Ch.5-Surprise visit

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Your POV.

I was just chilling in the living room, making puns and knock, knock jokes with Sans. "Well, here's another one for ya... Dang it, I had a joke about missing things, but I lost it" I said, laughing our butts off. Well I laughed my butt off, I don't know with Sans. But he is dying from laughter, that's for sure. "That's a good one, and I would also make a Zelda pun, but I don't wanna Tri and Force it" Sans replied, and eventually we were in a pun battle about cheese. "Wanna taco bout it?" He said. "Still with the puns? But I'm not complaining, even if they get cheesy" I continued "Camembert it" Sans, said. trying to win this. "I will give you parmesan to continue" I said. "Now, Paps would hate us, but I know you love these grate puns" I continued "I'm not brie-ging, but I got this" Sans said. "Guess we should shred this everywhere" I will not let him win this time. "People would get caught in the strings" Sans "And then they'd be in a sticky situation" I got this. "Gouda isn't me" Sans "Tibia honest, I'm glad it's not me either, and I guess you'd be safe too since its Nacho cheese" "Dang it, I'm out of cheese" Sans said, Yes! I win! "But tibia honest, I hope you don't get a femur over these humerus jokes" he finished, Dang it!! "I guess you still have a Skele-ton of puns, I guess I won't be able to beat you this time" I said. He just chuckled. "You know me, working myself-" he was cut off by the doorbell. I got off the couch to go answer it.

Sans POV.

I watched as mom left to answer the door. I could hear their conversation. Being a revenant has its benefits. "Hello, sir. What brings you here?" My mother said. "?(N/Y) uoy era" My eyes widen when I heard a very familiar voice speaking in hands. Or Wingdings. I sprinted to the hall at full speed, and slid through the doorway sideways, hitting a wall on the side. I couldn't care less about the pain, when I saw who it was. Tears pricked at the corners of my eye sockets, and I ran to the figure, embracing them in hug. Burring my face in the coat "!evila re'uoy, rehtaf"

Your POV.

Standing by the door, was a tall figure, clad in a black coat. "Hello, sir. What brings you here?" I asked. "?(N/Y) uoy era" he spoke. "I'm sorry, but-JESUS CHRIST!" I was cut off by something slamming into the wall, scaring the spirit out of me. Sans, stood by the wall, his eye sockets wide. "Sans?" he was just staring at the man, tears at the corners of his eye sockets. "Sans, are you-" He suddenly ran up to the figure, hugging him. "!evila re'uoy, rehtaf" So he speaks that too, eh? "Sans!" I had to raise my voice "Yes?" he turned to face me. "Who is this?" I asked. He just smiled. "Dr. W.D. Gaster. And he speaks in hands, or Wingdings" So this is their father? I told him to bring him to the living room, and I'll make some golden flower tea. They sat on the couch, and me in the recliner, and chatted. Sans acting like a translator. "Sans?" "Yes, mom?" "I'll go get Papyrus, tell Frisk there's food in the kitchen, they should be here soon" I told him. "Can do" he answered.

Sans POV.

"?rehtom" my dad asked. "deraeppasid uoy retfa shtnom owt, oga sraey evif tuoba su devas ehs, aey" I answered, and it is true. He just smiled at that. "sruoy fo egaugnal siht thguat eb dna? Emit emos rof ereh yats dluoc I kniht uoy od" He asked, surprising me. "(N/Y) ksa ot evah lliw uoy taht" The front door opened. And I could sense the Determined soul of Frisk. "(Y/N) Said there's food in the kitchen" they knocked on the wall twice. We have a little knocking system, since their mute. If we can't see each other, we have, to use other sounds. Twice means that they got it. Once, they didn't hear you. Thrice, wait a moment. Four times, their busy. It's handy when you can't see their sign language. (Y/N) got back with Papyrus, who was first shy with approaching Gaster. But then when he realized who it was, hugged his legs. Frisk came into the room too, and signed to their sister. 'So, who's the new one?' "That's W.D. Gaster, you know" 'Oh, ok, I'll be in my room if you need me' and they left with a plate of tacos in their hand.

Your POV.

Once frisk left, Gaster stood up and approached me. And started signing with one hand, too fast for me to see what he's saying. I told him to slow down a little. 'I see that you know sign language' he said, I guess I should sign back. Since he doesn't seem to know English. 'Yes, Frisk is a mute, so this is one of the few ways we can communicate' I signed back. He seemed happy. 'If it's not too much trouble, do you think I can stay here for some time?' he asked 'Yeah, sure. I could prepare the guest room for you, and I would also like to get to know you. Just wait here and I'll get some more tea' I scurried into the kitchen to heat up some more water. So, he knows sign language, good to know. He seems like an interesting character. I wonder what happened to him, for him to not see his sons for so long. He seems to cherish them very much, so, what happened? The water finished and I poured it from the heater to a kettle. Got some more tea and went back to the living room. I put the tea down on the coffee table, again, I'm a rebel. I sat back down, and Gaster signed a thank you. Frisk came back in after a few hours, beckoning me to come with them. I followed and they stopped on the balcony connecting mine and Frisk's room. The sun setting. "So, what did you want" She looked at me with a devious smirk. 'You like him, huh?" they signed. "What? Who?" 'You know who' "I-I... well, yes he is interesting, but I just met him today. How could it be more than platonically?" 'Hmm... ever heard about love at first sight? Besides, he might be able to fill the Void in your heart' I sighed at their statement. "I, guess you're right, I do have a missing piece ever since our parents left us alone, and Chara died... I just haven't had the time to... try and fill it in, I guess" 'Then why don't you go ahead, and get to know him. Who knows, he might be the missing piece?' "Yeah, I guess you're right, and if Chara was still here, things would be different too. And they seemed to like Asriel, who was devastated when Chara was killed, or whatever happened" We stood there watching the sunset. {little did (Y/N) know, the exact same conversation was happening in the living room} "We should head back inside, it's getting dark" 'Dark, Darker... yet darker...' Frisk signed, I wonder why.

It's been two months, me and Gaster have gotten rather close, me and Sans have taught him some basic English too, as well as I'm learning Wingdings, so we can have a conversation easier. And today, he asked if I wanted to visit his lab. The white walls inside, with machinery, and employees running everywhere. One of them noticed, and called the other. They seemed really, happy that their boss was back. Gaster led me to an elevator, going down. "Now, you are about to see the true lab. No one except me and Sans have seen this" He told me, while we're going down. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, I just hope this elevator won't malfunction, since it hasn't been used in so long" he chuckled. "Ha-ha yeah, CUE THE LIGHTS!" I said as a joke, buuuuut, that was more reality than a joke. The lights turned off and the elevator started falling, with a red-light flashing. What a terrifying coincidence. Before we knew it, we were on ground, and I passed out from the impact.


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