?" I asked. "I have to get to the Castle. We might have a way to break the barrier, keeping us down here" He said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, but we don't know if it will be strong enough" He answered. "I hope it will be, then we could finally live on the surface again" I said, hugging him. "Just be careful to not get burned or hurt, okay?" I said, with a serious tone. "I will not hesitate to keep you here if something happens" I added. "Don't worry, if anything happens, I'll be out as fast as I can" He said, pecking my forehead. I smiled. "Then go break that barrier" I said. He left to the castle, and I finished my sandwich. "I don't know if it'll work" Sans said, standing in the "doorway". "What do you mean?" I asked. "The barrier is magic. We've only got 6 human souls. And we need at least 7 souls to break it" He said. "Are you counting with me?" I asked. "No. but you'd have to risk your life for it" he said. "Let's see. I've been blasted. I've been nearly frozen to death, multiple times. And nearly burnt by the core. I think I can handle a barrier. Besides. I do have magic in me now" I said. "But can you use it?" he asked. "I...I don't know. I still have to figure that out" I said. "If you can, would you like to learn?" he asked. "Yes, but what about the barrier?" I asked. "Just, don't mind it. If we don't get out, then we don't get out. And if we did, we would just end back here, wouldn't we?" he said. "I guess we would..." I said. "So, you'll teach me to use magic?" I asked. "Oh, please, hehehe, I'll let Paps do it. I don't think he's got anything to do" he said, turning towards the living room. "Alright then" I said, smiling. He nodded and left. "I don't want you getting angry at me, caused by this week" I heard him say. "You're on a thin line there, Sans" I growled. "Hey, Paps?" I heard him calling his brother. "Yes, brother?" I heard Papyrus. "Mom wants to learn how to use magic. Care to teach her?" Sans asked. I hear running from upstairs. That little cinnamon roll's always been excited to teach other people, and pretty much with anything if it's me or other humans. He came into the kitchen, and wanted me to follow him to a place.

We walked through the woods, me having to jog a bit to keep up with him. I decided to run up to him, pick him up, and let him lead me. Which I did. "Now you can't go faster than me" I said, lifting him above my head "Aren't I heavy for you?" he asked. "You weigh less than me, even if you're taller than me. Since a skeleton weigh like 12% of the body" I said. "Now, where do I go?" I asked, and Papyrus started leading me.

We got to a clearing, and I put him down. "Why do we need to be so far away?" I asked. "I remember when I first started using magic. It was a bit everywhere, so I came here, as to not harm anyone" he said. "Then, shall we get started?" I asked.

---Time skip---

I don't know how long we've been out here. But one things sure, Papyrus don't get tired easily. I was still standing here, trying to focus my energy to my hands to get, just, something. I was about to give up, when I looked at my palms, seeing a weak, green glow. "I think I got something" I said, excited. I focused on my hands. After a moment, the green light got brighter. "Hey, I-ah!" I was cut off when a green flame enveloped my hand. "Neat" I said. "Now, try focusing on lifting an object, like that rock" I heard Papyrus say from behind. I turned to the rock he mentioned. Holding my hand in front of me, aiming at it. A minute of me awkwardly standing, with my hand in front of me, and I managed to make the rock have the same green flame around it. I moved my hand up slightly, making the rock lift. I focused to bring it towards me, when I didn't get any results, I quickly pulled my hand backward, and the rock flew towards me. I managed to catch it, but hurting my hand in the process. "Ow... But hey, I got it" I said, with a smile. I focused again to have the flame around it again, and poked it to make it float above my hand. I was going to put it in the spot I took it from, but it flew off a little too far. "I'll get it for you, mother" Papyrus said, sprinting off after the rock.

I made a ball in my hands, and played around with it. "(Y/N)..." I heard someone whisper. "Hello?" I asked, and turned around seeing nothing. I turned back, to see nothing. "(Y/N)... Look" They said. I looked at my hands, seeing figures in the green flames. One tall, and one shorter. The shorter seemed to stab the taller, making its body disappear, and then crushing its head, that was on the ground. I clasped my hands together with a horrified expression. "Don't you remember how fun it was?" they asked again. "No... it's not" I said. I was standing on guard in case something were to attack me. "Oh, (Y/N) do you really think I'm someone you can see?" they asked, laughing. "I don't know who you are, but. But I won't let you near me, or my family" I started. "(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)... I am you!" they said. "What? No, I would never!" I said. "You don't remember? The time you killed him? You killed them all" The voice said. "Whoever you are, you can't fool me" I said. "I guess, but when were you ever the one in control?" it asked. "Since always!" I said. "(Y/N)... Not in the last time lines" It said. "JUST GET AWAY FROM ME" I said, holding my head. "Mother?" I heard papyrus. I looked behind me to see him with a confused look. "Ha, thank goodness" I went over to him. "Did something happen" he asked. "Yes. I kept hearing people, and I got a little worried. But at least you're okay" I said. "And I think we should get back to this tomorrow. C'mon, I'll carry you back home" I said, picking him up and holding him above me. I should talk to Gaster about that voice. Even if it sounded like them, I couldn't be Chara. They died, didn't they?

((Sorry for the delay, again. I've just been running out of scenarios, and I don't want to end this so abruptly. So, if you guys have any ideas, I would like to hear them))

The void in my heart (Gaster X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now