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Iris's Pov

Toothless shot a plasma blast at the ice spike that was falling in front of us. It blasted apart to show a dragon with two riders on its back behind it.

I recognized the girl almost instantly as Astrid but it took me a second before I also recognized the man struggling to steer Stormfly.

It was one of the dragon trapper leaders that we had rescued dragons from before.

I was confused but when I looked to Valka but she was just as confused as I was.

I shrugged with a gesture and she nodded as we flew off to free dragons that were trapped.

We would leave Eret son of Eret for now. I smiled as I watched Valka direct a whole bunch of Zipplebacks to do their flaming wheel trick down below.

Bolt was blasting at traps when I saw Zip and Zap get trapped down below while doing their trick.

I was about to direct Bolt towards them when a specific nightfury flew past us in a blur and blew the trap holding them up.

Zip and Zap flew up to meet us and I directed them to continue freeing dragons. I looked around for Storm and saw him making a smoke dog down below to confuse the dragon hunters.

Once he covered a large area he flew up to meet us and we could hear the shouts of confusion as the trappers tried to find their way out of it.

I directed him to do the same thing as Zip and Zap before Bolt and I flew off to do so as well.

Bolt shot a few traps before I saw Valka down below confronting Drago. I was about to help her when she was hit to the ground when I saw Stoick fly in.

It was then that I noticed the large dragon rising out of the water behind me, toppling ships around it. I gasped when I realized what it was. Another Bewilderbeast.

"No..." I whispered mostly to myself as I watched our own Alpha break out of the Sanctuary.

The two met on land and everyone down below scurried out of the way. All the dragons seemed to be settling down because they didn't know who to follow.

Luckily Bolt hadn't been affected yet so we shot a few more traps before landing in a hidden spot shelter by ice spikes. "Get Zip and Zap and Storm and get out of here." I told Bolt. He growled at me in process.

"Please, for your own sake. I promise I'll be fine, we'll meet up later." I told him, pushing him to go.

There were tears threatening to spill when I heard a large crash coming from in the direction the Bewilderbeasts were fighting.

"Please, go!" I said again, pushing a bit more roughly. Bolt finally gave in and with a soft whimper and nudge, he flew into the air to find the others.

I climbed over the ice spikes and gasped when I saw our Alpha, dead.

The tears spilled down my face as I watched the new Alpha roar and call in all the dragons.

I scanned all the dragons and widened my eyes when I saw Bolt flying towards the new Alpha.

I quickly scanned the area for Zip and Zap and Storm but didn't see them until I looked across the water towards the horizon.

I saw two dragon shapes flying and sighed slightly in relief when I recognized them and they were flying away instead of towards the Bewilderbeast.

I turned back around and was brought back to the horrible reality of what was happening. I looked up when I heard a familiar yell and saw Cloudjumper struggling to fly because of the ice on his back fins.

Valka flew off his back but was caught by Stoick who jumped from his dragon. The two hit the side of the Sanctuary and slid down.

They hid behind a pillar of ice as the Bewilderbeast looked for them.

Luckily he didn't see them and he turned his attention back to gathering all the dragons.

There was nothing I could do and I was falling into shock when a crude yell pulled me out of it. I turned my head to see Drago screaming at the Bewilderbeast and swinging his staff around before pointing it at something.

I widened my eyes when I realized what was happening. Toothless tried to fight it as I ran in their direction. I knew what was happening before even Toothless did.

Soon toothless couldn't block the alphas command and he started stalking Hiccup who had probably been trying to change Drago's mind. Hiccup was being backed up to an ice wall as I came close.

I ran as fast as I could and pushed Hiccup down to the ground as Toothless blasted the deadly shot. I was slightly dizzy for a moment before I realized I never heard the blast hit the ice behind us. I looked up and widened my eyes when I saw Stoick laying on his side, not breathing.

'No no no no no.' I thought as I ran to join Hiccup and Valka who were already at his side.

I stopped short when I saw the loss of hope and tears in their eyes. 'This can't be happening.' I thought as the tears came back again.

I heard a laugh from farther away and saw Drago walking away with a smug look.

All the dragon riders landed and came towards us before realizing that their unattended dragons were being called to the Alpha.

Toothless seemed to have snapped out of it and noticed Stoick and everyone else in front of him.

He gurgled softly and nudged Stoick softly, wondering what had happened, before Hiccup pushed him away and started blaming.

"It's not his fault." I say, although I didn't know I was heard. Hiccup turned to me with and angry yet sad look on his face.

"No, your right. It was your fault." He said looking sternly at me while standing up. "If you hadn't pushed me out of the way he wouldn't be dead right now." I backed away as he stalked towards me much like how toothless had to him not a minute before.

'You don't know that' I think to myself although not daring to say it. He continued placing insults on me and all I could do was accept it all until Valka stopped him.

"Both of you, go away! Now!" Were the last words I heard before I started running, away from it all.

Toothless wasn't far behind me when I heard the sound of metal hitting metal.

We were a good distance from the others as I turned to see what was happening. Drago had pulled Toothless down who had been trying to fly towards the Bewilderbeast's call and mounted him.

I ran towards them to try and stop Drago when I heard Hiccup shout behind me.

I turned to see him reaching towards Toothless while being held back before I felt a stinging pain in my head. I fell to the ground as the impact of staff against head took its toll.

I reached my hand to my head and felt the warm liquid sleeping through my hair before everything went black.

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