Dad? (pt. 1)

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"Ugh!" You groan, slamming your textbooks closed.

You've been studying for hours and somehow you've managed to get every single question wrong when you check it. You were beyond stressed out because you've been studying for days and you've still made no progress.

You take in a deep breath, closing your eyes as you tried to get rid of the headache you were starting to get. You sat there for several minutes before you got up and walked downstairs.

You stopped in your tracks once you hit the bottom of the stairs. There stood someone you never wanted to see again. Someone you hated for leaving you. There stood your dad.

You parents had gotten a divorce two years ago and since then you've never seen your dad. He never bothered to get in contact with you or see you at all. Which made you hate him for how much he hurt you. You thought he loved you, but you were wrong.

You begin to walk past your dad when he suddenly grabs ahold of your wrist.


You harshly yank your arm from his grip and walk out the door.

You walked down the sidewalk as a million thoughts entered your mind as you tried to figure out why your dad suddenly appeared.

You had already texted Jacob earlier telling him you were coming over.

You walked up to Jacob's front door and knocked a few times. Seconds later the door opens to reveal Jacob.

"Hey!" Jacob let you inside, guiding you upstairs.

You walked into his room and took a seat on bed that was made. Jacob's room was usually clean. It wasn't usually messy because he tended to pick up after himself, which to you was a good thing.

Jacob sat next to you as he turned his full attention to you. He searched your face for any expression, but none were found. You didn't say anything or have any facial expressions. You just sat there.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, watching your facial expressions to see if they changed. He knew that if you were worried or upset about something you wouldn't tell him. That's why he always watched your facial expressions.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You turn to look at him, and instantly feel a blush creeping up on your cheeks because of how intensely he was staring.

"No, you're not. What happened today?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as to why you were upset.

"My dad is here.." you sigh.

"Wait, what?!" He was so shocked he immediately stood up.

"You haven't seen him in over 2 years!" The look of complete shocked was plastered on Jacob's face.

"I don't know. But just don't want to see him." You sigh, feeling slightly angry that he's back.

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't want to go back home. I can't." You throw your body back and lay on Jacob's bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Sure. I'll tell my mom later." He smiled as he sat down next to you.

He grabbed your hand, gently caressing it. He lifted it up to his lips and gently placed a kiss on you hand.

You giggle at his sweet gesture, and sit up.

"You know I've missed you. Like... a lot." He smiled brightly at you, as he stared at you, admiring your beauty.

"Me too." You smiled.

He slowly leaned in, letting your lips barely brush against each other. He gently placed his lips on yours as you kissed back. You've been away from Jacob for awhile due to you being grounded, but now... This is what you missed most about Jacob. His kisses.

He pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours.

"Y'know, I could do that more often if you'd stop getting yourself into trouble." He chuckled, pulling away fully.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." You giggle.

"Well, since your staying here we should have a movie night." Jacob suggested.

He picked up your hand, and playfully bit your fingers as you chuckled.

"Okay, but I picking." You laugh as you watch Jacob pout.

"Hey! That's no fair!"

"But you'll pick a scary movie, and I hate scary movies!" You whine.

"Fine." He chuckles.

"Yes!!" You started rolling around and fist pumping the air in success.

"You're so adorable!"

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