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I really hope this makes up for my leave.. even though it was because I was in the hospital I still feel so bad..


"This is stupid" you roll your eyes as you watch Jacob climb up to the top of the tall jungle gym at the park.

"This is awesome." He smiles down at you before continuing to climb even higher.

"Jacob, you're going to end up getting hurt!" You chuckle as you cross your arms.

"I won't get hurt if I'm careful. Now climb, Y/N!" He replied as he grabbed onto the next metal bar.

You watched at Jacob climbed higher than before which really scared you. If he fell from that height he would surely break something.

"Jacob, you need to come down before you break something."

"I'm a great climber!" He chuckles.

"I know, but I don't trust those tiny metal bars! They are old!" You exclaim, worriedly.

"They are fine!"

"I just want you to clim, Y/N!" He stops and smiles down at you before continuing.

"Jacob, come down." You groan.


You groan before grabbing ahold of the cold metal bar, pulling yourself up as you place your left foot onto the bar below. As you get higher your palms start to get sweaty.

"Jacob.. can we get down now?" Your voice showing slight hint of fright.

"Nope! We're going to the top! I have something to show you!" He yells from above.

You let out a deep breathe before continuing to climb.

"This is ridiculous!" You tell up to him.

"You'll see in a minute why we are climbing! Just wait!"

You climb, but suddenly felt the urge to look down, but you knew that would be a bad idea considering how scared you already are. You start to relax more once you realize you are almost to the top. Jacob was waiting for you, watching as you climbed up the rest.

You finally get to the top and stand up as you take a deep breathe in, relaxing yourself. You fully stand up and immediately you're shocked with the sight.

"W-What is this?" You're eyes wide as you watched the the beautiful beach; or should I say beaches.

"It's where two different oceans meet by don't mix. Two completely different oceans."

You watch as the ocean waves continuously move but never mix with each other.

"It's beautiful.."

It was stunning. You've never in your entire life seem something this beautiful.

Just past the beach was a beautiful forest. You couldn't see in, but you knew it was pure beauty.

"Why did you bring me here?" Your gaze never left the beautiful scenery

"To see this." He turned you around as you met his eyes.

"I thought it was beautiful. I knew you would love it." He smiles, placing his hand on your cheek, gently caressing it.

"You thought right." You smile.

He returns your smiles before he leans in to kiss you. His soft lips being placed on yours made every trouble go away.

He rubbed his thumb on your cheek as he continued the kiss. His soft and plump lips fit to yours. His lips were pure heaven to you.

"I think you are the true beauty." He smiles as he pulls away, watching your eyes.

"The ocean is nothing compared to you."

"You're everything."



Okay, the reason this one is so short is because I'm currently writing that SUPER long imagine! So, his is kinda a filler! PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH THE LONG CHAPTER! IT WILL BE LONG!

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now