Amusement Park

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"Jacob, give it back!" You yell, desperately trying to get the hair tie back that he took out of your hair and was now holding it above your head so you couldn't read it.

"Not until you say it!" He giggles, holding it higher than before.

"I'm not saying that, Jacob!" You whine.

You jump trying to reach it, but it was no use because he only held it higher.

"Just say it once!" He chuckles, watching you trying to reach it.


"Jacob!" You whine, standing on your tip toes.

"Come on, give it back, Jacob." Your older brother Mario says as he walks past you guys to the fridge.

Jacob sighs, handing you your hair tie back while mumbling some words you couldn't understand.

You smile widely as you grabbed the hair tie from his hand. You quickly put your hair back into a pony tail, and walk to the fridge where Mario was.

You grab the milk from the fridge, and pour some into your bowl of filled with cereal you had put in there before Jacob took your hair down.

You put the milk down and grab your bowl, taking it to the table. You sit down and begin to eat. Soon after Mario and Jacob both sit down eating their own bowls of cereal.

"When does the amusement park open?" You ask as you look up from your bowl.

"8 AM." Mario answers before going back to his bowl of cereal.

You look down at your phone that said 9:16 AM.

You quickly finished your bowl of cereal and put it in the sink. You walk up the stairs to your room to change your clothes. You walk into your room making sure to lock the door since Mario has a habit of walking into your room without knocking.

You quickly change and walk to your bathroom to do your makeup since you already previously put your hair up.

You never put on a lot of makeup. You always put very little makeup on so it wasn't really noticeable when you had it on and when you didn't have it on.

You walk downstairs and to put on your converse when you were stopped by Mario.

"Really, Y/N?" He sighs.

"What?" You ask, looking down at your outfit.

"Go change." He groans.

"Why? There isn't anything wrong with it."

"It's really revealing, Y/N." He sighs, frustrated.

"Fine." You mutter before walking back downstairs.

You quickly change into a plain white t-shirt, some jean shorts, and put on your white converse you had in your room already.

You walk back downstairs to see that Mario was now ready to go.

"Ready?" You ask him.


"Jacob is waiting in the car." You nod as you follow him out to the car.

You see Jacob is in the shotgun, so you get in the back as Mario sits in the drivers seat.

"Amusement park here we come!" Jacob said excitedly.


You unbuckled your seatbelt and got out of the car. Watching one of the roller coasters go. You shivered at the thought of you on that.

You were always scared of roller coasters. They just freaked you out. Plus, you were scared of heights, which didn't help.

"Let's go get tickets." Mario said, walking toward the booth as you and Jacob followed behind.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jacob looked at you concerned.

"Yeah." You smile, reassuringly.

Mario bought the tickets and you got inside.

"So, what ride first?" Mario looked at both You and Jacob.

"Umm..... how about the Ferris wheel!" Jacob exclaimed, pointing to the Ferris wheel.

Great. He picked the one really high ride. And if definitely didn't help that the cart moved and tilted if you even made the slightest movement.

"Okay! Let's go get in line." You followed Mario and Jacob towards the line for the Ferris wheel.

The line went slowly, but to you it was fast. You were scared to death, but you couldn't tell them that. You didn't want to ruin a fun time for them. So, you had no choice but to go along with whatever they chose.

You shakily stepped onto the cart and sat down next to Jacob as they closed the door to the open cart.

You tried your best to seem calm and not scared, but your shaky hands and uneven breathes didn't help.

The ride started and began to go up which for you only made things worse.

As it got higher you tried harder and harder to skim yourself down. You tightly close your eyes and try to control your breathing.

"Wow! Look at that!" You heard Jacob exclaim bedside you.

"You can see very ride!" Mario's excitement was obvious.


"Are you okay?" You refused to open your eyes.

The ride had stopped at the top which was bad for you. Especially since it kept tilting.

"Y/N?" You felt a hand on your shoulder trying to calm you down.

You pry open your eyes, and quickly stare at the floor of the cart, not daring to look anywhere other than the floor.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good." You replied shakily.

"Y/N, why didn't you tell us you were scared?" Mario asked.

"B-Because I didn't want to r-ruin your fun." You hiccuped.

"It wouldn't have ruined it, Y/N. We care more about you than stupid rides." Jacob said, clearly concerned.

"I-I'm sorry." Your hands were shaking a lot.

You were playing with your fingers in attempt to calm yourself down.

Jacob grabbed your hand, holding onto it tightly. Surprisingly it calmed you down a little.

The ride started again and it began to go down. When you were about half way down you moved your gaze to look at Jacob.

"Thank you." You mouthed to him as he smiled back at you.

Jacob Sartorius ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now