He Meets Your Family

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A/N: I made an Instagram! I was going to use my user from here but someone stole it and used it. The most annoying part is that they aren't even active, smh.. anyway, my Instagram is below! Go spam me with likes and comments, okay?💕
Instagram: @loyal_sartorius_


"Okay, I'm as ready as I'll ever be!" Jacob exclaimed as he walked down the stairs with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"O-Okay, let's go then." You tried your best to smile as I walked out his front door.

Your family had always been so suspicious of Jacob. They've never even met him and they are already so judgmental.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jacob turned you around and looked at you confused.

"Nothing." You sigh as you looked at him.

"Y/N, just tell me?"

"It's.. it's just that I don't trust my family." You replied.

"They are already so judgmental about you and I'm afraid that they won't love you as much as I do.." You were really frustrated at your family for making things harder than they needed to be.

"And if they don't, they don't. That's okay, Y/N." He gave me a reassuring smile before turning you around and pushing you towards the car.

"Don't worry." He kissed your forehead before getting in the backseat as you followed.

Caroline got into the front seat and started the car and before you guys knew it were we off.


We arrived at my house and you were absolutely terrified. All of this will either play out good or very very badly.

"Hey," Jacob grabbed your hand as you looked over at him.

"It's okay." He reassured you before stepping out of the car after you.

You both walked up to your front door and stopped. You hesitatingly grabbed the metal door knob and opened the door.

"Honey, Y/N and Jacob are here!" Your mom called out for your dad as she came to greet you and Jacob.

"Hello, you must be Jacob." Your mom looked Jacob up and down before sticking her hand out to shake his.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded with a smile.

You could tell he was slightly more nervous than he expected and got so badly wanted to just hold his hand but knowing your parents, that wasn't possible at the moment.

"Ah, Jacob." Your dad chuckled slightly as he approached Jacob and stuck out his hand.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, sir." Jacob shook his hand as well before they both let go.

"We have dinner ready so come sit." Your mom said hesitatingly.

You and Jacob followed your mom and dad into the kitchen.

You sat next to Jacob on one end of the table as your mom and dad sat on the other side.

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