Will You?

821 23 16

Requested by maddythedonut
Hey guys! I haven't updated recently.. I am so sorry! Thank you all for being so patient with me!


"Y/N, Jacob's here!" Your mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, I'm coming!"

You open your door and run down the stairs. You walk towards the door, opening it.

"Hey, Y/N!" Jacob smiles before pulling you into a big hug.

"Hey!" You smile as you wrap your arms tightly around Jacob.

"Okay, are you two gonna be okay while I'm gone? I'll only be gone for about two hours." You mom smiles.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." You smile to your mom as you pull away from the hug.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." She smiles, grabbing her car keys and walking out the front door.

"So, what do you want to do?" You ask Jacob with a smile.

"Um... how about video games!" He cheers.

"Fine, but I'll win!" You cheer as you run to the living room to be first player.

"Oh, don't be so confident now." He smirks, sitting down beside you.

"Psh, you wish."


"Yes! I win!" You cheer as you fist pump the air.

"You lost! You shouldn't seen that coming, Jacob!" You smirk, continuing to cheer loudly.

"Okay, okay, you can stop rubbing it in my face now." He chuckles.

"Nope! Victory is now mine!" You cheer again.

"You better watch yourself, Y/N."

"Or what?" You smirk to him.

"You really want to see?" He chuckles.

"Maybe." You then cheer again.

"That's it!" He tackles you and pins you down onto the couch and begins tickled you.

"Jacob! S-Stop!" You laugh loudly.

"Not until you stop!" He chuckles as he continues to tickle you.

Jacob unfortunately knew every single spot on your body that was ticklish. And right about now you wish he never knew that.

"N-No! Don't be a s-sore loser!" You tried to kick him and push him off but all failed.

"I'm not! Just tell me you'll stop!" He laughs even harder whilst plastering a huge smirk on his face.

"W-Why?" You scream.

"Because, Y/N. You always rub it in my face! Now it's your turn!" He chuckles.

"Okay, okay! Fine! I'll S-Stop!" You half laugh half scream.

He stopped tickling you and just sat straddled on your waist. You just lay underneath him, catching your breath.

He just stared at you and you caught your breath. He never once looked away from your face.

He lifted up him hand and placed it on your cheek. He leaned down to your ear making his lips lightly brush up against your ear making you shiver.

"Y/N," he whispered into your ear.

He paused for a long time before continuing.

"Will you.."

"Go out with me?" He whispered into your ear.

He moved away from your ear and looked at your reaction. You were so shocked. Your best friend just asked you out.

"I promise... I'll never be like the other guys that have hurt you."

"Ever single guy that broke your heart, I've had to pick up the pieces. I would never take you for granted for even a second." He lightly caressed your cheek.

You sat there watching him. You had so many butterflies. That only added onto your nervousness.

"Yes." You spoke.

He smiled brightly before leaning down and gently placing his lips onto yours. He smiled onto the kiss which made you go crazy. His soft and plump lips moved on yours. You've never been happier.

"Thank you." He whispered.

You smiled back in response before placing your lips back on his.


I know this is a shorter imagine. I'm sorry guys. I've been so stressed. I will try my best to keep writing for you guys!!

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