Training Dragons

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Iris's Pov (Next day)

Gobber had set up a maze in the arena and then had set a Deadly Nadder with us in there.

Hiccup, being the curious boy he is, continued trying to ask Gobber questions about the Night fury, with no clue on what was happening around him.

I called him over just as the Nadder was in sight. He looked over at me as I gestured for him to quiet down a little, not really wanting to be found.

He nodded and crouched down as Astrid and Snotlout crouched beside him, watching the Nadder with determination.

I rolled my eyes as Astrid and Snotlout barrel rolled out of the way as the Nadder spotted them, before concentrating on Hiccup who was being chased.

I continued quietly following them, while somehow staying out of the Nadders sight. I hid in a corner and waited for something to happen.

After a few minutes, I heard a crashing noise and the scream of "Hiccup!" I came out of my hiding spot to see Astrid getting off of Hiccup who was on the ground before hitting the Nadder with the shield stuck to her axe.

I came closer as Hiccup got a scolding from her before helping him up so that we could leave. Hiccup had decided to go see the Night fury so I tagged along until we came to the cove.

Since I thought the Night Fury wasn't too much of a danger I left to let him do whatever he was going to do.

As I was walking through the forest, I noticed many trees that looked like they had been hit by lightning. I followed a seemingly path of them, until I came across what seemed to be a secret cave.

Vines were hanging over the entrance and if you were looking at the entrance from a different angle it would probably just look like a cliff covered in vines.

I walked closer before stopping when I heard a noise come from inside. It sounded like something or someone in pain. I pulled the vines apart to see a dragon lying there on the ground.

When it saw me, it tried to growl although it seemed to be in too much pain to be so threatening. I slowly walked up and brought my hands up in a surrendering sign as I came closer.

"Hey, hey it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." I said as I came within two arm lengths away before stopping.

I looked into the dragons eyes, to see them full of fear and pain. As I crouched down to observe it in the dim light, it tried growling again.

I took the time that I had without threatening it to observe it. It was hard to see too much in the dark, but what I did see did help.

I noticed that the dragon seemed to have purple, blue, turquoise, and black scales. It had large wings/arms with horns on the tip, two legs, a long tail, and a crown of horns on top of it's head.

I continued observing it, until I noticed long cuts across its back and belly. I slowly reached my hand out, after the dragon seemed to calm down in my presence.

At first it seemed to be reluctant, but when it saw I meant no harm, it placed it's head in my hand. I smiled as I felt its rough yet slick skin of scales.

I looked into the dragons eyes to see that it had seemed to calm down and its fear was replaced with curiosity.

It tried to shuffle over, but when it did, it screeched out in pain. "Woh, woh, woh, you're hurt, you shouldn't move." I said, putting my hands out as if to say stop.

The dragon seemed to settle back down after a bit and I was able to creep closer to get a closer look at the wounds.

The dragon watched me carefully as I observed them. I soon realized that these injuries were made not by humans, but other dragons!

Claw marks were seen around the back and belly, while there was also what seemed to be a bite mark around its neck.

I searched my bag I had with me for some herbs Gothi gave me. Since my mother worked with Gothi, she insisted I learn at least a little about healing. I was glad when I felt a small package of cleaning herbs and a few bandages.

I pulled them out and let the dragon sniff it before asking. "Can I help." While hoping it understood me. It nodded and I smiled.

Although I didn't know what kind of dragon this was yet, I knew it was quite an intelligent one. Hopefully there was some info about it in the Dragon Manual.

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