I Love You

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"Y/N, wait!" Jacob yelled as he tried to catch up with you as you stormed off.

"I don't want to talk to you!" You were furious at him.

"Y/N, please!"

"Leave me alone, Jacob! You're unbelievable!"

"I'm not going to apologize! I was sticking up for you!" He yelled as he had finally caught up to you, grabbing your wrist to turn you around.

"You just humiliated me in front of everyone!" You were at the brink of crying but you were trying to hold it in.

"I wasn't just going go sit back and let that guy push you around! What else was I supposed to do!"

"Stay out of it! That's what you should've done!"

"I'm so sick and tired of this!" That's when your emotions got the best of you. You couldn't hold yourself together.

"I just can't handle this.." you whispered to yourself as you turned around and start to walk down the sidewalk once again.

"You shouldn't just put up with being treated the way you were." His voiced lowered as he spoke.

"That's the thing, Jacob. I wasn't.."

"Okay, I messed up.. I just couldn't sit back and watch that guy push you around. I'm sorry that humiliated you.." His head hung low as he spoke from behind you.

"You're sorry? Does that mean that you won't do it the next time?" You spoke with frustration and sarcasm.

"I know I've done this in the past and I'm sorry. I just can't stand it when you're treated like that." He sighed as he walked up next to you.

"Hey," he stopped you are turned you toward him.

"I am sorry.." you looked into his sincere eyes and gave a small smile.

"Okay," You took in a deep breath before continuing.

"I believe you." He smiled widely at you before pulling you into a hug.

"I'll act better next time." He whispered gently into your ear as he tucked a couple loose strands of hair behind your ear.

"You better." You smiled before pecking him on the lips.


"Stop attacking me!" You squealed as you try to shoot Jacob's player on the game.

"Then stop attacking me!" He laughed as he continued.

"Okay, lets just.. both stop on 3!" You suggest.

"Alright, ready.. 1"


"3!" He yelled but as soon as you stopped he immediately killed you.

He laughed as he taunted you for falling for it.

"Why didn't you stop, idiot!" You groan as you threw your head back and rolling your eyes.

"Because then if i stopped then I would lose!" He chuckled at your defeat as you whined.

"I don't like you.." you pout as you crossed your arms.

"Liar." He smirked as he moved closer to you and put his hand on yours.

"Stop." You whine as you move your hand.

"Kiss me." He looked down at your lips then back up to you with a smile.

"I don't want to kiss you."

"Then I'll kiss you." He spoke before planting his soft lips on yours and putting his hand on your cheek.

"You're an.. idiot." Spoke in between his kisses.

"I'm your idiot." He smiled widely as you looked at you before pulling completely away.

"That you are." You couldn't help but be annoyed by him when he acted like this.

He was basically the definition of adorable.

"So.. what are we doing later?" You asked with curiosity as you watch him play with the remote that sat on his lap.

"We could watch a movie?" He suggests.

(Y/F/M = Your Favorite Movie)

"Only if we get to watch Y/F/M" you smirked at him.

"We watch that every time." He laughed at your love for that movie.

"And we will continue to watch it every time,"

"You're adorable." He smiled as he brought his hands up to your cheeks and pinched them as he laughed.

"You're cute." He chuckled before quickly pecking your lips.

"Ew!" You spoke before playfully wiping your lips

"Stop." He laughed.


"Okay, turn off the lights." You walked over to be light switch and turned it off before climbing into bed with Jacob.

You moved close to him and put your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around your waist.

"I love this." You spoke softly as you realized how tired you actually once you started to relax

"The movie or cuddling with me?" He looked down at you as he waited for your answer.

"Cuddling with you. It's so relaxing." You smiled up at him.

"Me too." He smiled before continuing to watch the movie.

The movie had barely started and you were already tired. You were warm and cozy and it just make your relax even more which eventually made you dose off.

But before you fell asleep, you heard one last sentence.

"I love you."


I'm back! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! I've been trying to build up my acting resume and it's really been really crazy here!
But how have you guys been?💕

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now