Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“Hey James, we’re going to head to the usual place, you wanna come?” Maria asked smiling. All three of us had missed him a lot. But he sort of threw us all off. Even Niall. And you did not want to see the eating contest that they had had, it was really really gross!

“Of course! Is there space for me in the car you guys drove here in? Or will we have to go the old fashioned way?” He laughed, smiling at us. Ashley had pulled out some sparklers and handed them all to us.

“Hm, we might have to go the usual way!” Natalie said, I smiled when I looked over at her. Niall was practically attached to her hip now, they were totally in love!

“Okay, okay, before anyone goes anywhere lets take the sparkler picture!” Ashley said, holding up a lighter, I looked up to my dad, he held our huge camera smiling. We always took a picture like this every Fourth of July. Ashley flicked the lighter and we all put our sparklers in, all the light nearly blinding all of us.

“Pose,” My dad said, and we all did, I held mine like a bridal bouquet, All five of the British boys put theirs in the middle, Ashley, Maria and Natalie all did theirs the same way, and James held his up like the statue of Liberty. “Smile, 1... 2... 3...” I felt a pair of lips against my cheek as the flash went off. After the picture was taken I turned to Harry and smiled, and kissed him lightly on the cheek back. Everyone around us intoned a chorus of Ahw.

“Come here.” Harry said, grabbing the hand that didn’t hold the burned out sparkler. He pulled me to my back yard, held my waist and put me on top of the hot tub cover. He was shorter than me now, it was very weird to say the least.

“Harry, what are you doing?” I asked, he dug around in his pocket and pulled out a necklace. It was a little golden chain with a golden star pendant on it. I looked at the pendant, I noticed that it had Juliet inscribed in the middle. I literally jumped off of the hot tub, while simultaneously wrapping my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck. “Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you thank you.” I said into his neck.

He pulled my face away from him, the low light reflecting off of his hazel eyes. “I love you.” He kissed me softly, like he was afraid I would break. Wrong choice. Almost instantly my hands knotted in his hair, pulling him closer. My skin was on fire, I was sure my face was as red as a tomato! I wasn’t sure how long we had been kissing, but long enough for someone to come up behind us and clear their throat.

“Get your hands off of my best friend!” I heard James say, then suddenly, I was on the ground. In what little light there was, I could see James’ hands around Harry’s waist, pulling him back.

“She is my girlfriend, incase you didn’t get the memo!” Harry shouted, flinging James’ hands off of him. I stayed on the ground, my hands dug into the dirt below me. They faced each other ready for a fight.

“And you’ve known her for how long? And I’ve known her for 10 years! You don’t know anything about him, Miranda, don’t you see how wrong this is?” I saw a tear slide down his cheek. I pulled my legs up to my chest, starting to have an actual panic attack.

“Listen here, I may have known her for only five days, but my heart, soul, and everything lies within this girl. If anything happened to her, everything about me would simply cease to exist.” My breathing quickened, I hoped I wouldn’t pass out. That would put a serious damper on the night.

“What do you know about her? Besides the fact that she makes rash decisions? Have you ever gotten up late at night to find her throwing rocks at your window because she couldn’t sleep? Have you ever held her as she cried? Danced with her? Anything even remotely like that? You can’t love her like I do!” Almost unwillingly I blinked, then felt a cold tear fall and land on the tip of one of my fingers, and let a sob escape my mouth, they both turned around. I guessed that was the tipping point for Harry, James too. Almost at once, they leapt onto each other and started to beat each other up.  Anything that was wrong with me evaporated, I jumped up, and ran over to them, I put both arms around Harry’s arm and tried to pull him off of James. Then one of James’ punches missed Harry, then hit me in the eye, knocking me backwards.

“Damn you both.” I said, clutching at my eye. I pressed one hand to my eye, then ran to get Louis. But ran into Niall at the gate.

“Oh, God, Miranda, what happened?” Instead of saying anything, I grabbed Niall’s arm and showed him. When he saw what was happening, he turned to me, “Go get Louis.” I nodded, and ran to the other side of the yard to the gate, When I turned back I caught a glimpse of Niall’s arms around Harry’s waist, I briefly caught the word girlfriend. I raced to find Louis.

“Louis, come quick!” I said, he was sitting at the table on my porch. He got up instantly and followed me. The moment he got into the backyard, he ran to the two boys. Niall had almost successfully gotten Harry away, I wanted to see what Louis would do, but Maria came up behind me, and tore me away from what was happening.

“Come here.” She made me sit down where Louis had been sitting and take my hand off of my left eye. I did so grudgingly. She gasped when she saw my eye, “Natalie, go get a washcloth, and wet it with cold water.” Zayn was inside, and I had seen Liam go to the backyard also. Natalie rushed inside to get what she had asked for.

“Is it that bad?” I asked, blinking painfully.

“Very bad, which one of them hit you? James or Harry?” I felt my chest constrict, James would be in so much trouble after this.

“James.” I mumbled under my breath.

“He pulled the possessive card didn’t he?” She sighed as I nodded. “You’d think he would learn!” Natalie came out, and pushed the washcloth into Maria’s hands. Then sat down on the other side of the table.

“Its an awesome thing your parents decided to go to sleep earlier than usual, or it would not be good.” Natalie said, I flinched as Maria pressed the washcloth to my face.

“No kidding. Did Ashley go down the street again?” I asked, my little sister had always gone down the street to her friend’s house after we’d blown up all of our fireworks, but clearly this year was different.

“Yes she did, there, you should be fine, just remember to put some ice on it once we get back to the house.” She smiled at me, and put the cloth down. I heard footsteps from the other side of the building. I saw the five boys walking around, I gasped when I saw Harry, he was really torn up. I started to cry again.

“Hey, don’t cry.” Liam hugged me. “We’re going to get in the van now, James needs to talk to you. Remember we’re right there.” He pointed at the van at the end of my front lawn. I nodded, too shocked to even speak. He hugged me again, then went to help the other boys get Harry in the van. Maria and Natalie nodded, and went to join them at the van. I heard more foot steps, and around the corner James walked. He was just as bad as Harry.

“God Damn James, look what you did.” I said, pointing to him, and then to the group of people in the car.

“Yeah, I know, I really fucked things up didn’t I? I was going to propose to you tonight too.” At that, my heart shattered, I couldn’t speak, I was sure I stopped breathing, I was stuck where I stood.

“Do you mean that?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes, I do. Would you take my offer now?” And then I snapped.

“Of course not! James your a fucking idiot! How dare you?! You beat up my boyfriend, you hurt my friends, and then you have the God Damn nerve to ask me to marry you?! What the hell is wrong with you! Get your ass back to California, Washington and Oregon don’t want it anymore!” I slapped him across the face, then ran to the van, Liam was driving, Harry was in shot gun, and they had left this seat open, next to Louis. I slammed the van door shut. Louis pulled me into a hug, and I cried into his chest. I looked back at my house as we started to drive away, James started to walk down to his house, something glinted on the front porch, in front of the door.

A ring.


I am so sorry for the late upload! I got really really busy my last two weeks of school, so I did an extra long one to make up for it, lots of drama this upload eh? So, I have to thank you all for getting this to plus 700 reads! My lovelies are so amazing, I want to see who reads this, so more of you guys should fan me! Once I reach 50 fans I'll make a twitter account! (I already have one, just not one for wattpad) Okay! I gotta continue working, eat carrots, watch the Euro 2012, sing a song, go on tumblr and pretty much everything else! I promise to upload soon!

Allie J.

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