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Iris's Pov

We've been traveling around for a few weeks, collecting and discovering things along the way. We'd met a few traders and I would trade a little gold for some food sometimes.

There were dragon hunters too, although they didn't suspect I had dragons because the would fly out of sight whenever we saw a ship on the horizon.

Turns out some 'Drago' guy is building an army although he just started.

I was lucky enough to have items to trade that I had found so I pretended I was a trader and no suspicion was aroused.

Right now we were flying up high in the air, with me on Bolt's back. Our boat was tied up at a small uninhabited island.

We were flying just above the clouds when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. "Zip? Zap?" I called, thinking it was them, but I got a reply on my other side and they were right next to me.

I continued looking at the spot as we continued on although cautiously as I had warned Bolt. Then something started coming up from the clouds.

I recognized it as a person in armor before they went back down. I told Bolt to stop and we looked around ourselves.

Suddenly a huge dragon appeared in front us. It had four wings and the person standing on its neck. The power of wings made Bolt beat his wings more to stay in the same place.

The person had a staff out and swung it around before pointing at me. As if out of no where, a dragon picked me up off of Bolt. He was so surprised at what happened he didn't do anything before chasing after.

Other dragons appeared as we went below the clouds. Bolt was being escorted next to Zip and Zap by some more.

We all seemed to be following the dragon with the person towards a large ice structure.

I had seen it earlier and we were planning to check it out but it looks like we're going to be seeing it from a different angle.

The dragons all flew into a tunnel and we flew for a bit before the dragon holding me dropped me in a slightly larger area.

Everything was dark so I had to wait for a bit before my eyes adjusted. When they did, I saw all the dragons surrounding me and my dragons who had landed next to me.

The person in the mask came out from behind the dragons and shook her staff. The dragons all opened their mouths filled with fire.

One close to me shut it's mouth before stepping forward. When I saw that it didn't mean any harm, I closed my eyes and put my hand out, palm facing down for the dragon to sniff it.

I felt it's breathe on my hand before I felt it's head under my hand, pushing it upwards. I opened my eyes before smiling and scratching what I guessed was a he where every dragon liked to be scratched.

It in a way purred before it backed away when the masked person stepped forward a bit more. "How did you do that?" I heard a female voice speak. I shrugged.

"I guess I have a bit of experience." I said, gesturing towards my two dragons. The woman nodded before taking off her mask.

It revealed a face that almost seemed familiar. "I'm Valka, helper of the dragons." She introduced herself. My eyes widened. "I'm Iris, a traveler and friend of dragons. Do I know you from somewhere?" I replied and asked. It was Valka's turn to widen her eyes.

"I don't think so, why?" She asked, now leading me through a path the dragons made by parting away. "I know someone from where I am from that had a wife with your name, and you just look slightly familiar." I answered, climbing over some rocks.

"Where?" She asked. "Berk." I answered. Valka widened her eyes before speeding up. I tried to catch up but couldn't. I eventually came to an opening and gasped at what I saw.

Tons of dragons were flying around a pillar in the middle of the gigantic ice cave. Light flowed through the ice and showed everything clearly.

There was a giant dragon, probably an Alpha, resting in the water below. I circled around myself until I saw Valka's dragon observing me while hanging upside down.

It noticed that I had seen him and unraveled himself to reveal Valka, holding onto her staff that was handing from one of the dragon's wing claws.

She smiled at me as she was set down although I saw a glimpse of caution in her eyes. "It's amazing." I said, gesturing around me. She just nodded. "How is this possible? I've never seen anything similar to this." I asked.

"This is the sanctuary. The Alpha protects us all from the dangers and threats outside of these walls." She answered. I nodded, looking at the Alpha as Valka lead me down the slope towards him.

We stopped at a cliff edge and the Alpha noticed us. He rumbled onto his feet so his eyes were level with us. I gasped as he blew a frost onto me.

I realized I still had my helmet on and took it off. Valka laughed before looking at me. "You look familar as well." She said after studying my face. Then she made an expression as if she made the connection.

"You're Eliza's daughter!"

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