Bullied (pt. 2)

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I'm so sorry! I haven't posted in 2 days! I'm supposed to post a chapter everyday! I've just been so busy and I can't think straight, so it's really hard for me to write! But, hey! I updated now right?


"Aiden? He did this to you?" Jacob was so upset that he didn't know you were hurting that tears were welling up in his eyes.

You slowly nod your head, as you use all your strength to stand up. Even with all your strength you couldn't stand. Jacob helped you stand which earned a small smile from you.

"I can't believe I didn't know about this." He whispered.

"I'm sorry, Jacob." You were upset too, knowing that he just would've wanted to help you.

You walk toward the door, and walk out. You walk down the empty hallway that was normally full of students, pushing you as they ran out the door.

"Wait." You felt Jacob grab your wrist, turning you around.

"You know I'm here to protect now, right?" He asked, looking into your eyes.

"I don't know, Jacob. He scares me. I don't know if you can help even if you tried." You sigh, before turning around and walking to your locker.

You crouch down to your locker, and open it. Grabbing your backpack. You were planning on just leaving school for the day. You didn't care enough to stay, and it would only be them constantly hitting you anyway.

"Y/N, I wouldn't let them hurt you." He said, as he walked up behind you.

"Jacob, I already said that you have no control over what they do to me." You sigh, putting your backpack on your back.

"I can't just let them do this to you. Just look at your arm, Y/N!" He said, pointing to your arm that had a huge bruise on it.

"I know I can help. They won't mess with you anymore because I'm going to make sure I'm with you at all times."

"Jacob, we don't have every single class together." You shut your locker and started walking down the long hallway towards the front door.

"I know, but I know exactly where you'll be after each class. I'll protect you. Make sure they don't hurt you like this again." He said, following behind you.

"You'll only end up getting hurt." You could here the emotion in your voice.

You were genuinely scared they were going to hurt him. You didn't want Jacob getting hurt just because he was helping you. You just couldn't let that happen.

"Y/N.." he gently grabbed your wrist, making you stop walking and turn around to face him.

"I can't just sit back and let you get hurt."

"You're everything to me." He said, pulling you toward him.

He wrapped him arms around you, as you shook, starting to cry.

You felt safe with Jacob. But you were still scared to death he'd get hurt trying to help you.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. You just need to relax. You're forgetting I'm taller than them. They'll get scared just when I walked up to them." He joked.

You laughed, before pulling away and wiping your eyes.

"Thank you."

"It's my job. But, you're welcome." He smiled before pulling you into a hug.


What'd you guys think? Idk how I feel about the first one and this one..

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