Vampire [II]

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(Mason on top)

I pulled away shocked and I saw that Ryder had the same expression as I.

"Doll..." He said shocked.

"You're a vampire." I said breathless.

"Look I can explain, I got carried away and-." He started to say.

I shook my head and stormed out of the room.

"Doll, wait." Ryder said as he followed me downstairs.

"I should've never come here." I said as I got to the door.

"Let her go Ryder." Mason said as he stopped Ryder.

I walked to the street as tears rolled down my face, I felt stupid and betrayed for one moment, just for one moment I thought of abandoning my mission, I thought of keeping Mason's identity a secret but not anymore, I had come here for a mission and I wasn't going to leave until that mission was complete. I started to walk by the street, it was already dark, and I was outside of the town so I had at least an hour of walking before I got to the house.

"Hey, do you need a ride to the town?" A guy said as he pulled over in a black jeep.

"Thank you." I said as I got in the car.

"I'm Nick Payne." He said with a smile.

"Alice Roberts." I said trying to not cry again.

"What is a young British lady doing in the middle of the road at this hour?" He asked me as he started to drive.

"I went to have dinner at a guy's house." I said as I rolled my eyes at the memory.

"Was it too much for him to take you home?" He asked.

"He took me to his house against my will in the first place and at the end I left." I said as I covered up the left side of my neck with my hair.

"He's a jerk, right?" Nick said as he met my gaze for a second.

"Yes, he is and the worst part is that I just realized that now, he's a huge twerp." I said and looked at him.

He had black hair and gray-blue eyes almost like mine and just for the record yes, he was very fit.

"So, are you new in town?" Nick asked me as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Not really, I moved here a few weeks ago, yet I'm not used to this entire place." I said in a small voice.

"Well, I just came back from New York and I'm going to be working in the high school." He said with a smile.

"You're working as a teacher?" I asked him shocked.

"Don't I look like the teacher material?" He asked me as he looked at me for a second.

"You look too young to be a teacher. How old are you?" I asked him trying to not sound rude.

"I'm nineteen, I have to do an internship with Coach Wolfe as an assistant before I can go back again to New York. What about you Alice, how old are you?" He asked me curiously.

"I'm seventeen." I said with a small smile.

He made a frown.

"You seem..." He trailed off in deep thought.

"Younger?" I said finishing the sentence for him.

"No, you actually seem older eighteen years old at least." Nick told me.

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