Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Mundy!” My little sister shouted when I came into my old house. I was wearing my new dress, it was so cute, I had worn it with a pair of wedges. My little sister was so adorable still, she was 15 now, but didn’t call  me anything but Mundy still. Her bright red hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and her freckles stood out from all the sun we had been getting.

“Ashey!” I laughed as I hugged her, “You’re gonna meet my new friends!” I laughed, pulling her outside. When she saw my friends out in the street, she did the weirdest thing, she screamed and went back inside. I looked at them, Harry was shaking my father’s hand, so I skipped forward to meet them, which was a difficult task in wedges.

“Miranda! So good to see you again! This is your friend Harry, right, the one your mom was telling me about?” I blushed as my dad kissed me on the forehead as I stood next to Harry.

“Actually, he is my boyfriend, he is from England, you and all the boys should get along rather well, especially Niall, they all love soccer.” I laughed, out of the corner of my eye I saw Louis carrying a bunch of fireworks inside the house, I wondered what he was up to.

*Louis POV*

I looked over to Miranda, she was talking to her father and Harry. I had to take care of her sister, she had recognized us, Liam was in the backyard with Natalie and Niall, and Zayn and Maria had left to go walk down to Maria’s old house because she wanted her parents to meet her boyfriend, that left me. I stalked up the stairs, listening for the sound of a sixteen year old girl sobbing. I found the room and knocked on the door.

“Can I come in?” I asked, I heard louder sobbing. And then it stopped and the red headed girl appeared and the door way.

“Did you Louis Tomlinson just ask me Ashley Jones if you could come in my room?” The girl was crying, but she had really pretty green eyes, almost prettier than Harry’s.

“Yes, We need to talk about something.” Her eyes widened and I swore I could see every fangirl type thing running through her head. She silently led me into the room, I pulled out the chair at the desk, as she sat down on her bed.

“What did you want to talk about Louis?” Ashley said, she was pretty, but no where near as Eleanor, my heart ached to see her smiling face again, I missed her so much.

“Okay, so excuse the rant, but here it comes. So I bet your wondering why One Direction is at your house and hanging out with your sister while we’re supposed to be taking a break from everything? So you see, Ted had told us that we were getting too absorbed in the paparazzi so we needed to take a break, so he sent us here, the place with the least amount of fans, so we wouldn’t be noticed as easily. And one night, Niall found out about the MLS team and wanted to get a taste of home and guess who we made friends with? Your sister! Well, she didn’t recognize us, so she thinks we’re normal boys from England, and I haven’t known her for all that long, but she’s fragile, and I love her like a little sister already, and I don’t know how she would react if she found out we had lied to her like that.”

I took a deep breath, I tried to imagine what would happen to Miranda if we had to leave all of a sudden and my mind could not create the image of her like that.

“So your saying I have to pretend the boys, who my life has been dedicated too for the past two years, are no bodies from Britain and Ireland even though I know every single fact about all of you.” Her eyes were wide in an anger sort of way. To be honest, I was a  little afraid of the sixteen year old girl.

“Okay, so, I guess I see your point, well, is there anything I can do to make it better?” I smiled at her, It was like I could hear her racing heart from here, I was kind of worried that she would spontaneously turn into flame.

“Well, You could hang out with me, see a movie or something, I’m sorry, I went totally crazy fangirl on you.” She smiled pleasantly, I was really sort of proud of the girl in front of me, I knew from the tour days that acting like that was no small task for a girl who slept in a room plastered in One Direction pictures.

“You know what, I think that wouldn’t be too bad, we can plan it later, I smell a barbeque!” I laughed and we walked out of the room, although, I was pretty sure I heard the girl gasp when my rear end faced her.

*Miranda’s POV*

“Hi Mom, Happy Fourth of July!” I said, coming around into the kitchen. She was getting out bowls and filling them with chips while the hamburgers were on the grill.

“Hey Sweetie, who is your friend?” She asked, turning to Harry and smiling, shaking his hand.

“My name is Harry.” He smiled at her, I looked out the back window to see that Niall, Louis, Liam, Natalie, and Ashley were all kicking around a soccer ball.

“Ah, so your the Harry! Nice to meet you! And, Miranda, someone came by to see you, why don’t you go into the next room to find out!” She winked at me, my wedges made a muted clicking sound as I walked into the den, a familiar face smiled at me and stood up.

“You didn’t think I’d ever miss Fourth of July on our street did you?” I completely forgot I was in heels and ran to the man.

“James! Your back from California!”


Hey guys! I love this chapter soooo much! I love the ending, and I'm sorry I was four reads late on an update! I've never been late! Okay, I gotta leave for the bus now! Read fast! Comment, you know, all that good stuff that I usually put here but haven't got the time for today! (Anddd, today is the first day of their tour! Woo-hoo! Have fun people in Connecticut!)

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