He's Awake

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Iris's Pov

After about half an hour and nearly falling off Zip and Zap. We made it to the Nest. What we saw wasn't good.

The Queen was already out and angered. "Ok, plan B!" Hiccup shouted while we all split up.

We had made plans on the way and were mostly ready for what was to come.

Hiccup went off and found Toothless while we carried on distracting the Red Death.

Soon Hiccup and Toothless had flown over and had gotten the Red Death to follow them into the clouds.

Everyone else stood on the ground looking up at the clouds. We saw flashes of red before we saw the large dragon falling from the sky.

Zip, Zap and I were closest to the impact and were blown quite a ways away. When I hit the ground, I blacked out.

Time Skip.

I woke up awhile later on a boat on the way back to Berk. I noticed that Hiccup was laying next to me unconscious.

I checked over him for any injuries and noticed that his left leg was missing from just below the knee. I cringed but knew he would survive it with the help of Gothi back at Berk.

I stood up and looked around. I soon noticed Gobber at the front talking to Stoick and quickly made it over to them.

"What happened?" I asked them. "Toothless was hit out of the sky, and we couldn't find Hiccup until Toothless opened his wings." Gobber said. "That about sums up what happened after the Red Death hit.

"Your dragon was the one to bring you to us, otherwise we probably wouldn't of found you.

You were covered from head to toe in ash. And I would be careful for a few days, your right arm and ankle took quite the hit." Stoick added.

I nodded and observed the swollen and purple wrist I had. "It's a good thing I'm left handed then." I replied.

"Anyways, where are Zip and Zap?" I asked. Gobber 'pointed' up with his hook.

I looked up to see the dragon starting to fly down. I waved them to the side and jumped onto their back.

My ankle hurt a bit so I sat down and told them to just fly up to the others.

Soon enough I was listening to the twins fight about who was more distracting and destructive. "Will you guys please be a bit more quiet!" I shouted catching the attention of not only them but the whole gang.

"Thank you, now when we get back we should talk to Stoick about bringing dragons to Berk.

He doesn't seem too fussed at the moment. Who agrees?" I asked. All of them raised their hands. "Good, now how about a bit of rest.

We have all gotten a bit beaten up during that fight." I laid back down onto Zip and Zap's back before finally falling asleep.

Time skip

It had been a few days since the fight, and Hiccup hadn't woken up yet, but a lot of the villagers had dragons now.

Nearly all except Stoick, who still wasn't sure about the whole 'dragon' thing.

I have seen Bolt quite a bit, and he has become pretty good friends with Zip and Zap. He still doesn't trust other Vikings so we're just going to leave him as he is right now.

His cave has now been his home for a few weeks, although he does miss flying. He now goes on flights whenever he wants and always comes back.

It was hard to let Zip and Zap go, so I didn't. Now we are good friends, and we do a lot of things together, especially in the Village.

I finally made a mask for flying, and Zip and Zap have a nice reign that can be lengthened or shortened when needed.

I have gotten very used to bare back riding so I don't need a saddle and the dragons can fly a bit faster.

I have been working a lot more in the forge. I helped Gobber with making Hiccup's Prosthetic leg although I know Hiccup will one day make some changes.

I have fallen away from the gang and so now I usually just hang out with my dragons.

I have also continued to help Gothi up in her hut with little things here and there. She has a little flock of Terrible Terrors now. 

Oh and did I forget to mention that I moved into the Haddocks house? Since my parents died and we were all good friends with the Haddocks, Stoick decided to take me in. Anyways I need to go back to work so... Yeah.

I had been working hard in the Forge when I heard someone shout outside. "He's awake!" I quickly stopped my work and walked over to a crowd of people surrounding a now awake Hiccup.

I was just in time to see Gobber hand him the new tail we had made him. I was also in time to see Astrid kiss Hiccup.

I am so happy, they seem to like each other so why not?" After everyone had cleared I walked up to Hiccup to give him a welcome back. "Welcome back Hiccup!" I said giving him a hug.

He responded with a slight hug before letting go. We parted and I looked over him carefully. "Are you okay? You don't quite seem like yourself." I asked. "Um, I think I am fine. Just getting over the whole 'lost a leg' thing," he said.

I nodded. "So what do you want to do today? Go flying, go to the cove, or rest some more?" I asked. "Um, actually if you don't mind, I was thinking of hanging out with the others today," he said. "Um, okay if thats what you want?"

Now I knew something was up. Only a few days ago we were trying to stay away from the gang as much as we could, but now Hiccup is preferring to hang out with them?

"Okay then bye!" He said, cutting me out of my thoughts before running and stumbling a bit towards the gang. I just stood there shocked.

I walked back home after a bit and sat down next to Zip and Zap who were sleeping. "Hey Zip and Zap, I'm going to go see Bolt for a bit, do you want to come along?" I asked after getting my mask and waking them up.

They nodded their heads and we walked off into the forest. "Believe it or not, Hiccup didn't want to hang out with me today." I told them on the way.

"It just seems so strange that he would wake up and want to hang out with the cool group. I mean we were practically inseparable only a week ago! I wonder what happened." I said.

The two looked at each other before looking down at me with sorrowful looks.

"I guess you guys know what it's like since you lost friends to the Queen, right?" I received  a nod. "Well anyways, what shall we do with Bolt if he's around?" I asked, feeling like a different subject.

I got an answer of flapping wings. "Fly? Ok, it would be fun to get away for a bit." I said as we reached the cave.

We were just in time to see Bolt about to take off. "Bolt Wait!" I shouted, grabbing his attention.

He stopped what he was doing and walked over. "Hey Bolt! We were going to ask if you wanted to go on a fly?" I asked.

He snorted and nodded. "Yeah yeah, I know you were about to take off, now lets go!" I said after I got onto his back.

'Good thing I had made Zip and Zap's reign so it didn't get in the way while I wasn't flying on them otherwise we would have trouble with me changing dragons all the time.' I thought as we took off.

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