Bullied (pt. 1)

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"Y/N, Hurry up!" Your mom yelled, as you frantically took for your phone.

"You're going to be late for school!"

You had looked everywhere for your phone, and couldn't find it anywhere.

Then, it clicked. You had left it in your bathroom last night because you were straightening your hair.

You ran into the bathroom and sure enough it was right on the counter. You grab it and run downstairs.

"Bye, mom!" You tell before running out of the house.

You had already missed the bus, so you had to run.

Secretly, you hoped you wouldn't find your phone and you would get to stay home because your mom wouldn't let you go to school without any way to contact you. You always dreaded going to school because you always got pushed around by the kids at school. You never had enough courage to ask them to stop. You were way too afraid of what they might do.

You run into the school doors, quickly going to your locker, and grabbing the stuff you needed before running to class. Luckily you weren't late yet.

You quickly walked into your classroom and sat in your usual seat in the back.


Class was over and it was now time for lunch. You walk to your locker to put your stuff up. You opened your locker and put your stuff back inside, closing the locker you turned around to see Aiden.

"Where are you going?" He had a smirk on his face, as he stepped closer to you.

"I-I'm going to lunch." You stutter

"Lunch? I don't think so." He grabbed your arm, dragging you into one of the empty classrooms.

His other 3 friends came in and then they shut the door.

"W-What are you guys doing?" You stutter backing away.

Aiden pushed you harshly making you fall down onto the floor.

Then, they all started kicking and hitting you, as if you were a punching bag. It hurt worse than last time because they were kicking you where you had bruises from previous times.

They kicked your stomach making you yell, but before it got loud one of they covered your mouth. You ached all over. It hurt just to breathe.

They all eventually stopped after awhile, and left the room. You just stayed on the ground. Laying in fetal position. It hurt to move. It hurt to breathe. You weren't even hungry after that.

Tears began to well up in your eyes. You didn't fight the urge to cry like you usually do. It hurt too much. Why did they hate you so much? Why do they feel the need to say such hurtful things and do things to hurt you? You ached everywhere; physically and emotionally.

"Y/N?" You heard the door open, and close behind him.

You didn't even care to look up. You didn't have the strength anymore. When he walked over you noticed it was Jacob.

"What happened?" His eyes were wide, as he looked at all the bruises left on your body.

"Who did this?" His voice was shaky, as he continued to examine your body.

He lightly touched your arm, looking at the huge bruise that was left on it.

He helped you sit up, but looking at him make you cry even more than you already were. You had never told Jacob about what was happening with Aiden. You were too afraid.

"Why didn't you tell me someone was hurting you?" He said, as he gently placed by his hands on your cheeks making you look at him with teary eyes.

"Because.." Your voice cracked.

He looked at your with tears in his eyes. He was so patient. He knew how fragile you were. You get hurt by things so easily.

"I was afraid of what he might do if he found out.."

"You don't have to be afraid anymore, Y/N. I'm not going to let this happen." Tears falling down his cheeks.

"Who hurt you like this?" He asked, pulling you into his chest, hugging you tightly.



Yay! A longer one! I finally made a slightly longer one! I might make a part 2 for this one because it feels a bit unfinished! We will see!

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now