Chapter 22

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I get up off the floor once I know Alex is gone, I walk downstairs and see Eric sitting on the couch. I smile and run towards him, I tackle him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"ERIC," I yell loudly and cheerfully.

"Vexy," Eric says cheerfully.

"I've missed you."

"That makes two of us. I've been locked up in a cell."

"They put you back in there yesterday?" I look at him shocked.

"Yeah. The Alpha and Beta didn't want me to try anything like taking advantage of you while you were too weak to take care of yourself."

"Well I'm all better now." I let go of Eric and sit on the couch, I tuck my legs to my chest and look at the t.v.

"Is something wrong Vexy?"


"What is it?"

"Alex took advantage of me last night."

"He mated with you without your permission!?"

"No. He didn't do that."

"Then what'd he do?"

"He marked me without my permission." I feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Are you serious!? Didn't you two make a pact or something?"

"Yeah. But someone decided that he was going to get drunk and not even listen to his mate. I got mad at him and we fought. Then made up and now we fought again, I don't think we are good for each other."

"The Moon Goddess wouldn't put you with someone she thought wasn't good for you Vexy. She puts people together because she knows they will be good for each other."

"Well maybe she made a mistake."

Eric is about to say something when Alex comes through the door, he looks very mad and completely ignores Eric and me. I look at Eric and sigh, I slowly get up and walk into the kitchen. Alex throws a bowl across the room and it breaks, I stop him before he throws another bowl.

"Alex stop," I say nicely. He just looks at me and I plead him with my eyes. His eyes don't change back from the black they currently are. "Please?"

"Now why should I listen to you," Alex growls at me.

"Because I am your mate Alex and I don't want you to hurt yourself," I tell him kindly.

"I've already hurt you. Why can't I hurt anyone else?"

"That was a complete accident Alex and you know it. Now please, calm down?"

Alex looks at me angrily and I try to reach for him but he pulls away, I hear Eric come into the kitchen but I'm too busy trying to calm Alex down to talk to him.

"Do you need him to protect you or something Vex!? Is that why he's here," Alex growls at me.

"No, I hadn't even called him in here Alex. Just stop throwing things and calm down, please? You're going to hurt someone," I say then I feel his eyes on my face. "Or yourself."

"You don't tell me what to do Vexy! I'm the Alpha of this pack and you are not!"

"Eric will you please leave us alone for awhile?"

I hear Eric leave and then the sound of a t.v. in another room. I look back at Alex just in time to see a chair go through the other sliding glass door, the other one still broken. Alex turns his back to me and I quietly walk over to him, I wrap my arms around his waist. Alex's muscles tense before he looks at me kind of surprised, I set my chin on his shoulder and gently kiss his neck.

"I thought you were mad at me," Alex says. He sounds like him again and not like his wolf wants to break through.

"No. I can't be mad at you for very long," I whisper.

Alex looks at me and sighs, he strokes my cheek and I smile. I look at everything that's broken around the kitchen, and think of the mess up in our room. Alex looks around at the mess too, I feel him sigh again.

"I have a temper."

"You were just mad, it's fine. We can get someone to fix it up."

"But I hurt you." Alex strokes my cheek. "I should never hurt you."

"I'm fine. Now we have things to discuss."

"Like what?"

"Like how long till Denali Pack will be here and how long until Dark Skies and Knight Pack attack."

"I don't want to get you involved though."

"I'm the Luna, it's technically implied that I know of stuff like this Alex."

"I thought you didn't know what a Luna was?"

"My mom was a Luna, I know what they are. But actually being one is something I don't know if I can do."

"You'll be a great Luna Vex."

"Can I come out now," Eric asks.

"Yeah," I tell him. Eric comes out and plops down onto the couch, I lay my face in between Alex's shoulder blades and I kiss his back.

"Denali Pack is coming tomorrow," Alex says.

I drop my arms from his waist and look up at him surprised, he runs his fingers through his hair and looks at me apologetically. I drop to the ground and lay my head in my hands, I let out a groan. Alex takes my hands off my eyes and looks at me, I bite my lip and look at him.

"Why tomorrow," I ask him.

"Because the sooner our fighters train together the better Vexy."

"Do I have to be present for that?"

"Well I would like the Denali Pack to meet my mate, my Pack's Luna." I pull my hands back from him and wrap them around my knees.

"But when they see me they'll get mad, half of that Pack's fighters know me. I trained with them and fought with them, they were my friends. My father, what do you think he'll do?"

"You're going to have to get over that fear of meeting your old Pack Vexy. You're part of my Pack now and that's not going to change."

"You don't know my father like I do Alex. He probably thinks I'm dead or something and when he sees me, he'll want me back." I squeeze my arms tighter around my knees. "What if he takes me from you?"

"Then I'll fight and get you back." Alex pulls me into his lap and holds me close. "I love you Vexy."

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