Deeply Hate [II]

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(Gates on top)

"Are you alright, mate you seem a bit nervous?" Andrew said with a smile.

I laughed.

"What? I'm not, I'm just anxious even though I should be completely cool with this but you see not every day I get invited by a hot Brit guy to the V.I.P in this super dope club." I said with a flirty smile.

I rolled my eyes ay myself internally, I sounded like a complete stupid girl.

"Shall we go then?" Andrew said as he offered me his hand.

"Totes, let's go then." I said as I grabbed his hand and headed upstairs.

We got to this dark room, there were some girls and guys dancing around and before I knew it I was sitting in a table with men around me.

"What did you bring me tonight Andrew?" A voice said as he got near us.

I saw how a guy with pale skin, brown hair and dark brown eyes got closer, he was beyond handsome, he had a British accent but something about that accent was off as if it was fake, and besides there was something about him that made me be extremely suspicious, as if he was too good to be true.

"Andrew, aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?" I told Andrew as I slightly nudged him.

My gut told me that I needed to know about him.

"This is Gates; Gates, this is Tori." Andrew said introducing us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Gates said as he kissed my hand.

"What a gentleman!" I said with a nervous laugh.

"I beg your pardon dear; I didn't quite catch your name." He said as he met my gaze.

"I'm Victoria Lee Sanders but my friends have always called me Tori." I said with a smile.

"You seem familiar, have we met before?" Gates asked me, I felt as if his eyes were piercing my soul.

I shook my head.

"I don't think so; I would never forget meeting someone especially if it's as hot as you. I'm from Chicago but some friends and I decided to hang out for a while here in the UK, I was last week in a club up north when this dude told me that I was fit so I should probably come to this club to meet Gates, at first I didn't know what the hell he was talking about but now I do." I said with a smile.

"Would you like to dance with me Victoria?" Gates asked me as I bit my lip.

I gave a small grin.

"Honey, you don't have to ask twice." I said as I went with him to the dance floor.

Gates was an amazing dancer but there was really something odd about him that made me get deadly nervous, but what was it? Why couldn't I stop thinking about that?

After half hour of dancing Gates decided that it was time to rest for a while, we headed back to the table and then I noticed that Ryder, Naomi, Mason and Kole were there.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them confused.

"Do you know them Victoria?" Gates said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

Ryder's eyes went immediately to Gates' arm that was around my waist. I cleared my throat grabbing Ryder's attention.

"Yeah this is Max, Nick, Nick's girlfriend named Olivia and her brother Justin." I said as I looked at Ryder warning him to not do something completely reckless such as exposing ourselves.

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