Leaving Berk

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Iris's Pov

It had been a week since Bolt, Zip and Zap, and I decided we were going to move away from Berk.

I had been working as much as I could in the forge to finish my projects and I finished them just yesterday.

My armour looked great with it's polished black scales and a few colored ones in areas. It would be really good for flying in the dark unnoticed.

My staff was pretty cool and I was proud of the mechanical parts that I added so that I could change it into two swords or a double bladed staff.

I had used the two swords I made and the staff parts too. I had put all the cylinders together overlapping each other so that I could collapse it down to show the swords underneath.

I had also added a hook to the ends so that I could hang from trees or my dragons. It also wasn't sharp so it wouldn't do any damage.

The last things I made were a new mask for flying and a bow with tons of arrows. The helmet looked exactly like my armor and the whole thing hid my identity really well.

Everything was almost ready, all I had to do was tell Stoick and gather food. I had asked him the day before about talking to him and he told me to meet him in the Great hall in the morning.

I woke up early knowing it would be best when nobody was awake.

Soon enough I was on my way to the Great hall by myself as the dragons were still sleeping.

The sun was just about to break over the horizon. There was not a cloud in the sky and the air was clear and crisp.

I reached the Great hall not too much later and entered to find only a few torches lighting the place.

I continued forward until I saw Stoick in his chair and walked towards him. "You wanted to talk." Stoick said when

I sat in the seat opposite of him. "I'm going to leave Berk." I answered, wanting to get straight to the point.

He looked straight at me with surprised eyes. "Why? You're not in the way in our home, not at all. Gobber and Gothi enjoy your help and company, and Hiccup-." I stopped him before he could finish.

"I know that Gobber and Gothi like my help and company but I don't feel like I have any specific purpose. I want to explore the archipelago and discover new places, and Hiccup doesn't need me anymore. He has had his new friends since the whole Red Death thing."

Stoick just sat there thinking before eventually he nodded his head. "I guess you can go, I know your help and company will by missed by some but only a few. You may take some food from our storage for the start of your travels as I'm sure you were going to ask. I'm sorry to see you go but I know this is what you want and I can't stop you." I smiled.

"I'm glad you understand." I answered before we stood up. "Goodbye for now Stoick. I may return some day but we'll just have to see." I said before giving him a hug.

He returned the hug before answering. "We'll miss you. Make sure you say goodbye to Gobber and Gothi." I nodded before we parted and headed our separate ways.

-Time Skip-

It was now the afternoon and everything was almost ready. I had said my goodbyes and gathered the food that I was allowed to take.

I decided we would leave in the morning so that we could be fully rested.

After my chat with Stoick I told Bolt the plans and that Zip and Zap, and I would meet him in a nearby island so that we didn't risk him being seen.

I decided to take a walk though the forest because I didn't have anything else to do until sundown and I wanted to have a bit of quiet.

Soon enough I reached the cove that Hiccup trained toothless in. I noticed movement and ducked down.

I peeked back up and saw that the movement was Toothless. I looked around and saw no sign of Hiccup so I climbed down the slope, catching Toothless' attention on the way.

"Hey buddy, I just came to say goodbye. I'm leaving Berk tomorrow and I probably won't see you for awhile." I said, giving him a scratch under his chin.

He gurgled with a slight sadness before tucking his head into my hands as if to hug me. I hugged him back before parting.

I then noticed it was starting to get dark so I headed back to the Haddocks house.

Everything was silent so I decided to grab an apple for dinner as I wasn't hungry before heading up to my bedroom.

I had everything ready to be packed on the dragons the next morning. Zip and Zap would be carrying most of it since I would be riding Bolt most of the time.

I had made big bags that would hang over their sides being attached across the back. I had to pack everything so it would be an even weight on each side so they wouldn't loose balance.

I had food, clothes, a blanket, tools, and a few weapons packed in the bags and had a separate satchel that contained a few things I would want during the journey including two maps, an old one and a blank one, a sketchbook with charcoal pencils, the books Gothi had given me, and a dagger.

Everything was ready and by the time I had finished my apple, I was tired enough to be able to sleep. I heard some stomps coming from outside and a door opening before I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning bright and early before quickly getting ready for the day.

After eating breakfast, I started putting the bags on Zip and Zap. Luckily my measurements had been correct and the whole thing sat quite comfortably on their back.

It was early and I didn't think anyone was up yet until I heard my name being called.

I saw three figures walking towards me and realized it was Gobber, Gothi, and Stoick. I was confused as to why they were here until I noticed something in Gobber's hands.

"This is a goodbye-for-now and safe travels gift from us to you." Stoick said as they showed it to me.

It was an intricate sword with a handle shaped as a dragon and a blade covered with engraved designs. It had jewels imbedded in the blade and the handle.

The whole thing was polished so that it perfectly reflected my face. I looked at it in awe as it was placed in my hands.

There was also a leather sheath that came with it that was engraved with the same designs that were on the blade.

"Where did you get such a beautiful sword as this?" I asked, still in awe. "It has been in your family for years. Your parents gave it to me to take care of it until the time was right to give it to you." Stoick answered.

I was saddened at the thoughts of my parents but knew they would want me to stay strong. "Thank you, I will treasure it forever." I said finally.

I gave Gobber and Stoick a hug before giving one to Gothi. We parted and she started writing in the dirt. "Farewell my young friend. Travel safe. I hope to see you again some day." I read when she was done.

"I hope so too." I answered. It was then that she placed a small bag in my hand. "This is for you, open it on your flight to the Great beyond." She wrote.

I nodded before giving her one last hug. "Goodbye. I'll see you again some day." I said before getting on Zip and Zap. I heard them all say goodbye as I flew up into the air.

I waved down at them and they waved back as I flew towards the horizon.

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