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"Come on, Y/N! Just play with me!" Jacob pouted on his bed.

He was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, pouting.

"Why? I have to finish my homework." You sigh, turned back to your homework you had set on his desk.

"Please! Just for a little bit." He pouted.

"No, I have to finish this." You sigh.

"Fine, I'll have to play with myself then." He pouts.

I took a deep breath as I turn around to face Jacob.

"I'm sorry.." You pout, walking over to him.

He was now sprawled out on the bed with his head hanging off, which made him be upside down a bit.

"I'll play after I finish. It's almost done." You crouch to his head and press your lips against his.

"You promise?" He pouts as you pull away.

"I promise." You smile, standing back up to go to he desk.


You close your notebook and textbook. You turn around to see Jacob curled up in a ball fast asleep. You smile as you walk over to him. His soft breathes showed he was peacefully asleep. You didn't want to wake him as he was very peaceful.

"You're so cute." You whisper, lightly running your fingers through his hair, as you watched his soft facial features.

You couldn't help but stare. He was just adorable with his long eyelashes, his slightly pink tinted cheeks, his pouty lips, his soft breathes.

"I'll let you sleep." You gently kiss his cheek and walk downstairs.

You sit down onto the couch and turn on the tv. Turning on a random movie, you grab a blanket and get comfortable.


"Y/N? Where are you?" You heard Jacob's morning voice from upstairs call.

"Down here." You call, tiredly.

You heard footsteps get closer and closer until he was right in front of you. Although, it was kinda hard for you to see him all that well at first because you were half asleep.

"Are you tired now?" He chuckles, lifting up your head as he sits down and lays your head on his lap.

"Y'know, Y/N, you never played with me." He chuckles, playing with your hair.

"You looked so tired and peaceful. I didn't want to wake you." You mutter.

Him playing with your hair only made your more tired than you were to begin with. You close your eyes as he soothingly plays with your hair.

"It's okay. You can't play with me when your done sleeping. You're cute when you're sleeping." He smiles, running his fingers through your hair.

"Okay." You mutter, falling asleep.

"You're really beautiful." He whispers but you were already asleep.

"I love you, Y/N."

He leaned down, letting his lips brush against you ear.

"You're my everything." He whispered into your ear, gently.

He pulled back and gently caressed your cheeks. He leaned back down and planted a soft kiss onto your cheek.

"Don't forget that, Y/N." He smiled.


I know this is short guys. I'm so sorry! At least it's something..

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now