A Leather Bound Book

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Iris's Pov

We flew up high into the air until we were above the clouds. "Ready for some tricks?" I asked. Good thing this mask doesn't effect my voice unless I want it to.

Over the last few days we had been practicing some tricks and naming them, although I had a new one in mind for today. "Dragon switch!" I called.

Zip and Zap spread their wings out under the tip of Bolts and I started walking across Bolt's wing onto theirs. "Brilliant! How about High Dive?" I asked.

We changed position and started flying diagonally up into the sky. "Drop!" I called.

I let go of Zip and Zap's reign and dived through the air with my best friends.

When we got close to the water, Bolt flew under me and caught me before we flew back up again. "You guys okay if we try a new trick?" I asked.

I got the reply of a few grunts. "Well I don't think you disagreed so let's get to it!"

We flew up above the clouds before
I told Bolt to slow down and glide. "Ok, so what I will be doing is walking back to the end of your tail, before you fling me (carefully) up ahead of you onto Zip and Zap who would have lowered under and in front of us. Sound good?" I asked.

They all nodded their heads. I stood up carefully, not really used to doing so yet, and then slowly made my way back to the end of Bolt's tail.

It was hard at the end because it was so thin, but being solid and sturdy helped quite a bit.

"Ready? Catapult!" I said, choosing a name for the trick. I was flung into the air, doing a few flips before landing on something.

I opened my eyes to see me on Zip and Zap's back, standing up! "Wow! We did it on our first try!" Well done you guys!" I yelled in excitement.

Time skip

After a few hours of tricks and flying, we finally returned to the cave. "Wow thanks guys! That totally took my mind off everything." I said, hopping off of Bolt.

"I should probably head back to the village now, it's getting late. See you tomorrow Bolt!" I ran back into the woods with Zip and Zap following quickly behind me.

We entered the village quarter of an hour later and as soon as we entered we noticed barely anyone was out. "They must all be in the Great Hall." I concluded.

Zip and Zap decided to go find some of their dragon friends while I headed to the Great Hall.

I entered to find everyone celebrating Hiccup's awakening. I saw Stoick and walked over to him. "Having quite the party I see." I said after he had finished talking with Gobber. He nodded.

"That we are Iris. By the way, Gobber told me that Gothi was looking for you if I ever saw you. You might want to go see her, I believe she's in the back somewhere." He said. I nodded in reply.

I pushed through all the vikings before finally getting to the back where it was a bit quieter.

I saw Gothi sitting at a table watching everyone. I walked up to her table and sat across from her. "You wanted to see me?" I asked.

She nodded before pulling out the plant Bolt gave me that I gave her a week ago.

It was dried up now and the leftover berries that were on it were gone. "Did you find out what it is?" I asked.

She nodded again and smiled before gesturing to my satchel that held the books she gave me.

I gave it to her and she pulled out one of the books. She opened it up before searching the pages for a specific one.

When she found it she read it to make sure it was the right one before handing it to me. I read the page. "They're dragon cave berries?!" I asked in awe.

They were the ones that the Skrill was painted with in the Dragon Manual! Gothi nodded and smiled. "That's so cool! Thank you so much!" I said before getting up.

Before I could leave, Gothi stopped me. She got up to and searched through her own satchel before bringing out an engraved leather-bound book.

The engravings were of plants and dragons. I gasped. "What is this?" I asked. She opened the book to the first page.

It read 'The Secrets of Plants and Dragons'. "Wow, why would you show me this, and how did you get the book?"  I asked.

She used her stick to write on the dirt floor. "It has been passed down my family for years, and because I have no other relatives, I decided to give it to you." "Are you sure? " I asked.

She just nodded and placed the book in my hands with the other one she was using earlier.

Before I could ask anymore, she walked away, leaving me standing there looking down at the book she had given me.

It was now that I took the time to look at the engravings on the cover. There were Dragons and plants made into a beautiful scene with extraordinary detail.

I recognized most of the dragons although there were quite a few I didn't recognize.

Before I could study it anymore I noticed Gobber coming towards me. I quickly put the books away in my satchel before greeting him.

"Hello Gobber, having a good time?" I asked. He nodded. "Aye, how about you? Did you see Gothi?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah she found out what a plant I found was." I answered. He nodded.

"Well, I'm going back home. I don't have anything else to do." I said, standing up. "You're not staying for Hiccup?" He asked.

"No, I haven't hung out with him at all lately. He seems to like hanging out with the cool kids now." I answered gesturing to Hiccup talking with the gang.

Gobber only frowned as I walked away.

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