Undefined (A One Direction Love Story)

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“Harry, your behavior as a 18 year old pain in the neck is ruining this band. One Direction. Is taking a break.” Our Manager said. And all my friends glared at me.

“But!” Liam said, and then he was cut off.

“No if ands or buts about it. The publicity has gone to your heads, Harry, more than others but it it has developed in all of you.” He said, if looks could kill, entered my head. Had I really gotten that bad?

“Your going to a place nearly as rainy as England, and the place with the least amount of One Direction fans. The Pacific Northwest.” We all gasped in horror. Yes, I really had been that bad.


I took out my keys, “Go home you bums go home!” I giggled. Timbers game, some of the best times of my life had been in this stadium. I was here with my best friend, Maria. We’d been coming to these games since we were freshmen in high school, now we were both 18. And coming to these games by our self now. It was the beginning of the game and a group of five boys shuffled into the seats next to us. They were all stunning, and looked slightly familiar, but I didn’t think I knew them.

“Hello, Love, I’m Harry.” The boy who had been given the seat next to me had said. He had a distinct English accent. Almost making me faint right then and there.

“Hello, I’m Miranda.” I said sticking my hand out. He shook it.

“Nice to meet you.” He said, grinning.

“From across the pond?” I asked, trying to figure out what this British beauty was doing at a Timbers Soccer game.

“Yes, We have just got here, thought we’d like to see the futbol scene.” Of course, like a classic Brit.

“And your friends are?” Maria piped in from behind me. Good question, more gorgeous British Boys to meet.

“Not talking to me right now, and I’m pretty sure Louis is getting himself a drink.”

“Ah, we may not be talking to you, but we have no qualms with them. I’m Zayn.” One said. He was really cute. As were all the others, Whose names were Niall, Liam and Louis. They’d all grown up in Britain and were great friends, though they were going through a bit of a fight right now. The game pasted swiftly. Maria’s shyness melted away, even when she’d switched spots with Harry to talk with Zayn, which was rather shocking. Harry was charismatic and quite beautiful for a guy. I mean, you just couldn’t stop staring at him. And what tickled me pink, was that his favorite soccer team was mine, Liverpool! I mean, sure I was very fond of the Timbers, but it was this English team that really held my heart. I taught them lots of chants and then it was all of a sudden half time and the chanting stopped. We sat down in our seats and I pulled a blanket around me.

“Cold, love?” Harry asked me. He’d been calling me and Maria ‘Love’ all night. It was way adorable.

“She always is. Miranda is always freezing. Unless she is running or chanting.” Maria said for me. She had her snuggie on. I’d always opted for the more traditional way of things.

“Well, in any case would you mind if I bought you a hot cocoa?” Harry said, winking at me. He was such a flirt. And I wasn’t going to stop him from it either, a girl needed to feel special every once and a while.

“Yes please, if you wouldn’t mind.” I smiled timidly. He got me a hot cocoa. And I sipped it down quickly. I could feel it heating me from the inside out. A warm grin spread across my face.

“Thank you.” I said, when he followed me so I could throw away the cup.

“It is no problem really!” He said, he led us back to our seats. And me being me, completely stumbled over my own feet. Landing in Harry’s arms, He laughed at me, and I laughed at myself. We looked to the boys, who despite being British, had their arms up in a touchdown sign, and Maria was just giggling. He lifted me bridal style.

“Oh come on, your going to hurt me.” I said, as he walked almost carelessly down the steps.

“Never have I ever hurt anyone,” He said, almost arrogantly, “On purpose.” He finished with a wink. He sat me back down in my seat.

“Thanks.” I grumbled. Then I got back to my chanting, as Half time had ended. The rest of the game passed in a whirlwind of obscene words and gestures to the refs. A bunch of good chants, and of course the sound of a chainsaw cutting wood. I could tell the boys had a good time, they probably missed how it was in England. We all walked to the Max together.

“Fancy an escort home miss?” Harry asked me. I giggled. I nodded slightly, Maria was staying at  my house, but did that mean these boys were going to follow me home?

“Maybe, but are your friends okay with that?” I asked inquisitively, turning around to the boys.

“I wouldn’t mind at all,” Zayn said. He’d really hit it off with Maria, and that made me grin. Because I’d met very few people in my life who had such a skill.

“Why not, after all, it is the holidays. And you and Maria will have to come visit us at our humble abode!” Louis said.

“Great idea, after all, the pleasure would be all ours.” Niall said, and Liam just laughed in his consent. Therefore, we waited for the max. I looked up at the stars. I sighed.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Harry said as he came up beside me.

“He who is fixed to a star...” I sighed, then said, “Star light star bright, first star I see tonight.”

“I wasn’t talking about the stars.” He said, looking down at me.


Hello guys! I'm BRAND new at the whole fanfiction thing and Sorry to all PNW Directioners, I know we exsist, I just had to find some way to get them on my home turf! So please, if you will, Comment, Vote, Fan, Send me a message, Listen to a 1D song, Eat a Carrot, Wear a Beanie and lastly but not leastly, say VAS HAPPENING! Oh and Make me a cover if you would be ever so nice? :D Okay, thanks, Bye


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