Chief Meeting Island

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Iris's Pov

I awoke to Storm shaking me awake. I was confused as to where I was until I remembered the day before. The colors of the morning sky shone through holes throughout the building.

I was in a big room that had thrones sitting all around, too burnt and brittle to hold any weight.

There was a giant hole in the ceiling that let even more light into the room. I hadn't thought about the damage he day before but now I was confused.

Suddenly I heard the flapping of wings from up above as Bolt came down through the hole with fish in his mouth and claws. The dragons ate their share as I cooked a fish for myself.

I decided to explore the building a bit more as we only did a brief look-over the day before.

I was surprised to find a door bolted up with no signs of fire having broken through.

"Hey Zip and Zap, can you help me out here?" I called. The two came up to the door as I stepped away.

Soon enough there was a big hole in the wall where the door had been not a minute before. I coughed on the dust as I entered the room.

It was a very small room with only a small chest in the back. Nothing seemed to have been touched by the fire that had engulfed the rest of the building at one point.

I was disappointed when I noticed the chains and lock keeping the chest closed before I realized that they were badly rusted.

I got my dagger out and broke through the chains before cautiously opening the chest. There was only a scroll that was held in shape by a necklace.

The pendant looked like it was that of a tribal seal but I didn't recognize it.

I took it off and looked at it closely. It was carved out of a shiny black rock that I could only guess was obsidian.

I wrapped it up and placed it in my satchel along with my dagger before opening the scroll.

It was a map with writing on the bottom. 'Ship Graveyard. A dangerous place for any boat. Beware the giant eels.' I read.

I looked at the map and realized that the place was maybe a day's fly away. 'Looks like we're going there next'. I thought before rolling it up to put in my satchel.

I had to pull a few thing out because my satchel was full and I was surprised when a little bag fell out onto the ground.

I almost immediately recognized it as the bag Gothi had given me all those years ago. 'How did I forget about this?' I thought, picking it up. I put the scroll away and held onto the bag.

I remembered that Gothi had told me to only open it when I was in flight so I gave it to Storm to look after as we got ready to go.

Soon we were up in the air heading to our new destination, the Ship Graveyard.

As we flew in the air, I looked at the bag that Storm had given back to me. The bag was getting a bit old after all these years and I could see it had been worn from rubbing against other stuff in my satchel.

I took a deep breath before untying the top and tipping out the contents into my hand. I widened my eyes when I realized what it was. The item in my hand was a pendant carved out of a gemstone of some sort.

The gemstone itself was black at first but when I turned it this way and that, it reflected the light and shined in multiple colors.

The carving was of multiple dragons flying around a set in stone that looked like the sun and a crescent moon as one. The stone in the center was almost pure white although the it reflected the light as well when I turned it.

'How did she ever get this?' I thought before going through my satchel to see if I had any leather string.

I eventually found some and put one end through the metal hoop connected to the pendant. I then tied the necklace around my neck and looked at it a bit more before tucking it inside my armor so it would be safe.

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