Zip and Zap

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Iris's Pov

I woke up with a start the next morning. Didn't I see Stoick and a few others back yesterday during the last test?

A sudden feeling of worry entered me. 'Where are my parents?' I thought, quickly getting dressed.

I checked their bedroom before heading out. I ran towards the Great Hall knowing that Stoick would be there.

I crashed through the doors and looked around for Stoick. I soon spotted him sitting at his seat eating breakfast.

Luckily there wasn't really any people there so I easily walked over to him. "Excuse me Chief, but have you seen my parents?" I asked.

Stoick stopped eating and turned to me. As soon as he saw who I was his face paled. "I'm sorry Iris, but they didn't make it. We were attacked by dragons and only half of us survived." He said.

By now I had tears in my eyes. "I'm very sorry for your loss. We all loved your parents. They were very kind." He said.

I nodded and left just as I noticed tears coming to my eyes. I needed someone to talk to.

I thought about it for a bit. 'Hiccup is probably working, I just saw Stoick, Aha I can see Bolt!' I thought as I ran towards the forest.

Quarter of an hour later, I arrived at the cave. "Bolt?" I called, parting the vines to get in, my tears gone.

I heard a slight shuffle at the back of the cave as I entered. After a few moments I could see Bolt with the little light I had. "Hey Bolt, want to go for a flight?" He nodded and I climbed onto his back to where I sat last time.

He exited the cave and flew up into the air "Bolt, something happened." I said after we leveled out above the clouds.

Bolt looked back at me with what looked like a worried expression. "The Villagers came back yesterday from trying to find the Nest and my parents didn't make it. I am now officially an orphan." I said as I looked for a way to lay down on his back.

I almost fell off when I found out that Bolt's spikes on his back could be smoothed down like a Nadder's spikes.

Bolt looked back as soon as he felt movement and watched as I lay down. It seemed as if smoothing down the spikes didn't do anything to bother him but the movement did.

"I'm okay but I didn't know your spikes could be smoothed down!" I exclaimed trying to speak over the wind.

It looked like we were heading to a storm again, but I wasn't worried this time because I knew nothing bad would happen. Or at least it shouldn't.

I closed my eyes and slept until I was awoken by Bolt a few hours later. I noticed we were heading in for landing in front of the cave. 'I must be a heavy sleeper.' I thought as we landed and walked into the cave.

It was now that I noticed I was soaking wet and that it was raining outside. "Hey Bolt, can you start a fire?" I asked.

In a few seconds I was sitting in front of a warm fire getting dried off. "Thanks."

While we waited for me to dry, Bolt tried showing me what I could do with the whole 'spark' thing with drawing in the dirt. I was surprised at how good he was at drawing.

After a bit of that we watched the fire's light dance about the cave.

Eventually the rain had stopped and I was dry. I stood up and looked outside. 'I feel like I forgot something about today.' I thought as I looked for the position of the sun. '3:00, what did I miss?'

I continued to think as I found out what the time was. I heard a grunt from behind me and turned back to see Bolt getting up from a short nap he had.

Suddenly I remembered what it was that I forgot.

"The Dragon Fight! I can't believe I forgot about the dragon fight!" I shouted startling Bolt. I quickly rushed outside with Bolt following. "I'm so sorry Bolt but I have to go!" I said before running to the forest.

I knew he wouldn't follow me so I just ran. I made it into the arena just to see Hiccup training dragons for the other teenagers.

"What happened here?" I asked quietly but loud enough for them to hear. I had noticed that nearly all the adults were gone so I knew something happened.

They all turned around to see me standing there. They all got into a defensive stance except Hiccup. Specifically Astrid.

"Don't worry, she's with us." Hiccup said, moving all attention back to himself.

"So Hiccup what happened, where are all the adults, and why are we training dragons?" I asked as I watched him bring out the Gronkle.

"I sort of tried training a dragon in front of everyone, Toothless got caught, and I accidentally told Stoick that I'd been to their island that Toothless found." He said.

I grew a bit suspicious about why he didn't mention Astrid, but didn't say anything, and just nodded. "Ok, so we're training dragons to stop them from angering the Queen (Red Death)?" I asked.

My eyes suddenly grew wide, and I put a hand over my mouth, knowing I had said too much. Hiccup looked at me with a weird expression before speaking.

"How did you know about the Queen if you weren't there?" He asked.

I looked around for an excuse, before I realized there was one more dragon in the Arena.

'I guess it's time to use something that Bolt taught me.' I thought as I walked over to it's cage. "I may have trained a dragon and taken it for a fly?" I said as I walked cautiously into the cage.

It was now that I realized that the dragon was a Hideous Zippleback. 'Oops, this is going to a bit harder' I thought as I thought of how to ride it, or she.

The dragon started growling while coming up to me. "Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. I just need your help for now ok?" I asked while trying to do that trick Bolt had taught me.

'Just think about sparks and it should work.' I thought as I closed my eyes tight.

Suddenly I heard the sound of sparks and opened my eyes to see my hands full of them. "Do you trust me?" I asked as I reached up my hands to pet both heads while extinguishing the sparks and closing my eyes again.

I felt two heads come into my hands. I smiled and looked at the two. "Now how should I ride you?" I asked while looking for rope.

I grabbed some before turning back to the two. They came up to me and took the rope from my hands.

They both tied the ends onto the others neck before showing me to sit on their back.

I sat down but then realized that I couldn't reach the rope that I was meant to guide with.

I stood up and found it quite easy. "Ok I think I will have to stand so just be careful." I said quietly as I guided them out of the cage.

When I came up to them I noticed that Hiccup was just finishing training the Monstrous Nightmare.

I suddenly remembered that I forgot to name my dragon. "Hey what should I call you?" I asked quietly while pretending to be just petting them while waiting for Hiccup to be done.

The two looked at each other before looking back down at me. Each of them touched my hands to get a slight shock from the static of the sparks from earlier.

I heard a slightly different noise with each one. It sounded like 'Zip' and 'Zap'.

I got what they were trying to say and turned back to the group. "Thanks Zip and Zap." I whispered as Hiccup got rope for the others to hold onto their dragons with.

"Okay lets go." He said after we had all gotten on our dragons.

Fishlegs was on the Gronkle named Meatlug, The twins on another Zippleback named Barf and Belch, Snotlout on the Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang, and Astrid on the Nadder named Stormfly. Hiccup was riding with Astrid.

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