A New Leader [III]

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I tried to grab myself to the edge with both of my hands but it was still useless, my grip was getting weaker and I was staring to slip off the edge.

"No, no." I said as I started to panic, if I fell I would end up dead just like Nastasia and my family were still in danger; I just couldn't let that happen.

"Ryder, please!" I said as my grip to the edge started to become non-existent.

I was breathless and I felt the tears roll down my face before my hands slipped off and I was no longer holding onto the roof but trying to grasp thin air, I gave a small yell as I felt myself fall from the roof; suddenly a pair of strong arms grabbed me and lift me up to the roof, I gave a small sigh in relief as Ryder pulled me into his arms.

"Are you okay? Are you okay Doll?" Ryder asked me as he lifted my chin so I could meet his gaze.

I stared at him speechless trying to find a way to regain my breath, I felt as if my chest was contracting not letting the air enter or leave my body.

"Doll, are you okay?" Ryder asked me, this time his voice was full of concern.

I closed my mouth and nodded slowly, I was too frightened and shocked to even answer. Then I noticed something, Antonio was lying on the ground and there was a bit of blood on his head.

"What did you do to him?" I asked him in a shaky voice.

"A knocked him out; he is hurt and all but he's alive. Antonio is not dead so you have nothing to worry about." Ryder said reassuring me.

I looked at Ryder before I parted my lips.

"Would it make me a bad person if I wished that he was dead?" I asked him in a low voice.

Ryder shook his head.

"No, after what he did to us that is the least he deserves." Ryder told me in a cold tone.

I met Ryder's gaze.

"But we're not monsters, not like she was." I said referring to Nastasia.

"You will never be like her." Ryder promised me.

I nodded before I looked at Nicholas and Beck.

"Ryder, could you please set Beck and Nicholas free? We all need to get out of here before it is too late, here, use this." I said as I pulled out the dagger out of my shoulder blade with a small wince.

Ryder looked at the dagger that was full of my blood and then at my wound before he met my gaze concerned.

"Just go Ryder; I'm alright, we need to get out of here before it is too late." I told Ryder trying to not show the pain in my voice.

Ryder nodded quickly before he went over with Nicholas and Beck, I leaned against the wall and coughed as I felt my breathing pace start to race as my chest stated to contract, I couldn't breathe normally. I was having difficulties to breath, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched instinctively away from the sudden touch.

"Relax, it's me Alice." Peter said in a calm tone.

I looked up and met his gaze.

"How are you Pete?" I asked him breathless as I tried to bare the pain that was growing in my chest.

"I'm clearly better than you." Peter said as he kneeled next to me.

I gave a weak chuckle but I ended up coughing.

"What's wrong with Alice?" Nicholas said as he got near us.

"Nastasia shot her with a wooden bullet in the chest." Peter told them.

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