The Island Village

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Iris's Pov

I woke up to the dragon I was laying on moving. The sky was just getting lighter and the sunrise showed it's colors on the few clouds that were above.

I stretched before realizing where I was. 'Oops.' I thought, seeing that I had slept outside. At least it hadn't rained.

I noticed that Zip and Zap were in the water catching fish before going off to find some dry wood to start a fire.

Soon enough I had a full arm load and had placed them on the old remains of the one from last night.

Bolt sparked it up and soon enough I had a fish cooking over a fire while the dragons ate their own fish.

It wasn't long before we were ready to get started on the day. I grabbed a hammer  and chisel from the bags behind the waterfall.

Luckily I had brought some extra empty bags and grabbed one of those too. I then headed down a little ways into the cave before I came to the crystals.

The light coming through the water was enough for me to see clearly enough and I started working on removing some crystals.

Some were pointed while others were blunt so I was careful not to cut or poke myself. The crystals varied in colors and transparency.

I was clueless as how so many different crystals could grow in one space.

The weird thing was there were no traces of the crystals anywhere else in the cave.

Soon enough I had filled my bag and was ready to head back. I slung the bag carefully across my back before heading towards the entrance.

I used my signal again and soon enough I was putting the bags back on Zip and Zap's back. They flew back out while I went through the gap.

I took out one of the scrolls from the bag that was on the island before opening it and studying it. "The village should be... that way." I said, figuring out the map.

I hopped on Bolt and we flew in that direction. We almost missed the village because of all the trees but I caught a glimpse of something reflecting in the undergrowth.

After searching around a bit we decided to let my down into a tree while the dragons looked for a landing spot.

We found a tree that wasn't too tall but was easy to get to before hovering. I steadied myself as I stood on Bolt's back before jumping carefully into the tree.

I was met by a bunch of twig like branches until my hands found grip on a larger branch.

I was scratched up a bit but it wasn't anything serious. There was a good sized branch below me so I let go and landed on it.

I gripped the trunk for support as I figured out a way down. I wasn't too far up but there was a decent gap between the bottom branches and the ground. I got down to the lowest branch before figuring out what to do.

After a bit I was swinging from the branch by my arms. As I swung forward, I let go and dropped to the ground. I bent my legs as I landed and rolled.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off before taking in my surroundings. I was right in the middle of the ruins of an old village.

The paths were overgrown with weeds and ivy grew up the sides of the remains of building.

I frowned when I noticed scotch marks or the buildings and dead remains of burnt down trees that now grew moss and mushrooms. 'A fire must have taken out the village.' I thought.

I entered on of the houses on the ground but found nothing except demolished furniture and walls.

There were no remains of a roof so there either wasn't one or it was burnt down. I checked all the buildings but found the same thing for each one until

I came to one that was bigger than the rest. "The chief's house I guess.' I thought as I entered.

The walls and ceiling were still intact and nothing looked like it had been touched by the fire except for what was close to the door and windows.

I climbed up the stairs that lead to the second floor and they creaked under my weight.

There was only a bedroom on the top floor. A bed, a table, a chair, and a small chest.

I went over to the chest and opened it. My eyes widened when I realized what was in the chest. Gold, the kind used to buy things, and it was the same as what we used today.

'Looks like our currency goes way back' I thought. I figured the gold would be useful if I ever needed to trade with merchants.

The chest was a bit heavy but not so much that I couldn't carry it. I carried it down the stairs and outside before looked around myself again.

It was then that I was near the edge of the island. There was harbor filled with burnt down docks and damaged boats.

Some of the boats didn't seem in too bad of shape actually. I walked onto a small beach before I set the chest down. "Bolt! Zip and Zap!" I yelled into the sky.

In a few short minutes the three were beside me. "There isn't anything in the village but I don't know about the boats.

We may even be able to use one if it's not badly damaged by the fire that seemed to burn the village down." I said, pointing to the village and the boats.

-Time Skip-

We had spent the last half hour going through all the ships to see if they held anything.

A few had tools and other things that we could use and we had piled them on the beach with Zip and Zap who stood on guard with everything.

We finally found a smallish sail boat that didn't seem to have taken any damage from the fire.

It was big enough to put all our belongings below deck but small enough that it wouldn't be too hard for the dragons to pull if the winds were against us or not blowing at all.

I got everything ready before opening the sails. The wind brought me out of the harbor as the dragons flew beside me.

We were on our way to our next adventure.

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