Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

“Miranda, I’ve got to talk to you.” I motioned for him to lay down on my bed like we had done so many other nights, but instead he just sat on the edge.

“What do you want to talk about?” I noticed that his voice was solemn, not the way it usually was.

“Its about going to London tomorrow, it won’t be as simple as you think.”


“Because I’m not who you think I am.”

It was them he launched into this story, how about 2 years ago he and the boys were complete strangers, but on the x-factor together. They were put together in a band, they’d been touring and all before they came here. The reason they were here was that their management had sent them on a break to get their personalities in check. Ashley was a huge fan of them, and the day we had gotten our nails done, Louis had been on a date with my sister to keep her from telling me who they were and why they were here. He showed me websites of fangirls, he showed me his twitter, he showed me a performance of their most popular song. And after every last bit of redeeming faith I had in him was crushed, he changed back into the normal Harry.

“But, you have to remember, that no matter what happens, I will always be me and you will always be you, no matter what anyone says to us, about us, or about your clothes, face, hair, eyes, make-up. You will always be perfect to me.”

I wanted to scream, I want to cry, but it was impossible to do anything but sit and stare at the walls.

“Do you want me with you tonight?”

“No,” I said in a bland monotone, “Its a lot to take in, I will see you in the morning, bright and early.” And I kissed him, not knowing if it would be the last we ever shared. As soon as he was out of my vision the tears came, I knew I needed to leave. But I wouldn’t leave without a final goodbye. There was a desk in my room, with some paper in it. I knew what I needed to do.

Dear Liam,

Thank you for being the older brother I never had. I’ll miss you so dearly, keep in touch, and tell Danielle that I still hope I get to meet her one day. You have been so kind to me, and I am so grateful for that. I’m sorry that I am leaving, but you understand that there are somethings a girl has just got to do. Keep an eye out on Harry for me, because I know that this will be hard on him, and I do not want anything to happen to him.

Your ‘sister’,


Dear Zayn,

Watch Maria, she is careless with her heart and I will worry about her in the spotlight with you. Thank you for taking care of my sister. Zayny, you’ve been a close friend in these past two weeks, I am going to miss you a lot, but seriously watch Maria, if I read anything online I will be flying there and kicking your bum. Make sure she is safe, keep in touch Zayny boy, I’ll miss ya Bradford Bad Boi.

Always watching you,

Just kidding, Miranda

Dear Niall,

Thank you again for the plane ticket, I wish I could have come, but there is no way I can go after finding out about the band. I am holding you responsible for Natalie, so if anything happens I’ll be paying you a short visit. I really will miss you Niall, you are like my brother, please stay in touch with me, and eat something at Nandos for me. I hope to see you again one day, but that day will just have to be a while. I’ll miss you Niallers.

Going to miss my leprechaun,


Dear Louis,

I don’t even really know what to write, you’ve been here for me, Thank you for the clothes, I have left them on the bed, as you can see. Tell Eleanor that I still want to meet her and that I apologize for not coming to London. Lou, I know that you and Harry share a flat. I need you to watch him for me. I don’t know what the outcome of this is going to be, and don’t get me wrong. I still love him, and will always love him, I just can’t be with him. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, keep talking to me, enjoy your time in London. Also, make sure he doesn’t see this letter, I have to do the most horrible thing ever, but be sure that the other boys know, especially Liam.

Not sure what exactly I am doing,


Dear Harry,

I’m sorry, I truly am sorry for what I have done. I can’t and won’t be with you, after you lied to me, I can’t do this. I will not be your girl friend. Have fun in London with your fan girls, I’m sure they are way better than I will ever be. Enjoy your parties in London. Try to remember me as the girl who you spent your summer with, who was the fling you never got to do anything with. I have decided that I am going to talk about engagement with James, and apologize deeply and dearly for what happened that night. Don’t talk to me, don’t write, don’t tweet about me. I never want to hear from you again. I hate you Harry Styles.


I folded the notes and placed them on my bed, with the necklace Harry got me and the clothes Lou had bought me. Tears had stained all the notes. I grabbed my bag and raced through the house to my car, throwing the stuff in the back seat, and getting into the drivers seat, I drove off, looking back once, at Harry standing in the drive in his boxers, the note in his hand, red faced.

I had to pull over at least 6 times before the apartment, because I couldn’t see the road. But when I got to my apartment, I hardly got the door shut before I collapsed into a pile of sobs and tears in the doorway.


Tonight is a double upload for check out the next chapter for the scoop on what has been going on!


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