1. Babysitter

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As usual management called Scooter and I into a meeting. They are probably going to tell me to be careful and not do it again. I walk in and I'm greeted my Dulce the management boss.

"Ahh there's my favorite pop star." Shes obviously lying.

"Aye Dulce."

"Scooter, Justin take a seat we have something very important to discuss." I slouch down in my seat getting ready for whatever she has to say, but I honestly don't give a fuck.

"Scooter we haven't been very excited to know that Justin was seen with Chantel, then find out he got arrested." Shit.

"I know and it wont happen again." Scooter says

"Ohh I'll make sure of that because hes going to rehab." What da fuck did she just say I stood up.

"What!" I blurt out.

"Wait please give him another chance." Scooter stands up from his chair.

"Its not my decision." Dulce says

"Maybe you guys can come up with another way to help Justin." Scooter walks around the room, constantly putting his hands threw his hair.

"Hmmm" Dulce signals her co workers to huddle in a circle.

After a couple minutes discussing who knows what she turns her attention to Scooter and I.

"We have another option. We will hire someone to be with Justin at all times and they will make Justin think again on what hes doing or where hes going. In other words we are hiring you a babysitter, until Justin learns to make decisions by himself. End of discussion. Now we will be right back" What am I five.

"Scooter she cant do that."

"Justin this is all on you."

I know I make bad decisions, but come on they don't know how it fells to be JUSTIN BIEBER 99% of people hate me, I'm losing my beliebers.


I was walking around L.A looking for a job.

I entered a huge building I wasn't quite sure what you do in this building, but it had a cafè in it.

"Excuse me sir, but are you by any chance hiring." He shakes his head. This was the fifth place that 'wasn't' hiring.

I decided to take a break and order a coffee while I was here.

I sat at the bar next to this lady which was discussing something to a man next to her.

The guy brought me my coffee.

Then the lady started looking at me.

I started to get annoyed after a while.

"Can I help you?" I said in a rather bitchy tone. I could of been mistaken for Regina George.

"Ooo nice tough attitude." What is this lady talking about?

"Excuse me?" I put my coffee down.

"I'm sorry I'm Dulce." She pulls out her hand, I shake it short a.

" I work in management you know what that is?" These people sicken me.

"Yeah aren't you the people that make douche bag celebs seem like angels to the tabloids."

"Ouch...Yeah that's us. Now who are you?" She says in a rather excited way.

"Amanda Lewis."

"Well Amanda I have a job offer for you." Once she said job offer all I saw were dollar signs. 'Money on ma mind, money money on ma mind ya..' Sorry.

"What kind of offer?"

"Lets go to a more Private place my office is over there." I nodded then paid for my drink.

I sat down in front of her desk.

"How would you like to be Justin Biebers Baby sitter?" Say what now. Did she say baby sitter?

"Im sorry did you say baby sitter?"

"Yes, you must stop Justin from making poorly thought chooses. You will go were ever he goes etc."

Haha how am I going to control that devil child. I'm not a fan of his. He is stupid and ignorant.

"Sorry, but no." I grabbed my jacket and opened the door then I heard music to my ears.

"We'll pay you 3000...weekly till the contract is over." I smirked and turned around, know that's what I'm talking about.

"And how long is this contract exactly?" Dulce started thinking.

"8 months deal?" Now I started to think.

"Deal." You should of seen the smirk on that lady's face as we shook hands.

"Now that that's done lets go see Justin." This should be interesting.

I've met him before at a meet and greet I was forced to go with my 10 year old cousin. He was sweet and all, but I'm never going to like him or his music.

Dulce told me to wait till she introduces me.


I saw Dulce walk in, she was quite excited. Guess she found me a baby sitter.

"Great news boys I have Justin's new baby sitter I introduce to you Amanda Lewis."

Damn I feel like a little kid again, ya know when you have a crush on your baby sitter.

Shes hawt as fuck! Shes the perfect height, long wavy black hair with some clear blue ocean eyes. Stunning. Oh and Dimples!

"Hi." When did she walk up to me? I shake her hand.

"Hey have I seen you before?"

"Yeah I went to one of your meet and greets with my little cousin."


"I'm glad you two are getting along cause for the next 8 months you're going to be BFFs." The smile on her face is faker then barbies boobs.

"Now Amanda you know what you have to do right?" Amanda nods and give Dulce a half smile.

"The guys and I are calling it The Justin Project." Dulce and the guys laugh, but Scooter, I, and Amanda exchange looks.

"No? Okay Now Amanda you will be living at Justin's so we will be sending a moving truck and a cab to get you on Friday."

"Sounds cool." She puts a thumb ups.

Wait Friday I have to wait till Friday and its Monday till I get that goddess to my self.

Double wait, I only have three days of freedom not including tonight.


"Huh?" How embarrassing

Amanda giggles "I said bye." That smile tho.

"Ohh bye."I. was going in for a hug but I guess not. I awkwardly shake her hand.


I left towards my car. I live with my parents.

Now to tell them that I'm baby sitting Justin Bieber.



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