What was that? Sophia who?

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Chapter 14. Liam

"What the hell was that about?" I asked Stef.

"Shelly Cooper. She's a slutty bitch. She probably said something that pissed off Cass." she replied.

"I better go check on her," I said. She nodded.

Just then, I saw Harry go outside.

"Oh. Maybe not," I smirked and chuckled.

"What? Why not?" I nodded towards the door just in time to see him slip out the door. She smiled.

She was gorgeous. I'd always had a thing for Stefanie, but never acted on it because I didn't want to upset Cassidy. I mean, this is her best friend I was talking about.

I couldn't find the words to express how she looked tonight. She always looked beautiful, but this was different. It's like this my first time actually seeing her as someone other than a pretty girl I might have a crush on. She kind of makes me want to be with her. Like we are now. We're dancing and not caring about anything else in the world. Only what we're doing with each other.

I'm not worried about my sister when she's with Harry. People may spread shit about him being a player, but that's just the image management has created for him. I mean, if they would actually let him be in an actual relationship, no contract, no fake dating, people would leave him alone about it. I don't know how he deals with paparazzi. Constantly asking who he's banging tonight and what horny little thing he'll be letting get into his bed this time. I almost yell at them for him.

"What're you thinking about?" Stef asks me. I guess I zoned out.

"To be honest," I started, "I started off thinking about how amazing you look." She blushed. She was too cute. I chuckled and continued, "Then I started thinking about how I trust Harry with my sister, and I don't have to worry about her right now because he's with her. Now I'm thinking..." I trailed off.

My eyes traveled down the length of her body, studying every curve, every detail, and every single thing about it. She was really hot. Damn.

Wait, hello! Sophia! Sophia Smith. You know, your GIRLFRIEND!!! Jeez man! What the hell is wrong with you? Checking out Stefanie is not okay.

"Thinking what?" she asked, extra curious now.

"Uhhhh..." I lost my train of thought. I shook my head. "I'm thinking that we should dance some more." I covered up trying to fake a smile.

She still looked a little suspicious, but I guess she decided to let it go. I held my hand out for her. She took it and I lead her to the dance floor.

"You and Me" by Lifehouse started. I loved this song. I didn't hesitate to put my arms around Stefanie's waist. Her arms wrapped around my neck. We swayed back and forth. She laid her head on my shoulder. I held her closer, tighter. Our breathing matched. You could practically hear my heartbeat. Her arms wrapped around my abdomen then.

Sophia who?

"I can't find the words to describe how gorgeous you look, Stef. Not just right now, but on a daily basis as well." I let words slip right out of my mouth.

I heard her breath catch. She lifted her head up to face me. She looked as though she was about to say something, but before she could, I cut her off.

My lips pressed against hers. Softly moving in sync with mine, her lips parted, allowing me access. The kiss quickly deepened.

I couldn't help myself. All I could think about was the feeling of her lips on mine. Who cares if someone sees us? Right now all that matters is her. She was mine right now.

The rest of the world faded away...

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