Do You Trust Me?

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Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been feeling like I can't write recently. Like I'm just horrible at it and shouldn't try. But when I remember you guys are waiting I get a little upset because I'm just taking my time. Anyway, here's an update. I hope you enjoy!


"Y/N! I'm serious! Don't open it!" He yelled as he chased you around his house.

You had taken a letter from his desk, that he apparently didn't want you to read. But that was only making you want to read it more.

"Y/N! Don't read that! It's not important!" Your best friend yelled as he chased you up the stairs.

"If it's not important then why are you chasing me for it?" You giggle, running into his room and locking the door.

You quickly open the letter and begin to read.

"Y/N! Open the door!" He whines as he tries desperately to open the door.

"Please, don't read it!"

Your breath hitched in your throat as you continued to read the letter.

It was your family.

It was about your family.

Your smiles had already faded. You were in pure shock.

You finished reading the note long ago, but just stood at the door unable to open it.

You finally snapped out of it, and slowly turned around and unlocked the door, opening it.

Jacob quickly came in, looking right at you realizing from your facial expression that you had already read it.

"Is it true?" You blinked, staring at the corner of the room.

No answer.

"Is it true, Jacob?" Tears began to well up in your eyes, as you turned to meet his eyes.

"Y/N, please just let me expla-"

"No! Why didn't you tell me?" Your heart hurt.

"I was going to tell you but I didn't get the chance yet!"

"Chance? You have had all the time in the world, Jacob!" Tears were streaming down you face now.

Your heart hurt so much now that you knew that you would lose your dad.

"How did you even know about the divorce?" You whispered, becoming quieter.

"I heard my mom talking to your mom on the phone.." he spoke quietly.

You looked up at him, meeting his teary eyes.

"Why couldn't you have just told me?" You asked.

"I didn't know how to.. I promise I was going to."

"I'm sorry.." he muttered.

You slowly walk up to him, placing your hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad. I'm just upset."

Your hand fell to your side as you walked to his bed and sat down.

"I'm hurt.. but I also have this relief. Relief that I don't have to hear every word of the constant fighting. I don't have to hurt more than I already do. They don't even realize that they are effecting me.." you had to stop, trying to choke back your tears as you stared at the ground.

"Hey," Jacob whispered, sitting down next to you, grabbing ahold of your hand.

"It's going to be okay, Y/N. I promise. I'm here. I always will be. Whenever your hurting and you can't talk to anyone just know you can come to me. I'm always here." He leaned forward, trying to see your face.

You finally look up at him, with tears still falling down your cheeks.

"Do you trust me?" His eyes showed how much he really did care about you.

Jacob has always been there for you. He's never once left your side when you needed him there.

You slowly nod you head, meeting his twinkling eyes.

"Good." He gently presses his lips to yours.

His lips were so soft and plump as they gently moved against yours. You both moved your lips in sync, trying savor the kiss.

Was your best friend really kissing you?

You couldn't get that thought out of your head. But you felt that it was right.

As Jacob ended the kiss he gently pressed your foreheads together.

"Do you still trust me?" His breathing was heavy

"Yes." You breathed.

"Good." He smiled, pulling fully away.

"You're gonna need to trust me, Y/N. that's the only way you won't get hurt."

"I trust you. Fully."


So, I'm thinking about writing another imagine tonight. But by the time you guys get to read it it'll probably be morning. Idk, we'll see if I'm up to it!

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