"How about Bolt?"

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Iris's Pov

"Today is about teamwork. Now a wet dragon head can't light its fire.

The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other one lights it. Your job is to know which is which." Gobber said before Fishlegs babbled on about facts about the dragon. (Astrid/Ruff, Tuff/Snotlout, and Hiccup/Fishlegs/Iris). "Will you please stop that!" Hiccup whisper/yelled.

After a few moments I heard Snotlout and Tuffnut creating a commotion with Astrid and Ruffnut, leaving all their buckets empty.

Since there were three in our group, one of us didn't get a bucket, and that just happened to be me, although I had something else up my sleeve (quite literally).

Suddenly a dragon head popped out of all the gas surrounding us. Fish legs threw his water at the dragon, but only gas came out of his mouth. "Oh, wrong head." He said before another head came out.

Hiccup tried throwing his water at it but he failed. He looked over at me and I nodded, knowing what he was thinking. The dragon seemed to notice me and threw me to the ground.

It was then that I showed the eel in my jacket. I slowly stood up, showing it to the dragon but not the others.

"Back, Back! Now don't let me tell you again. Yeah thats right, back into your cage. Now think about what you've done." I said as I threw the eel in and closed the door.

I turned around with Hiccup next to me to see the whole group in shock. Fishlegs even dropped his bucket. "Ok, So are we done? Cause we have some things we need to - yup, see you tomorrow!" I said as I dragged Hiccup out of the Arena.

We went back to the forge to get started on upgrading the tail, before I remember the Skrill in the cave.

"Oh, Hiccup. I actually have some other things to do, so see you later?" I said. He just nodded, too concentrated on what he was a doing.

I rushed to my house to grab some fish, supplies, and the books Gothi gave me before heading out into the forest.

Soon I had found the cave again. "Hello? Are you in here?" I called out. I heard some shuffling to my left, and turned to see a dragon sitting there.

"Hi! I brought some fish and more supplies! Figured I should re-dress your wounds." The dragon just nodded.

I started cleaning and re-bandaging the wounds while it ate the fish. Luckily I had remembered dragons don't like eels.

"So, what kind of dragon are you? And are you male or female?" I asked, wanting to start a 'conversation'. "Are you a Skrill?"

As soon as I said that, the dragon stiffened. It turned to me, with a fish hanging out of it's mouth. I giggled before getting serious again.

The dragon nodded its head. "Oh wow, that's cool! Are you a girl?" The Skrill shook his head. "A boy?" I got a nod in return. "Hmm, Okay. Do you have a name?" He just tilted his head like he didn't quite know what I meant.

"A name is what your parents or people call you. So you don't have to call them she, he, it, or in your case Skrill or Dragon." I told him before quickly finishing patching up his wounds. He just shook his head.

"So, could I maybe name you?" I asked, sitting down in front of him. A nod.

"Hmm, oh wait, can you shoot lightning?" A nod. "Can you show me?" The Skrill lit up his crown with sparks and shot a lightning bolt carefully at the wall. "Wow! That's awesome!" I said.

"Now for your name. How about Strike?" The skill growled. "Ok, how about Spark?" That earned me a whack on the head from his tail. "Fine! How about Bolt?"

The dragon sat still for a moment, seeming to be thinking about it. After a few seconds he finally nodded his head. "Really? Yay!" I almost yelled in celebration.

Bolt just rolled his eyes. Then I looked outside to see it was starting to get dark.

"Oh no, It's getting dark! I think I should go. I'll be back tomorrow!" I said as I picked everything up. Bolt just huffed as I left.

Time skip. (Two days later)

Yesterday, Hiccup had found out about a field of dragon nip and had brought some to dragon training.

Today was a Gronkle and when it was charging us, we both held up some in our hands. The dragon stopped in front of us before sniffing the nip and rolling over.

I started reading the books Gothi gave me and I sometimes helped her making medicines and stuff, learning more about plants and medicines.

I worked in the forge whenever I needed to, although Hiccup was able to do it by himself sometimes.

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