Water Park

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"Wait up!" You yell, running after Jacob who apparently thought it would be funny to run away from you.

"Never!" He laughed, running into the water house.

The water house is basically just a huge building just spraying mist, so it was like fog only you got wet.

You still couldn't see anything around it as you look for Jacob. The mist was too thick.

"Jacob, this isn't funny! My mom said we have to stay together!" You we're searching, running in circles even.

You groan in frustration as you got yourself lost in the huge building. The mist was making it impossible to see anything around you.

"Jacob, I'm serious!"

You saw someone run past you, but you couldn't see who. You quickly followed. Which led out of the water house.

You groan in frustration as you looked through the crowd, noting seeing a sign of Jacob.

"Y/N!" You turn to your right and see Jacob off in the distance.

You ran after him as he ran away through the crowd.

"Y/N," You stop to see your mom sitting with Jacob's mom talking.

"Uh.." You were nervous because you had no clue where Jacob was and you were supposed to stay together.

"Yeah?" You could practically hear the nervousness in your voice.

You walk over to where she was sitting on bench.

"Where's Jacob?" She looked around trying to see if she could find him.

"Oh, uh, he just went to the bathroom really fast." You tried to sound convincing.

"Okay. How about you wait for him outside the bathroom."

"Okay. Bye mom." You hugged her before heading the direction where the bathroom was.

When you were out of her sight you quickly headed the opposite direction.

You walked past people towards the water slides. You walk through the crowd as you hoped you'd find Jacob.

"Y/N?" You look ahead to see Mario in his swim trunks, wet.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" You chuckle, hugging him, since you were wet as well.

"I'm here with my mom. My sisters were with friends today. Jokes on them though." He laughed.

"I guess so." You laugh.

"Hey, have you seen Jacob?" You sigh, looking around.

"No, why?"

"We came together with his mom and my mom, and we were supposed to stay together but he ran away and now I can't find him." You groan in frustration.

"I can help." He smiled brightly at you.

"Okay." His eyes lit up, and he smiled brightly.

"Let's check the water house again, since it's right here." You walk towards the water house and enter it, staying close to Mario since your can't see a thing in the water house and would probably be separated.

"Jacob!" You yell.

"Are you in here? This isn't funny anymore! You've been hiding for 30 minutes!" You walk forward, taking turns when needed, squinting your eyes to see slightly better.

"Jacob!" Mario's voice rang through the fairly empty building, as he continued walking.

"Boo!" Jacob grabbed onto your shoulders from behind you, making you jump.

You turn around with wide eyes.

"What the heck!" You hit him playfully.

"You scared me!" You hit him again.

"Sorry, sorry!" His laughs rang through the building.

"Where were you?" You sigh, finally settling down.

"I've been following behind you the entire time." He chuckled.

"How did I not even notice that?" You asked, confused.

"I don't know. You just didn't?" He laughed.

"Hey, Jacob." Mario smiled.

"Hey." Jacob smiled back.

"Wanna go on some water slides now?" Mario suggested.


"Okay, let's go!" You grabbed Jacob's hand in your left hand and Mario's in your right, and ran out of the water house with them towards the water slides.


I'm sorry guys.. I'm really slacking. If you've been waiting I'm so sorry..

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now