Scrolls and Books

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Iris's Pov

I sat up and yawned, the sound of water rushing ringing in my ears. I was a bit sore from sleeping on the hard stone floor but I knew I would have to get used to it.

Zip and Zap weren't in the cave so I guessed they were outside with Bolt. I got ready before heading out through the gap.

The sky was full of the colors of the morning. I sighed and smiled before smelling what was cooking fish.

Turning my head in the direction of the smell, I saw a fire with a fish hanging above it.

Bolt was holding the stick that was holding the fish in his mouth. I laughed when I saw how poorly the fish was put on the stick but I guess it was pretty good for a dragon.

I patted Bolt as he gave the stick to me. The fish was soon ready and we all ate our breakfast, the dragons eating the fish they had collected for themselves.

When I was finished I told them that I was going to check out the room back in the cave.

I grabbed a long, dry stick and made a torch before heading in. The light from the torch lit up the cave well and I was able to see a bit more.

As I passed the crystals, I reminded myself that I should gather some before we head off again. Soon enough I reached the room and entered. There was a few torches hanging on the walls so I lit them before hanging mine in an empty holder.

I decided to check out the chest first and found bundles of scrolls and books.

I pulled one of the scrolls out and opened it up. I was careful because it was pretty old.

I realized it was a large charcoal drawing of a dragon. I opened a few others and found that they were also drawings of different dragons.

I noticed each one had similar writing in the bottom corner that stated what dragon it was. I decided to check out one of the books and found it to be full of more drawings of dragons and a few facts about them. I checked another one and found that it was full of what looked to be invention ideas.

'Whoever owned all these must have been really smart.' I thought. I decided to leave the chest and look at the papers on the table.

There were a few scattered around but most of them were in a neat stack. I picked up one and it almost crumbled in my hand.

The writing was blurred from age but I was able to read a bit. It seemed to be a journal entry of sorts.

From what I could read, this person took his time studying dragons and doing stuff around a village.

I picked up another piece of paper and almost dropped it when I got the the signature at the bottom. 'This is the island that Bork the Bold lived on?' I thought, surprised at my find.

This must all be the work of the man that wrote the Book of Dragons that's back on Berk.

I finally decided to look at the maps on the walls. There was one of the whole archipelago, one of what I thought was this island, and one other that I didn't recognize.

The map of the archipelago had miniature drawings of dragons on different places of the map.

I figured it must be signifying where Bork spotted those specific dragons.

There was also named for all the islands except the small ones. I knew most of them but I was confused when I didn't see a name for the very island I was on.

I continued onto the next map which was of the island. It must have been mapped out on foot because it didn't quite look the same as when I saw in while flying and they didn't ride dragons back then.

I saw the waterfall and recognized the area around it but was surprise when I looked at the other side of the island.

It was a village, hidden amongst the trees. The weird thing was there was no names of anything on the map. 'The no-named village I guess.' I thought.

The last map on the wall was of the island I didn't recognize from the map of the Archipelago.

It was quite plain with nothing green. There was a big building in the middle and I guessed that because of the size of our buildings today that the island was pretty small.

The only words on the map were 'Chief Meeting'. I guessed that this was the place where meetings were held between Chiefs.

It was then that I realized this island could actually be on the Archipelago map and my theory was confirmed when I recognized the shape of one of the small islands south of Berk.

I went back to the chest and after awhile of glancing through everything, I decided that I would need a bit better light to see everything clearly.

I closed it up and dragged it out the door. It wasn't too heavy because it only had scrolls and a few books. I went back in a grabbed my torch while putting all the others out before heading out again.

With one hand I held the torch and I dragged the chest with my other. The bottom of the chest screeched against the ground and the going was slow but

I eventually made it to the water fall. The chest was just thin enough to get through the gap without getting it white. "I brought the chest out." I said, gathering the attention of my three dragons.

They came over and sniffed the chest before backing away as I opened it. The scrolls didn't look as yellow as they did in the cave but they were still old.

The books weren't actually in too bad condition.

-Time Skip-

For the rest of the afternoon I went through all the scrolls and books thoroughly.

If I found one that mentioned anything about hurting dragons, I took the page and ripped it apart and stomped on it before throwing the pieces into the embers of the fire from the morning which we hadn't bothered to put out.

There was 7 books in total. 3 were empty and the other four were each about a different topic. Inventions, dragon species, maps, and killing dragons.

The last one suffered a death it deserved. Zip gassed, Zap lit, Bolt sparked, and I ended up stomping and drowning before putting it on a newly ignited fire.

All the scrolls were either of maps of dragons. There were quite a few blank ones at the bottom that seemed good enough to be used.

I decided I would keep most of the stuff but then realized I needed something like a boat to drag along or carry through the air so that the dragons wouldn't have to carry everything uncomfortably on their backs.

It was then that I remembered the village. "Looks like we're staying another night." I said as the sun was already starting to set.

I put everything back in the chest and dragged it under a tree in case it rained although I new it probably wouldn't.

Me and the dragons ate our food around the fire, listening to the noises of the night.

It was practically dark and the sky was crisp and clear. The sound of the crackling from the fire was soothing and before I knew it, I started falling asleep.

I felt Bolt, who I was lying against shift and drape is wing over me before I fell asleep.

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