Dragon Trappers

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Iris's Pov

It's been 5 years since I had left Berk and I was now 20. We had adventures around and out of the Archipelago at first before settling down at the Sanctuary with Valka who we had found.

Now we were getting ready to travel again. I would keep most of my stuff in my sanctuary home and come back often. Storm's wing had fully healed and he could now fly with a load on his back.

Valka has been quite busy with saving dragons from Drago and I helped out sometimes. There were not as many dragons trappers now because there wasn't very many dragons to easy to catch and that was one of the reasons why we decided to travel again.

We had decided to not take the boat this time because we would be coming back regularly so we could drop off stuff whenever we need to.

"Alright guys, you ready to go?" I asked Bolt, Zip and Zap, and Storm. The three roared happily in response.

I turned to Valka who was behind me with Cloudjumper. "I'll come back soon." I told her. She nodded with a smile and we hugged.

"Be careful out there with all the dragon trappers." She told me. I nodded in reply as I mounted Bolt. I nodded to the Alpha who was watching us before we flew out of the Sanctuary.

We decided to go back south again although not as far as Berk. We flew for awhile until we came to a bunch of islands.

I remembered there was a dragon trapper fort down there so we stayed up high in the clouds as we passed over.

Multiple columns of stone rose from the ocean and some hid in the fog while others hid in the low clouds.

It was autumn now and the trees held beautifully colored leaves. We landed on a column that was higher than the rest so I could map out the area. I watched as a few Timberjacks flew overhead towards the warmer south.

My map was a book that had pages that folded out and I could fold them back up into it. I didn't need a compass because I had learned to use my surroundings to find the direction and time of where I was.

Soon enough I had added another page to my map and had drawn the islands around me. I made sure there was enough detail so I could tell exactly which place it was because I didn't name it.

I didn't name the new places I went to because they could have already been named by someone else that I don't know about.

I was soon ready to go and we flew up into the air again to continue our travels. We stopped multiple times for me to map out the area and nothing entirely interesting happened until lunch time.

We had stopped for lunch and were flying again when we heard a yell below us. I looked down and saw a dragon trapper boat.

"Watch out." I yelled as nets and arrows flew at us. We had almost got away when Zip and Zap got caught in a net and fell into the water below.

They were pulled up by a rope attached to the net as Bolt, Storm, and I flew down to the rescue. Bolt hovered as I jumped onto the deck of the boat.

"Let them go." I said in a low voice through my mask. "And why would I do that?" I supposed was the leader answered. "Because they don't belong to you." I answered, unclasping my staff from my back and getting into a stance.

"Oooo, I'm so scared. What are you going to do about it? Hit me with that stick?" The guy said, taunting me.

"You mean this? It's a lot more than a 'stick'. I answered, collapsing the staff down to reveal the two swords beneath. It kept it all connected so it was a double sword sided staff.

The guy widened his eyes before getting serious. All the trappers around me got their weapons ready and charged.

I dodged or blocked whatever came at me with ease and made my way to Zip and Zap who were still trapped in the net.

Bolt landed and defended me as I cut the net to let Zip and Zap out. Soon they were free and we quickly flew up into the sky.

"You won't keep those dragons forever, Drago will eventually get them!" The man yelled from down below as we flew off.

We were a bit more careful for the rest of the day and kept lookout for more trappers.

There was not an island in sight when I decided to read a bit of the dragon book I had found in the cave behind the waterfall all those years ago.

I had gone over it many times but I always found something new each time.

I had added quite a bit to it as well as putting a lot of the info into my own dragon book. I had read a bit when I heard a roar from Storm.

"What is it Storm?" I asked. He nodded his head to a small dot on the horizon that slowly grew bigger as we got closer.

It was a small island and it looked like it had a small building in the middle. It seemed slightly familiar as we landed.

There didn't seem to be anyone there and the theory was confirmed with a quick search of the building and island.

We decided to stay the night there as it was starting to get dark outside. Just as I was about to fall asleep I realized where I was.

The Chief Meeting island that was on one of the maps from the cave behind the waterfall.

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