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Iris's Pov

I pondered what to name the Seashocker that swam below us as we flew North. They had showed me this morning that their bite emits an electrical charge that can stun anything, big or small.

They also showed me that they could shoot small bolts of electricity and that was how I figured out their names. Shock and Shot.

Shock, because she had a stronger charge of electricity, and Shot because she had better aim. "You guys good with the names Shock and Shot?" I called down to them.

They looked up before leaping out of the water in glee. I guessed they liked them and we continued on our journey.

We were a few days from the Sanctuary and we stopped every night on a new island except for the last one that we stayed at before arriving at the Sanctuary.

There was no one around when we arrived so I guessed that Valka and the dragons had gone out for feeding time.

I was able to find a spot for Shock and Shot to stay down below in the water and unpacked all my new findings in my cave.

I was sitting next to the water with my dragons playing around me when the Alpha and then all the other dragons with Valka had arrived.

Valka looked down at me in surprise as she glided in on Cloudjumper. I smiled and waved as she landed not too far away. "You're back already?" She asked. I nodded.

"And I have new companions." I answered. She noticed Shock and Shot behind me after hugging me. "A Seashocker? But they travel in packs." She said with a slight question in her voice.

"They'd been injured by a Scouldren and they almost dried out by the time I got to them. We're going to try and find their pack again." I explained.

She nodded and pet them both when they found her friendly. I noticed many dragons stayed away cautiously but relaxed when Valka showed that they were friendly.

'Must be because of their predatory habits.' I thought, remembering what I had read about them.

-Time Skip-

It's been a week since we had come back and we had been able to find the rest of Shock and Shot's pack although I found out many had been captured by Dragon Hunters.

They had been accepted into the Sanctuary and now were a big part in protecting the Alpha whenever he went out even if he didn't really need that much protection.

"It's lunch time, you ready?" Valka asks, behind me. I nod and mount Bolt. Valka does the same with Cloudjumper and we lead all the dragons out.

Feeding was the same as usual but it was on our way back that we were in for a surprise. All the dragons worked out to what seemed to be a male yelling above the clouds.

I looked to Valka who looked at me before standing on Cloudjumper and flying to look above the clouds. She disappeared for a second before coming down and telling me what she saw.

If the mysterious dragon rider wasn't in the Sanctuary territory and hadn't seen Valka we might have left them alone but that wasn't the case.

She told me the plan and I instructed Bolt, Zip and Zap, Storm, and Shock and Shot about what was to happen.

Soon enough Valka flew up and surprised the dragon rider to a stop. I held back all the dragons behind me until she did the signal with her staff.

Zip and Zap picked the Viking off of the dragon and he started yelling for his dragon who had started to fall.

Since I figured this might happen, Shock and Shot were waiting down under the ice to bring it to the Sanctuary. I widened my eyes as I realized the dragon looked oddly familiar.

Soon we came to the Sanctuary and went through an entrance before landing in the tunnel a little ways from the Main Sanctuary.

The Viking was dropped in the middle of a now forming ring of dragons. I watched from Bolt's back on a ledge higher above.

The Viking brought out a strange weapon that ignited into a flaming sword. He then did something with Zippleback gas before trying to tame a dragon.

Valka comes out and shakes her staff. All the dragons opened their mouths filled with fire to light the place.

I widened my eyes when I noticed the feature of the Viking before us. He was tall and skinny with brown hair and green eyes.

'It that who I think it is?' I thought, almost missing Valka's second signal. I waved to Storm, who dropped a slightly confused dragon, or should I say nightfury, next to the Viking.

They had a little reunion before Valka came out into full view of the Viking. She neared him, reaching out, before pulling back and gasping when she notices something.

"Hiccup?" She asks, surprised. 'How could she recognize him, she hasn't seen him since he was a baby.' I thought before remembering the scar on his chin that had been there for as long as I can remember.

When I come back to my senses, I realize that most the dragons had left and Valka was gesturing for Hiccup to follow her, towards the Sanctuary.

I fly above them, ducking down to not be seen with the others following behind me. I hear Hiccup's voice echo through the cave as he chased after Valka who was faster because of experience.

Valka came out not too long after I did and she hid by hanging from Cloudjumper, like she had done before.

I decided I would let the two have a little reunion so I flew around the main pillar with all the rest of the dragons twice before landing unnoticed behind the two.

Valka was just finishing up a story and lead Hiccup down to the ledge to show him the Alpha.

I followed and chuckled when Hiccup was greeted by the Alpha like I had been.

Even though my chuckle was quiet, I was heard, and the two turned to see me. Hiccup looked at me surprised and confused. "Ah, and I believe you two know each other." Valka says. I smile grimly. "Hey Hiccup, remember me?" I asked.

He looked at me for a bit as if in thought before widening his eyes. "Iris?" He asked unsure. I nodded.

"Where have you been? You disappeared... everyone thought you were dead." He said.

"Traveling." I answer. He nodded, slightly confused, and the three of us spent the whole afternoon catching up a bit, although it was mostly just Valka and Hiccup having a bit of a Mother and Son reunion.

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