Moving into the Sanctuary

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Iris's Pov

We finally made it to the Sanctuary after a week. We had stopped at islands on the way. Some were and some weren't inhabited.

I sailed my boat in between some of the ice spikes to hide and tie it up before heading inside.

Storm was cautious at first when he met Valka but warmed up to her real fast.

"How long will you be here?" She asked as we watched the dragons play together. "I'm not sure. If you're ok with it and the Alpha agrees, we may stay for a few years so that Storm can heal and we can have a base to come back to after traveling." I said. Valka nodded with a smile.

"If the Alpha agrees, I would love to have some company here although you'd have to carve out your own cave." She said.

We walked down to the Bewilder-beast and asked his permission. He seemed to understand humans quite well and agreed.

We found a section of the sanctuary wall that was up in the air a bit and thick enough to make a big cave-house. Instead of carving, I figured I could use the heat from the fire of my dragons.

Zip and Zap blew up a bit so that we had a ledge before Bolt carried Storm up. Turns out he could change 'smoke breath' so that it had a high concentration on acid that could melt ice.

Zip and Zap, Bolt, and Storm worked together to melt a large room big enough for all of us to sleep comfortably in as I carved out shelves and other stuff out of some other ice. A waterfall was created as we melted the ice, raining on a few happy dragons down below.

We took a break and I sat at the edge of the ledge with my legs hanging over. We were up quite high and I could see Valka down on the ground playing with some baby scuttleclaws.

I decided to look around where I was and noticed the pillars helping support the ceiling of the Sanctuary. There was one close to the wall a not too far away from the ledge I was on.

I walked over to get a closer look and realized it was made of a mix of stone and ice. There were plants growing in pockets where there was a bit of dirt and vines trailed all the way down.

"Hey Zip and Zap, can you come here quick?" I asked. The two came over and I told them to blow up part of the wall to make a path to the pillar. I soon had a path that was wide enough for me and maybe a baby dragon to walk side by side to the pillar.

I found that I could reach out and grab a vine from the pillar. I tore it from the pillar so that it was hanging from its roots at the top. I checked to see if it would hold my weight and it held.

I prepared myself before jumping off the path into the air beside the pillar. I held onto the vine tightly as I swung onto the pillar. I looked down below to see how far I'd have to go before starting to climb down.

Bolt, Zip and Zap, and Storm watched from the ledge above.

When I was not too far from the ground, I pushed off and landed with a roll. I cheered when I knew I had a way to get up and down without a dragon if I had to.

As I was brushing myself off, I saw Valka walking over. "Looks like you're getting settled in already." She said. I nodded. "Yeah, we've got a room big enough for me and the dragons to move around comfortably although I'm thinking of making a few other rooms for other stuff." I said.

It was her turn to nod. "Are you hungry?" She asked. "A little I guess." I answered. "Good, because it's feeding time." She said.

I called the dragons down and Bolt carried Storm down. "We'll be back soon, don't worry I'll bring some fish back for you." I told him, giving him a scratch under the chin.

Zip and Zap, Bolt, and I flew out, following Valka and all the other dragons. I had noticed the Alpha had left the sanctuary so I guessed he had something to do with it.

We were in the middle of the ocean when Valka gestured for us all to stop. We stopped and hovered in the air. I noticed movement down below and watched as the Alpha swam out and spit tons of fish in the air.

Zip and Zap instantly went after the fish and Bolt not far behind. I held on tightly as he dived and twirled around other dragons to get fish. "Save some for Storm!" I told him.

Bolt nodded and swallowed all the fish in his mouth. He then started getting more for Storm.

Not too long later the Alpha and most of the dragons went back to the Sanctuary.

I noticed Valka wanted to follow her and I changed dragons so that Bolt could take the fish back to Storm. Zip and Zap flew after Valka and a few other dragons that followed her.

We came to an area where a wind blew up from down below. The dragons spread their wings and glided around.

I noticed Valka wasn't on Cloudjumper and looked around for her. I was surprised when she snuck up behind me. "Whaa?? How?" I asked. Valka just smiled and jumped off Zip and Zap's back. I widened my eyes and searched under us for her. I was surprised when I found her on the back of another dragon.

She hooked her staff on his leg and hung from it. The dragon flew up and she landed on other dragon's wing. She carefully walked on the wing to get to the dragons back.

I watched as she continued onto the dragons other wing and got back to Cloudjumper. "Come on! It's fun." Valka said. I nodded and carefully got up.

I balanced on Zip and Zap's tails and waited. Soon enough Cloudjumper was below and I jumped down on his back behind Valka. "This is pretty cool." I said. She nodded and we both got up.

She went on one wing and I went on the other. I didn't have my staff so I got onto a Gronkle's back and flew around a little.

Valka and I had a bit more fun before we decided to go back to the Sanctuary because it was starting to get dark.

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