Trading with a Village

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Iris's Pov

I awoke to sound of wings flapping. Opening my eyes, I saw Bolt and Zip and Zap up in the air, guiding the boat.

Storm was watching the two as well and I bet he wanted to up there with them. The sun was just coming over the horizon of water and the colors shined intensely on the clouds.

I ate some breakfast before deciding where we should go. I had made quite the map from traveling past the borders of the Archipelago.

I had surprised myself when I did leave the Archipelago but I wanted adventure and I definitely found it.

"Morning Guys!" I called. They all replied with a roar and Bolt and Zip and Zap landed back on the boat, rocking it from side to side.

I gave each of them a scratch under their chin before going to redress Storm's wounds.

I still didn't know much about him but I'll find out sometime. We were almost as close as I am with the others but I haven't been able to fly him at all and that's a whole different section of a relationship.

After redressing Storm I went back to my maps to figure out where we should go. I didn't know my precise location but it was obvious we were in the middle of the ocean.

"How about we go visit Valka?" I asked the other. Bolt and Zip and Zap growled in delight while Storm just tilted his head. "Don't worry Storm, you'll like her." I assured him with a pat on the head.

"Let's head south, we'll probably find an island that we'll recognize and we can go from there. If anything we'll find some new islands along the way."

The dragons nodded in agreement and we were on our way with Bolt and Zip and Zap guiding the boat.

Time Skip.

We had been traveling for ours when I saw an island near the horizon. I didn't recognize it from my map but it looked inhabited.

"Quickly, you guys must hide. Storm, let's get you down below." I said. We quickly set to work and soon Storm was hidden down below.

I brought some stuff up that I could trade so that I wouldn't look suspicious and it gave more space for Storm.

Bolt and Zip and Zap flew into the clouds that were above. I arrived at the harbor of the village on the island not to long later and I was greeted by who I thought was the chief. "Are you a friend or an enemy?" He called before I docked.

"A friend. I am but a traveling trader." I called back. He the villages around sighed in relief and helped tie my boat to the dock.

My boat was soon boarded by the Chief and a few others who looked around my stuff.

I made sure the door and trapdoor to go down below were locked so no one could get in without the key that I had found and put around my neck.

I was asked multiple questions and I remembered that traders that went to Berk told stories and so I resorted to answering with mysterious answers and fantastic adventurous stories.

Some were lies but I couldn't tell the full truth without the risk of suspicion.

I traded a few weapons that I had traded from other traders and some food too.

Almost everyone had left when kids started coming aboard. They played around and looked at everything.

Their parents watched them carefully and scolded them when they made a mess. "It alright." I said, and the parents left it.

One of the kids tripped over a bag and fell to the ground. She didn't cry because Vikings never cried, but looked at what had tripped her up.

I widened my eyes when I noticed which bag it was. The girl opened the bag and revealed the crystals inside. "Look mommy! Colorful rocks! Can I have one? Please?!" The girl asked her mother, showing her one of the crystals.

The mother was hesitant as I walked over. I picked up the bag and dug through it. I smiled as she held the small pink crystal in her hand.

"Pleeease?!" The girl begged her mother. The mother was still hesitant. "I don't know..." she said. "You know what, you can have it, I have plenty of others." I said, crouching down next to the girl.

The girl squealed in happiness.
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" She said running around showing everyone her new crystal.

I stood up and was about to walk away to see to someone wanting something when the girl hugged me. "No worries." I said, patting her head.

Soon enough the kids were called back to their parents and everyone had finished trading.

I had been given some gold and other items in exchange for what they wanted.

I was getting ready to leave when the chief came back. "Thank you for passing by our island. It has been a long time since a trader has passed by our island." He said." I nodded.

"No problem, it's what a traveling trader does." I said, shrugging.

"I'd also like to give you this item for your kindness to my daughter." He said, handing me a necklace that had a pendant of what I thought was their village's crest.

It was that of two dragons twisting together to make a ring shape around a polished blood red gem. "Wait, That was your daughter earlier?" I asked. The man nodded. I looked at the necklace that was now in my hand.

I then widened my eyes when I realized something. I found my satchel and searched through it until I found what I was looking for. I showed it to the Chief. He widened his eyes.

"Where did you find that?" He asked, now slightly suspicious. "I found it on an uninhabited island. I figured it had washed up onto the shore." I said.

The man asked to hold the ring that I had found on the beach not too long ago. He put it on his finger and it fit perfectly. I widened my eyes. "I thought I had lost it for sure. What will you have for it?" He asked, taking it off. I shook my head.

"If this was yours before than I have no right to it, it is yours." I answered. "I cannot express my gratitude for what you have done for my village and family. All I can do is say you are aloud here anytime.

And also, your dragons can come down from the clouds." He said. I gasped. "How did you-?" "We saw them fly off your boat earlier. Don't worry, we are peaceful with dragons." He cut me off and answered.

I just nodded and whistled loudly. Soon enough Bolt and Zip and Zap were by my side, confused. I reassured them and the Chief petted them a bit. "I have one injured down below. Would you like to meet him?" I asked. He nodded. I unlocked the door and trapdoor and called Storm out. He came out and was confused for a second before realizing what was happening.

I smiled at him until I heard a gasp next to me. The Chief was gapping at the dragon in front of him.

"How did you even befriend a Shadow-caster?" He asked. I was surprised. "What do you mean?" I asked, turning to the Chief.

"I think you should stay for a bit. There is a lot you can learn from this village." He simply said. I nodded. "If it is not trouble I would love to. It looks like you know more about Storm than I do." I said.

Arrangements were made and because it was getting dark, we decided we would talk the next day.

I lay on the deck of my boat looking up at the stars. I had decided to stay on the boat instead of staying with someone else in their house.

'Looks like our trip to see Valka is going to be delayed a bit.' I thought as I fell asleep with my dragons around me.

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