A New Tail for Toothless

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Iris's Pov

After I had fixed up its wounds, I realized it was starting to get dark outside. 'Oh no, I'm going to be late for dinner!' I thought, standing up abruptly.

The dragon, surprised by my sudden move, growled at me. I put up my hand reassuringly. "Sorry to startle you, but I have to go." I said before gathering all my things.

As I did so, the dragon did what I thought was a whine. I looked back at it. "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise." I said before leaving.

Time skip

As soon as I entered the Main Hall, I was confronted by Hiccup. "Where have you been?!" He whisper/shouted to me while we collected food and sat down.

"I went on a walk and lost track of time, sorry." I lied, not really feeling right about telling him about the dragon I had found. He just nodded, believing what I said.

We continued eating in silence until we were done. As we were leaving the table, Gobber came up to us. "Meeting up at the catapult tower." He said before walking off.

Hiccup and I looked at each other before heading towards the tower. When we got there, we sat down and waited for the others. "What happened with the Night Fury?" I asked Hiccup. "We are sort of becoming friends, and I found out that he has retractible teeth. I'm thinking of calling him Toothless, what do you think?" He said.

I nodded, suddenly having the thought of having to name the dragon I found.

We continued talking quietly about the Night Fury until the other teenagers and Gobber arrived.

We all started cooking food on a stick. Hiccup and I having fish, while the others had chicken.

I zoned off for awhile, just thinking of the dragon I had found in the cave until I heard something startling. "-if it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon is a dead dragon." Gobber said.

I looked over at Hiccup, who had wide eyes. He looked over at me, and after getting the idea that he was thinking of getting away, I looked at the others.

As soon as they weren't looking, we rushed off. Hiccup ran towards the forge, so I followed.

On the way I kept on thinking about what Gobber said. 'Wasn't the Nightfury missing a tail?' I thought, as I kept on thinking about the dragon.

Suddenly I thought of the dragon in the cave. 'Oh no! I hope its injuries don't keep it from flying again!"

Soon we reached the forge. "Hiccup, didn't Toothless have a missing tail fin?" I asked. Hiccup nodded. "Yes, but I think we can create something to help, don't you?" I thought for a moment. "It could be possible." I answered.

Do you have any paper and charcoal?" I asked, getting an idea. He nodded and grabbed some.

I looked at his sketch of Nightfury for a tail design, before starting to draw a design for a prosthetic tail.

After a lot of blueprints and blacksmithing, we had made a simple prosthetic tail for the Nightfury.

I looked outside and searched for the moon. "Hiccup, It's almost midnight, I think I am going to go and get some sleep." I said before yawning.

Hiccup nodded and followed me out. I waved goodbye before heading towards my house.

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