Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

At my house I unpacked my entire closet. All my shoes, all  my accessories, pretty much everything but my winter clothes. Niall then proceeded to drive us back to the house.

“Natalie!” Maria shouted when she caught sight of her, they caught up, and I brought my bag up stairs. I folded all my clothes and put it in my drawer. I looked around and decided I would make the messy bed. I did so then collapsed on it, my thoughts overwhelming me.

All this had happened in a short matter of 3 days. And I didn’t know when they were going back, hell, I didn’t even know their last names! I just wanted to live in the moment, for once, and not get guilty about it. I mean, I already loved all the boys, Harry in his own way, but the rest of them were already like brothers to me.

I was deep in my thoughts, when I heard a peck on the window. I ignored it at first. And then I heard it again. That was when I swung off of my bed and went to my balcony, the door made a slight clicking sound when I opened it. A pebble hit me in the head.

“Okay, Ouch,  Who is down there?” I asked, walking to the edge, and laughing when I saw Harry standing there with pebbles in his hands. “Ay me.”

“It is the East and Juliet is the sun.” He laughed, the sound of his voice made my heart race. “Come on down, we’ve got a forest to explore!”

“Really, Haz, Really?” I shouted down, I so was not wearing a forest exploring outfit. More of a day at the beach outfit.

“Yes, now come on, I want to show you something.” The tone in his voice made my heart flutter, so I changed shoes and ran down the stairs and out the back door.

“Slow poke.” Harry said, pulling me into his arms.

“Am not.” I said into his chest. He pulled back an a crooked grin lit up his face.

“Come on! We have a place to go!’ He grabbed my hand and led me through the forest. Over fallen trees, and scrambling over rocks. I looked back, the house was nowhere in sight.

“Haz, were going to get lost.” I said, panic flavoring my voice.

“Don’t worry about it, I know where we are. We’re almost there.” I saw a granite clift rise in the distance, and he turned around to grin at me. If my heart hadn’t already been racing, it would have exploded.

He got us there in such a short amount of time, we had left the home at 1 and now it was 1:30. But the thirty minute walk, was so worth it. It was a little cave hidden by vines. Candles were lit all around it, and there was a cd player in it.

In the amount of time it had taken me to finish looking around the shallow cave, Harry had started a song, one I recognized from my childhood. My parents had danced to this song more times than I could count, an old country song, I Cross My Heart by George Strait.

“Dance with me?” He asked, holding his arms open. I nodded and walked over to him, and we started to dance, our feet moving in synconization. He twirled me out, and I got a good look at the grin on his face, my heart jumped. We spun around the room, almost like professional dancers. His low voice sung the song, “In all the world, you’ll never find a love as true as mine.”

I grinned widely, as the song picked up, and he spun around faster, and as it slowed down he lowered me into a dip.

“This is how I feel about you, I love you, I don’t know why, I don’t know how, all I know is that I love you, Miranda. I know I’ll love you every day of forever, so, be my Juliet? And I’ll be your Romeo.” And then he pressed his lips to mine, a warm feeling spread around my body. I didn’t know what I felt before this moment. It was true. I loved Harry. My arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. My emotions were at war with each other, the rational ones telling me to stop this madness, the irrational ones telling me this had been the moment I’d wanted my entire life.

Eventually, the kiss stopped, we hadn’t removed any clothing, just sat there kissing each other. When we pulled apart, we just smiled at each other for a long time, then I got the courage to speak up, he needed to know how I felt for him.

“I love you too Harry. More than anything, more than anyone, ever in my life.” I said, then kissed him on the lips, when I pulled back I said something Juliet said, “Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, Brags of his substance, not of ornament: They are but beggars that can count their worth; But my true love is grown to such excess. I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth.”


Hello my lovelies! I'm so proud of you all for getting this to 200 reads! It makes me so happy! And I love love love love this chapter! It was so much fun to write, and if you weren't raised with George Strait, I've posted the song on the side! I hope you liked this chapter, and thank you guys for getting me 200 reads! So feel free to, vote, eat a carrot, comment, break a table, fan, and forswear spoons. Okay, with love,


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