Whatever I

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A/N: the song is Aenema by Tool. Great song, great band.

I hate LA. I hate it so much, and I hate it even more thanks to this asshole named Mark. We had met, started dating, and broken up in about a month's time. Now that's a short relationship. I had heard through the grapevine that Mark's relationships tend to last for at least a year because he's so calm and stable. Well, he must've changed something because it's on him that we broke up. He was sucking faces with some random chick I'd never seen before... I'm hoping against all hope that something really bad happens to him, because we've got some bad blood right now, and I am not interested in working it out. I'm racing through the streets a fast as my car will take me. I should've never come here. Especially for a dude. What a stupid idea. My phone rang for the billionth time. I checked the caller ID even though I was sure I didn't need to. Yep, it was Mark. Another phone call to go with the multitude of butthurt texts. I don't want a meaningless apology because he wants to get his dick wet again. He doesn't need me for that. He has a bunch of sluts ready and willing to go down on him...then come back up...then go down again all day every day. I whipped my car onto the on ramp. If anyone got in my way, someone was gonna end up as a smear on the concrete. It wouldn't be intentional,but still. Fuck it. I just did not care. My phone rang again. I growled and answered it. "What Mark?" I asked. "I-I'm sorry..." he sobbed. "It's not what you think." I laughed. "Classic one liner. Too bad it's a lie." "N-no baby...it's not a lie. Come over, please." "Yeah right, Mark. If you ever wanna see me again, you're gonna have to learn to teleport, because I'm not staying in LA, and I'm sure as hell not telling you where I go to." He was silent. "Baby, please." he said. That voice was so compelling, but my rage was even stronger. "Nope." I said. "(Y/N), come on. Be rational. You haven't even given me a chance to explain my actions." I scoffed. "What do you have to explain? You were making out with another woman. End of discussion." "No, I swear I wasn't." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had caught the two of them red handed, he immediately tore after me trying to talk to me about it. It was a classic case of cheating boyfriend. "I saw it." "What you saw was not what you thought it was." he insisted, sniffling still. "If that's the case, I'll never know. I'm not hanging out with a cheater." I heard his sobbing continue. "Oh stop with the fake crying." I said. "Fake?" he asked. "It's not fake. I have some deep feelings for you (y/n)." "Fuck your feelings." I said, preparing to hang up. "I'll give you some time." he said. "I love you." I laughed. He loves me? Right. I hung up without replying. I maintained a high speed all the way to my exit. I pondered how I was going to fit all of my things in my car to drive to wherever I was gonna live. I drifted into a parking spot outside of my apartment and immediately opened the door. I sat on the couch and immediately felt myself beginning to break. Yeah, I was mad, but who doesn't feel betrayed by someone cheating. I kept my head up and thought about other things. I looked at my meager furniture. It was in good shape. I decided to sell it online. Why not? It couldn't fit in my car. All I knew was that Mark and I were through and I had to get out. It was getting late and I certainly didn't feel like eating, so I threw my bedroom door open. I kicked my shoes off, scuffing the walls with black marks, and launched myself into bed. Jesus, I can really beat things up when I'm mad. I pulled the covers up and tried my best to sleep, but I tossed and turned all over, feeling anxious. "Fucking Mark." I muttered. It was because of him that I felt the way I did.

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