The Camp [III]

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I gave a huge gasp as I broke to the surface.

"Alice! Alice, are you okay?" Nick said as he helped me get back on the boat.

"I'm fine." I said as I shivered in cold.

Nick wrapped a quilt that was on the boat around me, as he did that I couldn't peel off my eyes from the trees. I knew what I saw but how was it possible?

"Alice! Alice, are you even listening to me?" Nick said as he grabbed my attention.

"No, I'm sorry." I said apologizing.

"Are you crazy? Why would you throw yourself to the lake? Don't you know that the water is freezing cold?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I do, I sort of figure that out on my own. And I did not throw myself, I tried to see what was by the trees and as I got closer I lost my balance thus I fell into the water." I said with a groan.

"What was it?" Nick asked me.

"What?" I asked him.

"What was on the trees?" He asked me.

I stared at him; I just couldn't tell Nick what I had really seen.

I gave a sight.

"You were right, it was an animal." I told him as I continue to shiver in cold.

"I should probably take you back so you can change." Nick said as he cursed under his breath.

"You probably should." I said as I wrapped the quilt tighter on me.

As soon as we got off the boat I started to head to the cabin, I couldn't handle the cold anymore so I decided to take off the gem to see if that way the cold could decrease a little. As soon as I took the gem off I wasn't cold anymore, I couldn't even feel my damp clothes, and I was neither cold nor hot just a little warm.

"Alice, is that you?" A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw that it was Ric.

"Hello." I said as I smiled at him.

"Why are you all wet, I mean just look at you your clothes are soaking wet." Ric said rephrasing his words.

"Um...I accidently fell to the lake." I said in a small voice.

"You got in the lake twice in a day Alice?" Ric said not believing it.

"I know and it is barely the first day." I said with a smile.

"Where you heading to?" Ric asked me.

"I was going to the cabin for some clothes before I head to the showers." I said as I pretended to shiver, Ric would wonder why I wasn't cold.

"Can I join you?" Ric asked me.

"Join me to my cabin?" I said confused.

"To the showers, you know." Ric said with a wink.

I gave a laugh.

"Maybe next time Ric but not tonight, I have to go." I said before I went to the cabin which was empty.

I grabbed my pajamas and before I went to the showers I left my gem with my locket by the nightstand that was by the bed I was going to sleep in. I got to the showers and quickly took one and changed. As I got out I felt as if someone was watching me, I tried to ignore it and went to the cabin. When I got there Danny was in bed reading a book and Naomi was doing her nails.

"How did it go with Nick I saw you two leave?" Danny said with a smile.

"It was great until I fell to the lake." I said with a groan.

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